Lecture 22 Part 2 10/15/24 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of a post-mortem inspection?
-process of inspecting parts of animal after slaughter
-takes into account all steps from stunning to chilling
-prevents unwholesome, adulterated, and misbranded items from entering commerce
What does adulterated mean in terms of meat?
-contains poisonous substances, pesticides, or chemicals
-prepared under unsanitary conditions
What does misbranded mean in terms of meat?
applies to any carcass or carcass part, meat, or meat product whose labeling is false or misleading in any way
What does the visual portion of the postmortem exam look for?
What does the olfactory portion of the postmortem exam look for?
-necrotic tissue
-other inedible compounds
What can palpation help to locate on postmortem exam?
-abnormal tissue beneath the surface
-normal-appearing tissues with pathologic changes
Why are incisions made on postmortem exam?
to expose underlying pathologic changes not visible on the surface
What are the considerations taken into account when determining wholesomeness of an animal?
-normal vs. abnormal tissue
-localized vs. generalized disease
-conditions affecting physiologic functions
-conditions injurious to consumer health
What are the considerations taken into account when determining consumer acceptability?
-nutritional value
-aesthetic appearance
How are abnormal tissues handled?
-minor lesions may be trimmed out
-diseased tissue must be discarded
-remaining tissues may be passed
How can localized lesions cause systemic effects?
-parasitism or excessively worn teeth can cause emaciation
-obstructive urolithiasis can cause uremia
-hepatic cirrhosis can cause icterus
Which conditions in animals could be injurious to consumer health?
-infectious/toxic harmful agents
-biological hazards
-chemical hazards
What are the factors that determine the building materials for food-handling facilities?
-imperviousness to chemicals and microorganisms
-resistance to wear and tear and corrosion
-ease of cleaning
What are the overall dispositions of postmortem exams?
-passed: eligible to receive mark of inspection
-retained: retained for veterinary disposition
-condemned: no mark of inspection, does not enter commerce
What are the methods for destroying inedible/condemned products?
-hashing/cutting into small pieces
-de-characterization with dyes
What is offal in different meat industries?
red meat: edible parts of animal besides muscle
poultry: inedible parts of the bird
What are the characteristics of liver?
-commonly processed offal product
-involves removal of gall bladder, hepatic and portal lymph nodes, and excess fat
What are the characteristics of beef and pork hearts?
-ventricle walls are incised and inspected visually on kill floor
-examined by palpation during offal inspection
What are the characteristics of beef and pork tongues?
-tonsillar tissue inspected and removed before offal inspection
-visual observation of ulcers and lacerations
-palpation to detect abnormalities
-tongue worms and abscesses are important to consider