Intestinal & urinary surgery Flashcards
Label the layers of the bowel
What is going on here
often done to remove FB from stomach
Use stay sutures to manipulate stomach
Packed off with swabs to prevent contamination
Describe the closure of a gastrotomy
Absorbable monofilament (e.g. polydioxanone) & atraumatic needle
- 3/0 cats
- 3/0 or 2/0 dogs
- 1 layer: full thickness (simple interrupted, simple continuous or continuous inverting)
- 2 layer: submucosa & seromuscular
Why is omentalisation done?
Improve vascular supply
lymphatic drainage
rich source of inflammatory & immunogenic cells
What is intussusception
Portion of bowel invaginates into adjacent segment
intussusceptum: inner segment
intussescipiens: portion of bowel containing intussesceptum
Causes bowel obstruction
Treatment involves reducing intussusception & maintaining it
What is an enterotomy
Making hole into intestine
To take full thickness bowel biopsy or removal of intestinal FB
Use atraumatic clamps or fingers of assistant to prevent leaking of bowel
Describe closure of an enterotomy
Suture options:
- Polydioxanone (PDS)
- Polyglyconate (Maxon)
- Glycomer 631 (Biosyn)
- Poliglecaprone (monocryl)
- 3/0 or 4/0
good early tensile strength (days 5-7)
resistant absorption for >21 days
simple interrupted ot simple continuous appositional sutures
2-3mm apart & 2-3 mm from edge
atraumatic needle
Describe leak testing
Clamp off bowel on either side of incision
Stick needle attached to syringe with sterile saline into lumen
Don’t inject under too much pressure – causes anastomosis to leak
What is an enterectomy
Remove portion of bowel
End to end anastomosis: bring 2 ends together
What is a (subtotal) colectomy
Removal/semi-removal of colon
e.g. in megacolon
Lots of anaerobic bacteria – use antibiotic that is good against anaerobic bacteria (e.g. metronidazole)
Why is feeding post GI surgery important?
starvation after GI surgery considered detrimental:
- villous atrophy
- ulceration
- breakdown in gut barrier
- ileus
Early enteral nutrition indicated in most circumstances
Oral route best but other routes in different circumstances
What are some reasons for performing a urinary bladder cystotomy
calculi (urolithiasis)
ureteral ectopia
How is a urinary bladder cystotomy performed
- Stay sutures placed (2 either side and 1 at pole)
- Pack off with sterile swabs
- Drain bladder
- Longitudinal incision on ventral surface of bladder (preserves blood supply)
Describe a cystotomy closure
Absorbable monofilament (e.g. polydioxanone)
- 4/0 or 3/0 cats
- 4/0 or 3/0 or 2/0 dogs
- 1 layer: full thickness (simple interrupted, simple continuous or continuous inverting)
- 2 layer: submucosa & seromuscular
atraumatic needle
Drape omentalise site of repair