Lecture 17- Caffeine Flashcards
What is the most widely consumed psycho-tropic drug in the world?
- Caffeine (>90%)
- Cheap and legal
Caffeine origin
- mild stimulant (but w different mech of action)
- naturally occuring, but synthetic versions in pill form are available
- origin of caffeine use in history not well understood
Caffeine sources
Coffee beans
grown along equator in bean-growing belt
Cacao pod
- Cocoa/chocolate products
- varies between 5 and 60 mg
Kola nuts
cola drinks about 35 mg
around 30 mg but large range (10-90 mg)
headache pills
30-63 mg
stay awake pills
100-200 mg
Caffeine Amounts
- 150-200 mg: strong coffee, espresso
- 54 mg: high caffeine soda like mtn dew
- 38 mg: normal soda, tea (Coke, pepsi)
- <25 mg: chocolate
member of the methylxanthine family
caffeine, theophyline, theobromine
most common caffeine sources
- coffee, tea, soft drinks (followed close by chocolate)
- concentrations of each methylxathine may vary widely
Ubiquitous Use
- “Cradle to Grave”: used non-medically by all ages
Where is the highest consumption rate of caffeine and how does that compare to the US?
- Scandinavian countries have the highest consumption rates at around 414 mg/day
- the US average is 170 mg/day (primarily coffee)
Who consumes the highest dose/weight of caffeine?
- Children (soft drinks)
- 2nd highest dose/weight is in 18 years and older
- use declines in the elderly
Caffeine therapeutic uses: excedrin
- Headache medication (Excedrin)
- Relieves headache
- caffeine withdrawal
- helps analgesics do their work better
Caffeine therapeutic uses: Dristan
- Stimulates breathing
- treatment of apnea (cessation of breathing) in newborn babies
- rapidly absorbed from gut
- crosses BBB
- peaks in 15-45 minutes
- depends on the source at low to moderate levels
- Metabolized via liver and excreted through urine (90%)
- Half-life ranges form 3-7 hours
- factors that influence the rate of metabolism include: liver disease, pregnancy, contraceptive use… increased by smoking…age (due to immature metabolism)
Mechanism of Action
- Caffeine acts as a competitive antagonist at adenosine receptors
- Caffeine blockade of adenosine receptors leads to stimulant-like effects (increases epinephrine secretion and enhances neural activity in many brain regions)
Adenosine receptors info
- inhibitory metabotropic receptors
- found in CNS and PNS
- Activation= sedation, regulation of oxygen to cells, dilation of cerebral and coronary blood vessels, production of asthma