Lecture 30 10/23/24 Flashcards
What are the purposes of the label control program?
-require informative labeling
-prohibit use of false/misleading labeling
-prevent adulteration of product
-prevent unfair trade practices
What are the essential features of labels?
-product names
-identity of manufacturer
-net weight
-inspection legend
What is important about product name?
each name represents an individual product with a standard of composition
What are the characteristics of standard of composition for bacon?
-the term bacon is used to describe the cured belly of a swine carcass
-“certified” indicates treatment of products for Trichinella spp.
-if meat from other portions of the carcass are used, it must be included in the product name
What are the characteristics of standard of composition for ground beef?
-shall not contain added fat and no more than 30% fat max.
-cheek meat is permitted up to 25% but must be included in ingredients
-if cheek meat is more than 25%, it must be included in the name in the same size font as ground beef
-ground beef must be skeletal muscle, diaphragm, and/or esophagus
-heart and tongue may not be included in ground beef
What are the characteristics of standard of composition for hamburger?
-category of ground beef
-chopped fresh/frozen beef with/without beef fat and/or seasoning
-shall not contain more than 30% fat
-shall not contain added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders
What are the characteristics of standard of composition for cooked/smoked sausages?
-chopped or ground
-cooked or smoked
-added water is limited to 10% of finished product
-meat byproducts may be used if permitted by standard
What is the importance of meat byproducts?
they must be individually declared by species and specific name in the ingredients segment
What are the characteristics of “meat” derived by advanced meat/bone separation and meat recovery systems?
-“meat” obtained in this way may be defined as meat if it is comparable in appearance, texture, and composition to meat trimmings and similar to meat products derived by hand
-machinery cannot grind, crush, or pulverize bones to remove edible meat tissue
-meat cannot contain more than 150 mg of calcium per 100 g of product
What are the characteristics of the ingredients statement?
-required on most products with more than one component
-must list ingredients in descending order of prominence
What must be included as part of the manufacturer identity?
-firm’s name
-address and zip code of manufacturer or distributor
How is net weight displayed for various products?
-if product is less than one pound, net weight is displayed in ounces
-if product is between one and four pounds, net weight is displayed in ounces and pounds with fraction or decimal equivalent
-if product is greater than 4 pounds, net weight is displayed in pounds with a fraction or decimal equivalent
What is the inspection legend?
statement that provides the establishment’s unique number and indicates that the product has been inspected and passed for human food
Which warnings can appear on food?
-keep refrigerated
-keep frozen
-fully cooked
-ready to eat
What are examples of misleading labeling in bacon?
-use of the statement “high protein”
-having red lines in a transparent wrapper; prevents consumer from judging food color