In Vessel Post Accident Monitoring System IVPAMS Flashcards
Why was IVPAMS installed?
Installed in 1995 as a result of monitoring issues made obvious by the TMI accident. This system provides indication only; no control functions.
Where is IVPAMS data acquisition system located?
TRA 670, Room 130.
Where does the data acquired by IVPAMS go?
Parameters can be monitored in the ECC TRA 680 (as well as in 670).
What parameters are monitored by IVPAMS?
Rx Bldg Water Level (Piping Space)
Rx Bldg Water Level (HX Room)
Canal Level
PCS Inlet/Outlet Pressure
Safety Relief Valve Leak Detection
Upper Plenum Temp
Log N Rx Core Power
RV Level Probe
Probe Current/Voltage Transducer
What are the power supplies for IVPAMS?
Main - Diesel/Commercial Power via E-71
Alt - Portable Diesel Gen at E-467 (IVPAMS Gen Plug)
MTS E-466 selects which power supply aligned to IVPAMS
What four events could render IVPAMS nonfunctional?
Node Failure
PLC Failure
Network Failure
UPS Power Failure