Kevin's Cards about Animals Flashcards
Chordate Definition
Animals with backbones; also called vertebrates
Endoskeleton Definition
An internal skeleton
Endotherm Definition
An animal whose body temperature is regulated by the internal heat the animal produces.
Invertebrate Definition
Animals that do not have a backbone
Notochord Definition
A rod of stiffened tissue that can develop into vertebrae as the animal grows
Phyla Definition
Major subgroups of a kingdom
Vertebrate Definition
An animal with a backbone; also called a chordate
Ectotherm Definition
An animal whose body temperature changes with its environment
What are the 6 kingdoms
Animalia, Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi, Plantae, and Protista
What are the Phylum of the kingdom Animalia
- Annelida
- Arthropoda
- Chordata
- Cnidaria
- Echinodermata
- Mollusca
- Nematoda
- Onychophora
- Platyhelminthes
- Porifera
- Rotifera
What are the Phylum of the kingdom Fungi
- Ascomycota
- Basidiomycota
- Chytridiomycota
- Zygomycota
What are the Phylum of the kingdom Plantae
- Angiospermae
- Ginkgophyta
- Pinophyta
- Pteridophyta
What traits do the members of the Phylum Arthropoda share
The body is completely covered by an external skeleton that molts, or sheds, as the animal grows. The body is divided into segments, which are specialized into different roles.
What is apart of the Phylum Chordata
- Amphibia
- Leptocardii
- Myxinoidea
- Petromyzontiformes
- Ascidiacea
- Aves
- Chondrichthyes
- Chondrostei
- Cladistia
- Halecomorphi
- Mammalia
- Reptilia
- Sarcopterygii
- Sphenodontia
- Squamata
- Teleostei
What traits do the members of the Phylum Chordata share
They have internal skeletons. They have a spinal cord or spinal-cord-like structure.
What is apart of the Cnidaria
What traits do the members of the Phylum Cnidaria share
All members of the phylum have radial, or circular, symmetry. All members of the phylum live in water. Some members of the phylum are free-floating, while others are fixed to a surface.
What is the smallest subdivision in the Linnaean classification scheme.
What are cell walls of fungi made up of
What are cell walls of Plantae made up of
What 5 groups are vertebrates divided into
Vertebrates are divided into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
What are the largest group of vertebrates
Which groups of vertebrates are ectotherms
Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles
Which group of vertebrates are endotherms
Birds and Mammals
In the 18th century, why did sponges and corals confuse scientists
Scientists were confused by sponges and corals because they did not seem to move, but obtained their food by filtering tiny organisms floating in the water
What are the 3 groups fish are divided in
Jawless, Cartilaginous, and Bony fish
What is the substance that animals make that no other organisms can
Only organisms in the animal kingdom contain collagen.
Collagen Definition
The basic building block of all bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin
What are the 7 processes of all animals that make them unique
1) Movement and support
2) Nervous systems and sense
3) Respiration
4) Circulation
5) Digestion
6) Reproduction
7) Growth and life cycles
What percentage of animals are invertebrates
Which eight groups are invertebrates divided in
Sponges, cnidarians, flatworms, segmented worms, mollusks, roundworms, arthropods, and echinoderms
What are sponges
They are the simplest animals
Cnidarians Characteristics
They have sting cells that they use to catch prey
Flatworms Characteristics
Worms with long, flat bodies and bilateral symmetry. Most are parasites
Roundworms Characteristics
Worms with round bodies
Mollusks Characteristics
Soft-bodied invertebrates, often with a protective shell, that have a muscular foot that allows them to move around and anchor themselves
Annelids ( Segmented Worms) Characteristics
Segmented Worms, such as earthworms and leeches
Arthropods Characteristics
They have jointed body parts, such as claws, legs, and antenna; bilateral symmetry; and segmented bodies.
Echinoderms Characteristics
Have spiny skin, water filled veins, an internal skeleton, and tube feet. They have radial symmetry
What is the largest group of invertebrates
Arthropods Definition
A bilaterally symmetrical invertebrate with an exoskeleton, segmented body, and jointed appendages
Asymmetry Definition
A body plan that lacks symmetry
Bilateral Symmetry Definition
A body plan in which the body has a distinct head end and halves that are mirror images of each other
Cnidarian Definition
A radially symmetrical invertebrate that uses stinging cells to capture prey and defend itself
Echinoderm Definition
A radially symmetrical invertebrate with spiny skin, an internal skeleton, and a system of water-filled veins
Mollusk Definition
A bilaterally symmetrical, soft-bodied invertebrate, often with a protective shell, that has a muscular foot that allows it to move around or anchor itself
Radial Symmetry Definition
A body plan in which the body parts are arranged symmetrically around a central point, meaning that it looks the same no matter how you turn it around the central point
Body symmetry helps scientists order what
What are invertebrates
Animals without backbones
What affects the way an animal functions
The Body Symmetry
Animals with radial symmetry can do what
Animals with radial symmetry can take in information from any direction
Animals with bilateral symmetry have what
Animals with bilateral symmetry generally have sense organs, such as eyes, noses, and ears, concentrated at the head end. The head end of these animals also tends to contain a concentration of nervous tissue, which comprises a brain.
How does radial symmetry help cnidarians survive
Helps them find food in every direction
Which phylum contains soft-bodied, aquatic, radially-symmetrical animals with stinging tentacles
Which phylum contains the largest group of invertebrates, all which have segmented bodies, tough exoskeletons, and bilateral symmetry
Which phylum includes the sea star and other aquatic animals that have a spiny skin, radial symmetry, water-filled veins, and suction cup like feet
What phylum includes soft-bodied animals with radial symmetry that have an internal or external shell
How many meters long is an adult giant squid
An adult giant squid can reach up to 13 meters or 43 feet long
What is special about the giant squid’s eyes
The squid’s eyes are the largest in the animal kingdom
What is the giant squid’s only known predator
The Sperm Whale
How does the giant squid hide from its predator
To hide from sperm whales, the giant squid can change its color to blend in with its environment