Intro to EPN Flashcards
What is E-0?
Scram Entry Procedure
What are ERPs?
Emergency Recovery Procedures. LOCA/LOFA/Loss of Power/Loss of DCS
What are FRPs?
Function Restoration Procedures, Response to barrier degradation
What are ECAPs?
Emergency Contingency Action Procedures. Loss of commercial and diesel power
What is CSFST?
Critical Safety Function Status Tree. Barrier status
What are E-0 entry conditions?
Any scram.
Loss of com, diesel, or com/diesel power in outage
Complete loss of primary flow in outage
Uncontrolled loss of primary coolant in outage
Any time pzr and gs pump shutoff ESF actuation has actuated or 2 or more high-high inlet pressure alarms received during outage
At discretion of CRS/SS
What are the barriers?
Fuel clad
What are the critical safety functions?
Core Cooling
Describe subcriticality safety function
Removes energy input to fuel clad and PCS
Describe core cooling safety function
Ensure PCS temp <240F safety limit and adequate decay heat removal
Describe the critical safety function path colors
RED - extreme challenge
ORANGE - challenge
YELLOW - safety function not satisfied
GREEN - safety function satisfied
What is subcriticality red path?
Power >NL - go to FRP-S.1
What is subcriticality orange path?
Period not negative or infinite -go to FRP-S.1
What is subcriticality yellow path?
LCRM not placed in operate or indicating offscale + period not as expected for shutdown - Go to FRP-S.2
LCRM not placed in operate or indicating offscale + countrate not ramping down as expected or stable - Go to FRP-S.2
What is core cooling red path?
FIS vessel pressure PI-534x not greater than 30 psia - go to FRP-C.1
Vessel level LI-535x not greater than 6’6” (88’6”) - go to FRP-C.1
Emergency flow less than 3800 GPM and vessel dp <15 psid - go to FRP-C.2
PPS outlet temp >180F - Go to FRP-C.3
What is core cooling yellow path?
secondary flow DPT-2-13 <1.2 psid and ucw flow FIC-2-4 <1500 PGM - go to FRP-C.3
What is confinement red path?
RMS-1 setpoint exceed 2/3 stack rad monitors >45 mr/hr and isol has not been verified - go to FRP-Z.1
What is confinement yellow path?
isolation not verified - go to FRP-Z.1
How many passes through CSFSTs are required prior to transfer to 10/20 minute intervals?
Three passes required