Kevin's Cards about Geography Flashcards
a narrow strip of land with water on two sides that connects 2 larger land masses
a chain of islands
movement from one country or place to another
way of life of a group of people who share common beliefs and customs
Cultural Diffusion
process of spreading new knowledge or skills to other cultures
the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at needed intervals. Irrigation helps grow agricultural crops
Transportation Corridor
a physical feature that allows trade to take place. Ex: Rivers and Oceans
Transportation Barrier
a physical feature that blocks the ability to trade. Ex: Mountains
a narrow stream that connects 2 larger bodies of water
Thematic Map
has a theme that shows data
Physical Maps
shows the Earth’s natural features
Political Maps
shows boundaries
Few people live here due to extreme cold
Middle ( Temperate )
favorable climate, where MOST people live
Low ( Tropics )
Always warm and hot and has a rainy season
Cardinal Directions
North, South, East, and West
Intermediate Directions
Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest
Half of the Globe
A society made up of several different diverse cultures
Human Geography
Human made like parks
Physical Environmental Processes
The processes, actions, operations, and cycles that occur naturally in the environment without the aid of man.