Lecture 15- Food inspection Flashcards
Why do we perform meat inspections
Protect public health, eliminate diseased meat, create consumer confidence, prevent sale of unacceptable meat, prevent misinterpretation of products, surveillance for animal health problems, improved access to international export markets
What is the federal meat inspection act (FMIA)
1906- act that prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and derived products and ensures that livestock were slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions
Poultry products inspection act (PPIA)
Requires inspection of poultry and products
Egg products inspection act
Ensures that eggs and egg products are wholesome and not adulterated and properly labeled and packaged
What is the role of veterinary services in USDA-FSIS in meat safety
Management- policy development, risk assessment, standard setting, auditing
On farm food safety programs
Meat inspection programs, certification of animal products for international trade
What establishments can product products for interstate commerce and export to foreign countries
Federally inspected
Who needs to be present for slaughter operations
FSIS inspection personnel
What are the responsibilities of USDA FSIS public health veterinarians
Conduct antemortem and postmortem inspection of meat and poultry, conduct foreign animal disease surveillance, supervise and assist food inspectors, conduct inspection of egg products, enforce federal meat and poultry inspection procedures, including animal welfare laws
What is the inspection of livestock procedure
Observe animals at rest, observe animals in motion from one or both sides, determine if animal is normal or abnormal
What are some problems noted at antemortem inspection for animals at rest
Fractures and downer animals, labored breathing, excessive excitability, severe depression, tumors, lumps, cancer eye, injection site reactions, actinomycosis
What are some problems noted in antemortem inspection of animals in motion
Lameness, non-ambulatory, ataxia/incoordination, circling
What does disposition mean
Refers to ultimate handling of carcass or its parts according to current regulations
What does it mean to be passed for slaughter
Determined to be fit for human food
What does it mean to be suspect animal
Animal suspected of having disease or conditions that would make it unfit for food, detailed postmortem inspection needed
What does it mean to be a condemned animal
Clearly exhibit diseases that make them unfit for human food. Must be destroyed
What are the 4 D’s and other conditions that result in condemnation
Dead, dying, diseased, disabled
Systemic infections, systemic metabolic conditions
What is the humane methods of slaughter act
Requires humane treatment and handling of food animals at the slaughter plant while also providing a quick and effective death
Who enforces the humane methods of slaughter act