Lecture 17 Flashcards
3 basic steps of respiration
- Pulmonary ventilation
- External ventilation
- Internal ventilation
What is pulmonary ventilation/breathing (inhalation/exhalation)
Exchange of air bet atmosphere and alveoli of lungs
What is external (pulmonary) respiratory
Exchange of gases between air in alveoli and blood in capillaries across respiratory membrane
What is internal (tissue) respiration
Exchange of gases between blood in systemic capillaries and tissue cells
How does flow of air between atmosphere and lungs occur
Difference in air pressure (high to low)
When diaphragm is relaxed, what is the diff between alveolar air pressure and atm pressure
0, both at 760mmHg
During inhalation, pressure in lung decr or incr
Decrease (more space, same amount of gas)
Bc during inhalation pressure lowers in lungs, air moves
Into lungs
When diaphragm contracts (inhalation), alveolar pressure drops to
757 mmHg
Body parts during inhalation
Thoracic cavity expands, external intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract
Why does contraction of diaphragm increases thoracic cavity
Bc it flattens and lowers the dome -> more space for lungs
When intercostal muscles contract,
Elevates ribs
Why is inhalation said to be an active process
Bc involves muscular contraction
Why is exhalation not a passive process
Bc no muscular contraction
What results from elastic recoil of chest wall and lungs
Body mvmt during exhalation
External IM relax, diaphragm relaxes, ribs are depressed
When exhalation decreases thoracic cavity, pressure in lungs increases to
763 mmHg
During exhalation, atm 760 and lungs 763 so air
Flows out
Ventilation steps
- Respiratory center in brain stimulates phrenic and intercostal nerves
- Nerves send impulses to resp muscles
- IM and D contract
- Thoracic cav V incr
- Lungs expand so intrapleural and intrapulmonary P decreases
- Air sucked in lungs (inhale)
- Muscles relax, air out of lungs (exhale)
Negative pressure and positive pressure mean
Negative: lower than atm P
Positive: higher than atm P
Atm pressure at sea level (normal atm P)
760 mmHg
Intrapulmonary/intra alveolar P is
P of air within alveoli (equalizes atm bet breaths but doesn’t stay there)
Intrapleural P
P within pleural cav, changes at diff phases of breathing, ALWAYS 4 mmHg LESS than intrapulmonary P
If intrapleural P wasn’t negative to lungs, they would
Collapse bc air would flow to low P
At rest, three P are at
Atm: 760
Intra alveolar: 760
Intrapleural: 756
Lungs tend to get pulled inward bc of the
Recoil of elastic tissue in them
As lungs move away from thoracic wall, cav gets larger so
Negative P in cav suctions lungs to stay inflated and not collapse
What is trans pulmonary P
P difference between inside of lungs (intra alveolar) and outside of lungs (intrapleural)
Trans pulmonary P needs to stay how to keep lungs inflated
Positive (lungs - cav, 760 - 756)
Ventilation depends on 3 types of P:
3 types of P when inhaling
Atm: 760
Intra alveolar: 758
Intrapleural: 754
3 types of P when exhalation
Atm: 760
Intra alveolar: 762
Intrapleural: 758
Tidal volume
Amount of air moving in/out of lungs each breaths (500ml)
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
Amount of air that can be forcibly inspired beyond tidal volume (2100-3000ml)
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
Amount of air can be forcibly expelled after normal TV inhalation (1000-1200ml)
Residual volume (RV)
Amount of air remaining in lungs even after max exhalation (after max, still 1200 ml left to help prevent collapse of alveoli)
Vital capacity
Total amount of exchangeable air
(IRV + TV + ERV)
Total lung capacity
Sum all lung volume
(IRV + ERV + TV + RV)
Apparatus used to measure air exchange volume when breathing is
Airway resistance
Resistance of respiratory tract to airflow during inhalation and exhaustion
Airway resistance is mainly related to
Diameter of airways
When airway resistance rises
Breathing mvmts become more strenuous
Alveolar surface tension
Amount of H bonds in liquid coating alveoli
Water mainly coats alveoli walls so without surfactant, which breaks H bonds,
Alveoli would collapse (surfactant reduces surface tension)
What is lung compliance
Ability to expand lungs
Factors affecting lung compliance
Surface tension and elasticity from elastin in connective tissue, smoking, emphysema, obesity and pregnancy (reduce volume of chest)
Scar tissue caused by infections or low surfactant production decreases lung compliance bc
Elastin fibres in lungs are replaced by collagen which is less elastic
Major determinants of airway resistance
Radii of airways
Airway resistance determines
How much air flows in lungs at any P diff bet atm and alveoli
Lung compliance is determined by
Elastic connective tissues of lungs and surface tension of fluid lining alveoli
Factors that can affect ventilation
Airway resistance, lung compliance, alveolar surface tension and scar tissue
Walls of airways, especially ___ offer some resistance to airflow
Chronic, bronchial tubes inflame and narrow -> hard to breathe
Asthma is caused by
Genetic and eviro factors
Asthma symptoms
Wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, SOB
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Group of diseases that cause airflow blockage
Chronic bronchitis (COPD disease)
Irritates bronchial tubes -> swell and mucus builds up -> cilia damaged by disease so can’t help clear mucus
Result of emphysema
Reduced surface for gas exchange or o2/co2 bet inhaled air and blood traversing lungs
Emphysema characterized by
Destruction of gas exchanging tissue -> large air space bc loss of alveolar walls are destruction of capillaries
Emphysema (COPD) most commonly caused by
Cystic fibrosis (genetic disease)
Buildup of thicker and stickier mucus -> bacteria gets more frequently stuck so frequent infections
Average lifespan for cystic fibrosis
37 yo, death generally from heart failure bc massive chronic bacterial infection to lung
Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
Air enters pleural cav-> pressure not - to intrapulmonary, so lung collapses
(Getting air out of pleural cav can reinflate lung)
Collapsed of one/more parts of lung specifically alveoli sacs -> alveoli can’t fill o2 so this lung area doesn’t function
Compressive atelectasis
Something (fluid/air/blood/tumor) around lung pushes it -> collapses
Obstructive atelectasis
No new air can move in alveoli (airflow obstruction)
Contraction atelectasis
Lung scarring