Kevin's Cards about Chemistry Definitions Flashcards
What is Chemistry
The study of the stuff the world is made of from the physical and chemical properties of matter and how it behaves in chemical reactions.
Who was Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
A chemist
What were some of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier discovers
He realized air was made of several parts and that a very important part of it is released by plants and is also combined with hydrogen to make water.
What did Antoine Laurent Lavoisier call the substance plants gave off
What was one of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier laws
What goes in ( the reactants ) always weighs the same of what comes out (the product )
How did Antoine Laurent Lavoisier die
He was beheaded during the French Revolution because people didn’t like his teachings
What does Alkali mean
A chemical base that dissolves water
Amorphous meaning
A solid without order to its internal structure
Base Metals definition
The most highly reactive metal in the reactive series
Bond definition
The links between atoms formed by the interaction of their outer electrons. There are three types of bonds: ionic, covalent, and metallic
Burette Definition
An instrument used during titrations to determine concentration. It is a vertical glass tube with a volumetric scale and a tap on the bottom.
Caustic Definition
A substance that burns skin
Centrifuge Definition
A machine that uses rapid rotation to separate substances of different shapes and densities
Concentration definition
The number of particles of a chemical in a certain volume; given as moles per meter cubed
Covalent Bond Definition
A chemical bond in which two or more atoms share electrons
Crystal Structure Definition
A solid with an ordered internal structure
Diffusion Definition
The process by which particles spread through a solid, liquid, or gas. In a gas, diffusion is helped by Brownian Motion
Dissolve Definition
When a solid mixes completely with a liquid forming a solution.
Electron Definition
A negatively charged subatomic particle, found orbiting the nucleus of an atom
Electron Shell Definition
Electrons slot into certain fixed energy levels around an atom, called shells. Only electrons in the outer shells interact with other atoms or ions.
Endothermic Definition
Describes a chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy
Exothermic Definition
Describes a chemical reaction that gives out heat energy
Internal Energy Definition
The movement of atoms or molecules in a substance. Internal energy can be increased by heat or excitation with electromagnetic waves ( e.g. microwaves )
Ionic Bond Definition
A chemical bond between ions, held together by the electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions
Neutron Definition
A subatomic particle with no charge, found in the nucleus of an atom. It’s the heaviest part of the atom.
Noble Metals Definition
The most unreactive metals in the reactivity series
Nucleus Definition
The center of an atom, containing protons and neutrons, in all elements except hydrogen
Oxidation Definition
A type of chemical reaction in which a substance loses electrons
Oxide Definition
A compound containing oxygen, formed in an oxidation reaction. Metal oxides are often rust or tarnishes on the surface of metals
Photosynthesis Definition
A chemical reaction that takes place in plants: sunlight and carbon dioxide are converted into sugar and oxygen.
Polar Definition
Describes a covalent molecule with positive and negative ends.
Proton Definition
A positively charged subatomic particle, found in the nucleus of an atom. The number of protons an atom has is also the atomic number.
Radioscope Definition
An unstable isotope, which is radioactive.
Reduction Definition
A type of chemical reaction in which a substances gains electrons.
Salt Definition
An ionic compound that dissolves to release positive and negative ions. When an acid reacts with a base, it produces salt and water.
Solution Definition
A liquid mixture of two or more substances
Solvent Definition
A liquid that dissolves another substance
State of Matter Definition
The state in which a substance is found at a particular temperature and pressure. There are three broad states of matter: solid, gas, and liquids.
Surface Tension
A force between the molecules in a liquid that pulls them together-it allows bugs to walk on water without breaking the surface!
Synthesis Definition
A series of chemical reactions that result in a predetermined product. This process is used to produce chemicals industrially.
Vacuum Definition
A space of empty of matter, found inside thermometers and in outer space.
Volatile Definition
Describes a substance that reacts chemically with other substances.