Chapter 21- Alcohol Flashcards
Exam 3
Alcohol has a strong association with what?
- Human society: “fermentation is said to have developed in parallel with civilization”
- Speculation that human alcohol use is linked evolutionarily to a preference for fermenting fruit: presence of ethanol signals fruit is ripe but not yet rotten
Why is there speculation that human alcohol use is linked evolutionarily to a preference for fermenting fruit?
The presence of ethanol signals that fruit is ripe but not yet rotten
When and where did the earliest records of distilled spirits appear?
- In China around 1000 BC
- Alchemists were captivated by the invisible “spirit”
- Remedy for almost all diseases
What is whiskey derived from? What does is mean?
- Whiskey is derived from usquebaugh
- Gaelic for “water of life”
- became a major ingredient of many tonics and elixirs
What is Methyl?
- Wood alcohol
- produced synthetically
- used as antifreeze and fuel
What is ethyl?
- grain alcohol
- produced by fermentation
- C2H5OH
What is isopropyl?
- Rubbing alcohol
- C3H8O
How do you make ethyl alcohol?
- Fermentation: organic material w sugar content. Yeast (from the air) consumes the sugar.
- Distillation: fermented beverage is heated to a vapor, which is then cooled.
Fermentation reaction
1 molecule of sugar consumed –> 2 molecules of alcohol +2 molecules of CO2
What is the purpose of distilling fermented beverages?
It becomes more concentrated
How has consumption changed across history?
- The average American drinker in the 1800s consumed 4-5 drinks per day
- Now, 3-4 standard drinks per week
2022 NSDUH graph
Who consumes the most alcohol in the US?
highest consumption in college age
2022NSDUH graph
What percent of Americans (12 and older) drank in the past month?
2022 NSDUH graph
Which percent of Americans binge drank in the past month?
What is considered binge drinking?
4-5 or more drinks on an occasion
2022 NSDUH graph
What percent of Americans engaged in heavy drinking in the past month? What is considered heavy drinking?
- 5.7%
- Considered 5 or more drinks on an occasion on 5 or more occasions per month
2022 NSDUH graph
What is happening with male and female drinking rates?
- They are converging
- Lifetime drinking in 12+: males-79.7%, females-77.3%
Alc content of beer (% alc and proof)
- 4-6% alcohol
- 8-12 proof
Alc content of wine (% alc and proof)
- 7-15% alc
- 14-30 proof
Alc content of spirits (% alc and proof)
- 40-95% alc
- 80-190 proof
Around how much ethyl alcohol in a serving of alcohol?
.45-.5 ounces per serving
standard drink size: beer or cooler
12 oz
standard drink size: malt liquor
8-9 oz
standard drink size: table wine
5 oz
standard drink size: fortified wine (sherry or port)
3-4 oz
standard drink size> cordial, liquer, or apertif
2-3 oz
standard drink size: brandy or spirits
1.5 oz
What is the economic burden of alcohol (amount of money and why?)
- medical and social impacts
- leads to >$200B per year
How many people die of alcohol use per year?
100,000 deaths/year
How many people meet criteria for alc use disorder?
around 15.1 million (1:20)
Some issues with alc use disorder treatment are…
- diagnosis and treatment often delayed unil disease is advanced
- complicated by social and health issues making it difficult to treat
- Has both genetic and environmental influences
- Stigmas and moral failures impede recognition and treatment of alcohol problems
What is difference about the physiological effects of alcohol from other drugs?
- large amounts are required for physiological effects
- consumption is more like a food than a drug: serving size is about 14g in a typical beer, glass of wine, or shot
- consumed/dosage in gram quantities
What is the most common administration of alcohol?
oral route
- AWOL (alcohol w/out liquid)
- Vaportini
- higher blood alcohol levels
- banned in most states
Powdered alcohol (Palcohol)
- approved in 2016
- banned in 31 states
What kind of molecule is alcohol?
- a simple, small molecule
- soluble in both water and lipids
- Neutral particle that diffuses easily through membranes
What is the process of alcohol absorption in the body?
- rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream
- then to stomach (slower) and small intestine (faster)
- distributes into total body water
How does absorption change when food is in your stomach?
- it will slow down ethanol absorption leading to lower BAL
What influences distribution in men/women?
men have a higher muscle/fat ratio
How is alcohol distributed throughout the body?
- around 90% reaches blood
- then crosses the BBB
What do BAL and BAc measure?
concentration of alcohol in blood
How is BAL expressed?
- Metric measurements and percent
- BAL expressed in mg of alcohol per 100 mL (dL)
- ex. 80g/dL=0.08g/100mL=0.08%
What is the legal limit for BAL?
- 0.08%
- 80mg/dL
- around 17mM
What is the BAc of a standard drink?
around 30mg/dL