Lecture 18 - Female reproduction Flashcards
Primary sex organ and function
gonads (ovaries). production/storage of gametes (oocytes - exocrine) and hormone production (endocrine)
Secondary sex organs
internal genitalia (oviducts, uterus, and vagina) and external genitalia (vestibule, labia minora, labia majora, and clitoris)
carry the oocyte to the uterus.
Epithelium of the ovary and structure of ovary
germinal epithelium (simple cuboidal). Cortex (which contains the ovarian follicles) and the medulla (CT and vasculature)
Primordial follicle
most primitive. flatten layer of follicular cells on inside and stromal cells surrounding. arrested in prophase I.
Stages of follicle
primordial follicle, unilaminar primary follicle, multilaminar primary follicle, secondary/antral follicle, mature/graafian follicle
FSH’s effect on follicles
FSH (from anterior pituitary) causes flattened follicular cells to become granulosa cells (cuboidal).
Unilaminar primary follicle
one layer of granulosa cells. Zona pellucida forming.
Multilaminar primary follicle
multiple granulosa cells. zona pellucida on the inside. Theca interna on the outside.
Theca interna
layer of cells outside the follicle. produce androstenedione (cell has SER, mitochondria with tubular cristae, lipid droplets), which diffuses into the follicle where it is metabolized to estrogen.
Secondary/antral follicle
antral space develops. oocyte will proceed in meiosis to prophase II and be arrested by OMI. Theca externa now develops
Oocyte meiosis inhibitory (OMI) substance
arrests a secondary follicle in prophase II.
Theca externa
outside the theca interna. CT (collagen), fibroblasts, smooth muscle.
Graafian/mature follicle
will ovulate mid cycle. cumulus oophorus develops and corona radiata. upon ovluation, OMI is dispersed and oocyte will progress to metaphase II.
Tunica albuginea
(also seen in male reproduction) CT with fibroblasts.
zona pellucida
CT layer that surrounds the oocyte. Will stay until fertilization.
Corona radiata
layer of tightly packed granulosa cells immediately adjacent to the zona pellucida.
Atretic follicle
oocyte is no longer circular but rather oval shape. oocyte has died off.
where is estrogen produced?
during graafian cell - granulosa cells
corpus luteum - theca interna/theca lutein cells
where is androstenedione produced?
graafian cell - theca interna
corpus luteum - granulosa cells/granulose lutein
What do granulosa cells become in the corpus luteum?
granulose lutein cells and produce progesterone
What does the theca interna become in the corpus leteum?
theca lutein cells and produces estrogen.
Corpus luteum
pleated upon release of fluid. after graafian follicle is ovulated
Corpus albicans
least digestible material of the corpus luteum. Lots of CT and intracelluluar fibrous material (microtubules). This builds up over time.
What brings the ovum in?
fimbriae under influence of estrogen from the theca lutein cells.
dialated area of the fallopian tube/oviduct/uterine tube. Where fertilization occurs.
Where does implantation of a fertilized egg go?
layers of the oviduct
lining of mucosa epithelial cells, muscularis (inner circular longitudinal) and serosa (outer CT layer) which is continuous with the broad ligament.
Two types of cells in the oviduct
secretory cells with microvilli (secreting fluids that provide nutrients to the oocyte) and ciliated cells (estrogen-influence will beat to move the oocyte down towards the uterus)
partial filtrate and secreted proteins help promote survival of the oocyte and sperm.
3 parts of the uterus
fundus (where the oviduct enters), body, and cervix (entrance to the uterus)
3 layers of the uterus
endometrium (inner most shed layer - glandular layer), myometrium (thickest layer and smooth muscle layer), perimetrium (CT layer and connects to the broad ligament)
Arcuate arteries and where they are found
permanent arteries outside endometrium that pass through to the basalis of the endometrium that remains.
2 layers of the endometrium
functionalis (shed and has coiled arteries) and basalis (straight arteries)
Secretory phase of the endometrium
coiled glands. simple columnar ciliated and non-ciliated epithelium.
FSH’s role
produced from anterior pituitary (basophils).
FSH - stimulates follicular growth and synthesis of estrogen by the granulosa cells
Start of menses
FSH and LH are secreted. FSH causes estrogen to be produced.
Surge in estrogen
resulting from granulosa cells, causes a surge in FSH and LH from the pituitary.
LH’s role
LH - induces ovulation via collagenase enzymes and transforms the granulosa layer and the theca interna into corpus luteum.
Estrogen and progestrone of the corpus luteum
promote the endometrium into the secretory phase, where highly coiled tubes and secreting fluids into the uterus.
If not fertilized what happens to the endometrium and when
after about 12 days the endometrium will break down and shed.
What prevents a second ovulation form occurring?
high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Also cervical viscosity increases and ciliary motion of the oviduct is reduced.
If fertilization does occur…
zygote goes to the uterus. hCG produced by the embryo (mimicking LH) will maintain the endometrium in the secretory phase. Development of the placenta (2-3 months) will take over for hCG.
layer of simple columnar which are highly secretory (viscous fluid) that prevents foreign pathogens, virus, and sperm. Aqueous fluid will allow sperm into the uterus.
Types of cell layers in the cervix
simple columnar and transitions to stratified squamous non-keratinized which extends into the vagina.
3 different layers of the vagina
mucosa (stratified squamous non-keratinized and lamina propria), muscularis (smooth muscle layer - circular and longitudinal), and serosa (dense CT and elastic fibers)
Skene’s glands
secretes lubricating fluid. Tubular alveolar with pseudostratified columnar or simple columnar (similar to prostate)
Bartholin’s glands
secrete mucous for lubrication. tubuloalveolar glands lined by simple columnar epithelium (similar to bulbourethral gland)
Clitoris structure
2 corpus cavernosum (vasculature), septum, pacian corpuscles on edge in firbroa CT tissue.
Labia minora
stratified squamous keratinized. Filled with CT and smooth muscle. closer to the vestibule
Labia majora
stratified squamous keratinized with CT and smooth muscle. Contains more sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and hair follicles.
Female Urethra
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Mammary gland
interlobular ducts and lobules and small glandular acini.
proteins secreted into the mammary glands via an apocrine mode of secretion.
perivitelline reaction
hardening of the zona pellucida when the first sperm contacts