Lecture 39 11/26/24 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of influenza?
-classified into subtypes based on surface antigens
-hemagglutinin has 18 types
-neuraminidase has 11 types
How does HPAI differ from LPAI?
-causes severe disease in poultry
-only subtypes H5 or H7
-interspecies transmission from birds to mammals
-reportable and foreign animal disease
-causes mild disease in poultry
-contains other H subtypes, including non-HPAI H5 and H7
-LPAI H5 and H7 can mutate into HPAI
What are the characteristics of waterfowl as reservoirs?
-natural reservoirs for influenza A
-carry all known H and N antigens, usually in LPAI form
-predominant subtypes change periodically
What are the characteristics of antigenic drift?
-continual process
-point mutations in virus cause small changes
-reason flu vaccines are updated yearly
What are the characteristics of antigenic shift?
-sporadic event
-reassortment of 8 genome segments
-may result in new H or N surface proteins
What are the characteristics of influenza virus emergence in humans?
-avian and swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans
-frequent mutations occur through antigenic drift and shift events
-swine are proposed mixing vessels of influenza viruses
What are the characteristics of avian influenza in people?
-50-60% mortality
-clinical signs include fever, lower resp. disease, and diarrhea
What are the clinical signs of LPAI in birds?
-resp. disease
-decreased egg production
-secondary infections
-variable morbidity and mortality
What are the clinical signs of HPAI in birds?
-sudden death
-variable resp., GI, and neuro signs
-up to 100% mortality
How is avian influenza diagnosed?
-virus isolation
-in vivo determination of pathogenicity
How is avian influenza prevented in people?
-vaccine licensed by FDA but only for use in the event of an H5N1 outbreak
-do not handle birds that could be infected
-wear appropriate PPE
-vaccination in birds
What are the characteristics of canine influenza H3N8?
-horses long considered dead-end hosts
-equine influenza H3N8 first emerged in greyhounds in Florida
-HA of canine influenza virus contains 5 conserved amino acids that distinguishes it from equine influenza
-single trans-species transmission event with subsequent lateral spread between dogs
What are the characteristics of canine influenza H3N2?
-brought in by groups rescuing dogs from South Korea
-has also caused outbreaks in shelter cats
Who must be informed when reportable/foreign animal diseases are discovered?
-state veterinarian
-district veterinarian in charge (federal)
What are the characteristics of hantavirus?
-negative sense ssRNA bunyavirus
-Sin Nombre strain is most common in US
-Sin Nombre causes hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
-other strains can cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
What is the epidemiology of hantavirus in the US?
-case fatality rate of 36%
-most common in males
-average age of 38 years old
-typically occurs in caucasian individuals
-nearly all cases occur west of Mississippi River
-incubation of 1 to 5 weeks after exposure