Kevin's Cards about European Exploration in Texas Flashcards
What dangers did the Explorers face
Travel was dangerous on ships, which could become shipwrecked. Also, because of close quarters, sailors might become ill and spread disease. Upon arrival, explorers faced hostile natives, possible warfare, saturation, and sickness
Why were the explorers willing to face dangers
While individual motivations are varied, most were trying to spread the word of God, get rich through gold, silver, jewels, and spices, or to help Spain gain power
What are the 3 Gs
God, Gold, and Glory
What do the 3 Gs resemble
The reasons that explorers wanted to travel to the New World
Who was the first known European to land on the shores of the Americas
Christopher Columbus
When did Christopher Columbus’ ships land in the Americas
In 1492
What is the 1st G in the 3 Gs
In the 15th century most Europeans were what type of Christian
Roman Catholic
What did Gold refer to in the 3 Gs
Riches and Wealth of any kind
What did the explorers believe they could through riches in The New World
The explorers believed they could find better trade routes, or paths on land or at sea that could be used on a regular basis for trade and the transportation of goods. This also meant greater riches.
What is the 2nd G in the 3 Gs
What is the 3rd G in the 3 Gs
Did every explorer think all the 3 Gs were equally significant
Not every explorer or soldier felt that all these motivators were equally important
What were the people from North Africa that were conquering southern Spain called
When did the Moors start conquering Southern Spain
In the early 700s
What did the Moors bring to Southern Spain
Wealth and they introduced Islam
Who rode out the more from the Southern Spain
The Roman Christian leaders of the North
The victory of ruling out the Moors made Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand think of what
It made them look further for more land and wealth and for Christianity to spread
Who was Spain’s rival
Where did Columbus first land
On a Caribbean Island
When Columbus landed in the Caribbean this was the first what
First encounter that the Europeans had with the Americans
When Columbus landed in the Caribbean where did he think he was
He thought he has in India
Indigenous Definition
Native People
What did Columbus call the indigenous people on the Caribbean islands
Reconquista Definition
The time period in which the Spanish battled to regain control over the Iberian Peninsula (800 years)
Conquistadors Definition
The leader of the soldiers sailing t the Americans
Who was Heran Cortes
A conquistador that followed Columbus and in 1519 landed in Modern day Mexico
What did the Aztecs call themselves
They called themselves the Mexica
Where does the modern name of Mexico come from
From the name Mexica which the Aztecs called themselves
What was Heran Cortes’ behavior
He was a bold and ruthless man
Tribute meaning
Enforced payment of food and their valuables in exchange for peace
Aztecs often did what during religious ceremonies
Human Sacrifices
Did the peoples like the Aztec’s ways
No and some even joined Heran Cortez in in defeating them
What is the capital of Aztec
Why did the emperor Moctezuma II delay attacking Heran Cortes
He fit the description of an Aztec god
Where did the Spanish build Mexico City
On the ruin of Tenochtitlan
Viceroyalty Definition
A land that is ruled by an official chosen by a monarch
Which conquistador led the conquest of South America
Francisco Pizarro
During the conquest of South America led by Francisco Pizarro which empire did they defeat
The wealthy Inca Empire in 1532
What were some of the hardships Cabeza de Vaca and his crew faced when Spanish sips left them and returned to Spain
Some of the hardships included disease, starvation, and attacks from American Indians
What types of obstacles did the early Spanish explorers experience in their attempts to find new land
They ran into bad weather, some which caused their ships to be wrecked. Some were faced with sickness, while some had unfriendly encounter with American Indians
Why did the Spanish colonists stay away from western Texas
They heard the Indians were unfriendly and they thought there wasn’t a lot of resources nor riches
What impact did the introduction of horses have on American Indians in Texas
The American Indians used horses to move from place to place, making their journeys easier and faster
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca was one of the first Europeans to visit where
Where did the first European explorers come from
Who was Europe’s most powerful country in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Cartographer Definition
Someone who makes maps
In 1519, the Spanish governor of Jamaica wanted to find what
A sea passage to Asia to increase trade
Who did the Jamaican governor ask to find a sea passage to Asia
Alonso Álvarez de Pineda
What did Álvarez de Pineda do
He was a Sailor and a cartographer
Did Álvarez de Pineda and his men ever find the sea passage to Asia
What did Álvarez de Pineda find during his trip to try to find the sea passage to Asia
They observed and mapped the shores of the North American southeast and the Mississippi River
Álvarez de Pineda was the first European explorer to do what
To create a map of Texas
In 1519 the governor of Cuba hired who to explore Mexico
In 1519 the governor of Cuba put Hernán Cortés in charge of exploring Mexico but then changed his mind. Cortés left anyway for Mexico, so the governor hired another explorer, Pánfilo de Narváez, to find and arrest Cortés. Narváez found Cortés, but lost his eye in the battle that followed. Narváez was defeated by Cortés and put in prison. After his release, Narváez returned to Spain. Then in 1527, he was sent to set up a colony in Florida. At the time, Florida included all of the land from modern-day Florida to Mexico, including Texas. Narváez’s expedition did not go well. The ships became lost at sea several times because of bad weather. In the end, Narváez’s ship crashed during a storm. He and his crew were killed.
Which Indians welcomed Cabeza da Vaca and his men
The Karankawa
What was the book Cabeza de Vaca wrote about Texas called
La Relación, which is translated as The Report
What was Spain’s influence
What prevented the Spanish from colonizing Texas
The threat of American Indians and remote location since it was so far away from Spain
What was Cabeza de Vaca to the Karankawas at first
A slave