Effluent Waste Systems Flashcards
What four systems comprise effluent waste?
Cold Waste
Warm Waste
Hot Waste
Sanitary Waste
What are the sources of Gaseous Waste in ATR?
Fission product leakage from fuel
Fission product leakage from experiments
Rad gas from activation of Ar-40
Particulate material from:
1. Degas Tk
2. Loop pzr vent
3. Valve packing
Where does most of the rad gas exhausted from the ATR stack come from?
Degas Tank
What is the purpose of the H&V System?
Control air movement in, through, and out of the plant to minimize the dispersal of airborne contamination between sectionalized work areas within the facility.
How tall is the ATR exhaust stack?
250 feet.
Which systems supply air to ATR?
HVS-1 - South confinement (reactor main floor, 1st and 2nd basements)
HVS-2 - ATR Reactor and Office areas
HVS-3 - Canal and laydown areas
HVS-4 - ATR Office areas and restrooms
HVS-5 - Diesel room and north confinement (HDW and switchgear)
What are the 5 ATR Stack Monitoring Systems?
SPING - monitors Particulate/Iodine/Noble Gas
PPS Stack Monitoring Sys - 3 GM Instruments. 2/3 channels will initiate RMS-1 to seal confinement.
GM-34 (stack breach) or GM-35 (ATR H&V Plenum) - Initiate plant evac system alarms in RCR.
Real time monitor - Samples air going to Stack and provides isotopic analysis of effluent.
RML - Manual sampling.
Where is the ATR APANTEC SPING unit located?
West 2nd Basement
What is the SPING power supply?
Utility UPS
What are the ATR Evacuation systems?
A and B
What activates ATR Evac System A?
RAM-34 (stack breach) or 2/3 RAM-5,6, or 23
What activates ATR Evac System B?
RAM-35 (Exhaust Plenum) or 2/3 RAM-2,13, or 24
What are RAM-34/35 setpoints?
45 mR/hr
What are RAM-2,5,6,13,23,24 setpoints?
1 R/hr
What is required upon receipt of a valid evacuation alarm?
Manual Scram
What equipment changes position on receipt of a RMS-1 shutdown?
Shutdown of ATR H&V systems
Closing of primary and backup containment dampers
What is the hi-hi level trip sepoint for RMS-1?
45 mR/hr
What is required on a valid RMS-1 signal?
Manual Rx Scram
What is the purpose of the Digital Radiation Monitor System (DRMS)?
To detect, indicate, and record radiation and airborne radioactivity levels.
What are the ATR Stack Effluent Monitoring Limits?
450 Curies/day Noble Gas
6 Curies/day Particulates
0.2 Curies/day Iodine
What is the maximum public dose at the maximum permitted release from ATR?
2.5 mRem per annum
What are the three Air Stack Effluent Monitoring Action Levels?
First AL: 3x normal for gas or 10x normal for iodine/particulate: draw sample within 24 hours and report to management
Second AL: 20x normal for gas, iodine, or particulate: notify management within 30 minutes and draw sample within 8 hours, evaluate source and reactor operation within 48 hours
Third AL: 10 mrem/yet ETD from airborne releases: 2.5 mrem annual dose to public notify within 30 minutes, sample within 8 hours and every 8 hours thereafter, scram within 48 hours
What is the primary radioisotope from ATR stack?
Argon 41 (83% of all radgas released) from degas tank.
What reduce Ar-41 release?
Argon Delay System