Lecture 21 10/15/24 Flashcards
Which factors lead to the demand for federal meat inspection?
-commercialization of meat products
-loss of troops to food poisoning in the Spanish American War
-Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
-reports of committees on food safety
-export restrictions
Why did foreign countries have export restrictions of U.S. meat products prior to federal inspection?
-poor sanitation
-trichinosis, tuberculosis, and contagious pleuropneumonia found in U.S. livestock
What are the characteristics of the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906?
-goal was uniform safety standards for meat production and distribution throughout the country
-only applied to meat sold across state lines or exported
What are the characteristics of the Poultry Products Inspection Act of 1957?
provided for inspection of poultry destined for interstate/export commerce and poultry from foreign sources
What are the characteristics of the Humane Slaughter Act of 1958?
-handling in connection with slaughter must occur humanely
-animals must be insensible to pain before death
-includes transportation and holding prior to slaughter
-livestock must always have access to water
-livestock must have access to feed if held for over 24 hours
-animals in transit must be rested every 28 hours
-ramps, driveways, and pens should support safe movement and protect against injury
What are the methods of humane slaughter?
-captive bolt
-electrical stunning
-electrical slaughter
-carbon dioxide slaughter
-kosher slaughter
What are the signs of effective stunning?
-animal collapses
-no rhythmic breathing
-fixed, glazed expression in eyes
-no corneal reflex
-relaxed jaw
-tongue hanging out of mouth
What are the visible signs of the tonic phase of stunning?
-animal collapses
-body becomes rigid
-no rhythmic breathing
-head raised
-hind legs flexed into body
What are the visible signs of the clonic phase of stunning?
-involuntary kicking or paddling
What are the visible signs of the recovery phase of stunning?
-resumption of normal, rhythmic breathing
-response to painful stimuli
-visually aware
What is non-penetrating captive bolt?
-blunt trauma with a percussive instrument
-disrupts blood supply and electrical activity to the brain
What is penetrating captive bolt?
-piercing trauma
-projectile goes into brain
What is important to know when using gunshot for slaughter?
most parts of the head are contaminated with bullet fragments and must be condemned
What are the characteristics of electrical stunning?
-disrupts transmission of electrical stimuli to the brain
-leads to blood splashing
What is blood splashing?
disruption of the musculature that leads to hemorrhage; aesthetic issue