Kevin's Cards about Europe Flashcards
art of designing and constructing buildings
an example of architecture that reflects Christian religion as an aspect of culture
Europe Religion
Europe is predominantly Christian with the North being predominantly protestant, the South being Roman Catholic and the East being Orthodox. Christianity spread throughout the middle ages
accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion or referring to the Orthodox Church or supporting/believing what most people think is true
Latitude is a contributing factor in Europe. The climate is impacted the further North you travel
The best location for trade is near the Coastal Regions/Nearness to water
Europe Size
Europe is SMALLER than North America, South America, and Africa
It is very cold and can’t support much agriculture Norway/Sweden/Finland
Urban Centers
a large and densely populated urban area
Birth Place of Democracy
Athens, Greece
It is a peninsula ( revered to as the Italian Peninsula)
Sacred buildings stand the test of time and are also preserved along with the history of statues. ( Pope is leader)
Industrial Revolution
Europe’s began in the 1700’s. During this time people were using machines and creating new ways to increase the amount of work that could be done in a shorter period of time and brought lots of economic growth and made citizens more self sufficient
A flexible woven material referred to as yarn or thread
Changing of an economy to increase productivity
Steam Power
invented to power textile mill, river boats, and trains
Steam Engine
Inventor: James Watt
Description: Produced power from steam, Factories NO longer needed to be by streams which resulted to MORE Factories BETTER ships and trains
Bessemer Process
Inventor: Henry Bessemer
Description: A process used to produce STEEL from iron by blasts of air
Inventor: Samuel Morse
Description: Allows people to communicate long distances
Cotton Gin
Inventor: Eli Whitney
Description: Took seeds out of cotton allows one worker to clean as much as 50 workers by hand
Interchangeable Parts
Inventor: Eli Whitney
Description: Having the same parts in machines made production & repair Faster & Cheaper!!!!
Automobile (Assembly Line)
Inventor: Henry Ford
Description: Builds cars by using an Assembly Line which makes cars more affordable
Factory System
Use of machines, unskilled workers, standardization, and interchangeable parts
Child Labor
was huge and they worked though tough conditions because they were younger and stronger.(No law prohibited this)
Europe’s common currency. Can raise taxes without hurting citizens
2 countries remained economically after WWII and forced Germany to change from dictatorship to a democracy with the help of the U.S the help rebuild Europe.
Spain & Latin
Spain had a great influence on Latin America
Standard of living
The levels of necessities and comforts of daily life available to people
Sweat Shop
A place where people work long hours in bad conditions for low wages
Large groups that organized workers so they could fight for change by protesting
An event when Unions stop work to protest
Division of Labor
A systems where specific tasks are assigned to different people
Industrial Revolution stared in
American Revolution started during
Europe’s Industrial Revolution