equine fracture management workshop Flashcards
define simple vs comminuted fractures
Simple: fracture where bone breaks into 2 distinct pieces without shattering into smaller fragments.
Comminuted: fracture where bone is broken into multiple pieces or fragments, often due to high-impact trauma.
define complete vs incomplete fracture
Complete: fracture where break goes all the way through bone, separating it into 2+ distinct parts.
Incomplete: fracture where bone is not completely broken, meaning some part of the bone remains intact.
Define displaced vs non-displaced fractures
Displaced: fracture where bone fragments have shifted out of their normal alignment.
Non-displaced: fracture where bone breaks but maintains its proper alignment.
Define open vs closed fracture
Open/compound: broken bone penetrates skin, creating open wound.
Closed: fracture where broken bone doesn’t break skin, remaining underneath surface.
Define intra-articular vs non-articular fracture
Intra-articular: fracture that extends into joint space, potentially affecting cartilage & joint function.
Non-articular: fracture that doesn’t involve joint or extend into joint space.
What are the different fracture planes?
Transverse: A horizontal break across the bone.
Sagittal: A vertical or lengthwise fracture along bone.
Frontal: A fracture along the front-to-back axis of bone.
Oblique: A diagonal fracture across the bone.
Multiplanar: fracture that occurs in multiple planes, often complex in nature.
What can you see in this x-ray of the proximal lateral hind canon
At least 3 fracture lines
Not weightbearing but intra-articular (meta-tarsal joint)
Not very lame because its not weightbearing
Doesn’t require surgery
But open wound needs to be managed with antibiotics to prevent infection and bandaging
What could be going on here?
Racehorse sudden onset lameness during exercise
Swelling/distension in palmar pouch of fetlock (synovial space)
Lots of synovial fluid in joint indicates problem in joint
Could be fracture or sepsis in joint
Radiograph and joint tap next
What can you see here and what would you do?
Racehorse sudden onset lameness during exercise
Sagittal fracture – common acute fracture in racehorses
Can see entry and exit point
Bad thing: its intra-articular so must be repaired quickly & have good apposition of fragments to avoid arthritis
There is substantial amount of bone that is still weight-bearing
Fracture is lateral (medial side is always bigger)
Insert pins - good prognosis & can get back into racing
What can you see here and what would you do?
TB racehorse. 2/5LF lame at trot. Pain when pressure applied to dorsal cannon.
Visible incomplete fracture
Pretty good prognosis but be cautious because stress fractures can propagate up limb
Need cast or Robert Jones bandage & careful management
What can you see here and what would you do?
Show jumper lame after competition. Swelling and pain to pressure on lateral cannon.
Fractured splint bone
Could have been caused by the suspensory ligament
Can displace if you just leave it to heal on its own leading to callus formation which can damage the suspensory ligament
Remove distal part of bone as its a non-functional bone anyways
Make sure to ultrasound suspensory ligament as injury could go undetected
What can you see here and what would you do?
15yo Cob put foot in rabbit hole
Very serious because its in weight-bearing bone, and lots of fragments, intra-articular
Nothing to put plate on
Euthanasia would be best outcome
What do you think is going on here?
Fell during cross country. Pain & swelling around elbow
Very common
If it was just a fracture it wouldn’t drag it along the floor (would lift and guard it)
Pain and swelling in olecranon
Muscles attached to olecranon, leg appears longer due to fracture
olecranon must be fractured
What can you see in this x-ray and what are your options?
Fell during cross country. Pain & swelling around elbow
Simple complete closed fracture
Non-weight bearing
Surgical repair is possible and easy to get plate on
Plate under tension, not compression
Very good prognosis
What views are these and what is going on?
5yo TB racehorse. Sudden severe lameness with middle carpal joint effusion and pain to carpal flexion.
Carpus joint
Flexed latero-medial view and a skyline view
Fracture in 3rd carpal bone (biggest one so this is usually where fracture is)
Very painful but horse can stand on leg
Intra-articular fracture
Can be repaired
If fragment was smaller it could be removed but this was too big
Good prognosis
What is going on here and what would you do?
24yo broodmare. Violent recovery from general anaesthesia.
Tibia fracture
Big and old animal
Poor prognosis – euthanasia
What is going on here and can it be repaired?
1 week old foal. Trod on by mare.
Complete fracture
Can be repaired because its not very heavy and its not affecting growth plates