Kevin's Cards about Grammar 2 Flashcards
The past simple and past participle of let
Past: let
Participle: let
The past simple and past participle of lie
Past: lay
Participle: lain
The past simple and past participle of light
Past: lit
Participle: lit
The past simple and past participle of lose
Past: lost
Participle: lost
The past simple and past participle of make
Past: made
Participle: made
The past simple and past participle of mean
Past: meant
Participle: meant
The past simple and past participle of meet
Past: met
Participle: met
The past simple and past participle of pay
Past: paid
Participle; paid
The past simple and past participle of put
Past: put
Participle: put
The past simple and past participle of read
Past: Read (Red)
Participle: Read (Red)
The past simple and past participle of ride
Past: rode
Participle: ridden
The past simple and past participle of ring
Past: rang
Participle: rung
The past simple and past participle of rise
Past: rose
Participle: risen
The past simple and past participle of run
Past: ran
Participle: run
The past simple and past participle of say
Past: said
Participle: said
The past simple and past participle of see
Past: saw
Participle: seen
The past simple and past participle of sell
Past: sold
Participle: sold
The past simple and past participle of send
Past: sent
Participle: sent
The past simple and past participle of shine
Past: Shone
Participle: Shone
The past simple and past participle of shoot
Past: shot
Participle: shot
The past simple and past participle of show
Past: showed
Participle: shown
The past simple and past participle of shut
Past: shut
Participle: shut
The past simple and past participle of sing
Past: sang
Participle: sung
The past simple and past participle of sit
Past: sat
Participle: sat
The past simple and past participle of sleep
Past: slept
Participle: slept
The past simple and past participle of speak
Past: spoke
Participle: spoken
The past simple and past participle of spend
Past: spent
Participle: spent
The past simple and past participle of stand
Past: stood
Participle: stood
The past simple and past participle of steal
Past: stole
Participle: stolen
The past simple and past participle of swim
Past: swam
Participle: swum
The past simple and past participle of take
Past: took
Participle: taken
The past simple and past participle of teach
Past: taught
Participle: taught
The past simple and past participle of tear
Past: tore
Participle: torn
The past simple and past participle of tell
Past: told
Participle: told
The past simple and past participle of think
Past: thought
Participle: thought
The past simple and past participle of throw
Past: threw
Participle: thrown
The past simple and past participle of understand
Past: understood
Participle: understood
The past simple and past participle of wake
Past: woke
Participle: woken
The past simple and past participle of wear
Past: wore
Participle: worn
The past simple and past participle of win
Past: won
Participle: won
The past simple and past participle of write
Past: wrote
Participle: written