Chapter 20-Anxiolytics/sedatives Flashcards
When do peak plasma leves occur?
- after several hours
- exception: diazepam after around 1 hour
- depends on the route of administration (usually taken orally)
What contributes to sedatives long duration?
they are converted into active metabolites
Ultra short-acting usage
- pre-anesthesis
- intra-operatively
- status epilepticus
short acting usage
- insomnia, status epillepticus
- high misuse liability
intermediate acting usage
- anxiety symptoms
- alcohol detoxification
long acting usage
treatment of seizure disorders
Tolerance BZs and barbiturates
- slow- anxiolytic effects
- fast- sedative anticonvulsant effects
- not appear to be associated with metabolism or Pavlovian conditioning
Cross tolerance and BZ/barbiturates
cross tolerance seen to other sedative drugs like alcohol
Misuse- benzos and barbs
- seen in individuals w/ pattern of multiple drug misuse
- BZs used to enhance effects (ex. alc and opiates) or reduce side effects (ex. cocaine)
ER visits and benzos
- mostly seen for nonmedical use
- then self harm
- then therpeutic use
- then unsupervised ingestion
dependence and withdrawal reactions- what do these result from and how long to appear?
- may result from chronic use
- may not appear for a week or so
low/moderate use withdrawal reactions
- anxiety
- agitation
- sensitivity to light and sound
- strange sensations
- muscle cramps and twitches
- sleep disturbances
- dizziness
high use withdrawl reaction
- panic
- seizures
- delirium
issues w bzs and barbs
- amnesia- seen when used for trauma and pre-exam anxiety
- confusion, agitation, and psychological disturbances- common side effects w Triazolam (Halcion)- which is prescribed for insomnia
Reinfocing effects of BZs
- BZs have reinforcing effects primarily in subjects with drug/alcohol misuse, anxiety, and sleep disorders
- BZs will not typically act as a reinforcer in subjects that lack these characteristics
Atypical Anxiolytics
includes buspirone, MAOIs, and SSRIs
- not a BZ- acts on serotonin system
- is an atypical anxiolytic
- originally intended as an antipsychotic
- takes 1-2 weeks before onset
- critical for people needing daytime alertness
- a frequent complaint: usually a manifestation of some other underlying disorder
- treating cause is more likely to produce better relief
- normal sleep is cyclic between light, deep, and REM (dreaming)
Flurazepam (Dalmane)
- insomnia treatment
- less ideal
- raise arousal threshold… can detect small noises but not loud
- disrupts deep sleep states
Short acting insomnia med
- temazepam, triazolam (halcion)
- induces insomnia (increased wakefulness) during final sleep hours
- can cause rebound insomnia
- used as insomnia treatment
another insomnia med