Indian Polity 2 Flashcards
Ways to acquire citizenship in India
- Birth
- Descent
- Registration
- Naturalisation
- Incorporation of territory
A foreigner must be living in India for ___ years to receive citizenship by naturalisation.
- Indian origin: 7 yrs
Loss of citizenship
- Renunciation
- Termination
- Deprivation
When can the Indian govt deprive a person of their citizenship?
Evidence of disloyalty to the constitution through fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material
The fundamental rights
Right to: Equality Freedom Against Exploitation Freedom of Religion Property Culture & Education Constitutional remedies
Which article in the constitution contains the Right to Property.
Articles on Right to Equality
- Equality before law
- No discrimination
- Equal opportunity
- Untouchability
- No titles
Articles on Right to Freedom
6 rights under the Right to Freedom in Art. 19
- Free speech & expression
- Assemble peacefully
- Make co-operative/unions
- Move freely through territory
- Settle anywhere
- Practice any profession/occupation
List of rights under Art. 21
Art. 21 - Protection of life and personal liberty
- live with dignity
- decent environment
- livelihood
- privacy
- shelter
- health
- free education
- free legal aid
- speedy trial
- fair trial
- against solitary confinement
- against handcuffing
- against inhumane treatment
- against delayed execution
- abroad travel
- treat women decently
- against bonded labour
- against harassment
- against public hanging
- emergency medical aid
- information
What is the age group through which children must compulsorily receive education?
6-14 years
- art. 21A
What is stated in Article 23 & 24
23 - No trafficking
24 - No child labour below age 14 in a hazardous environment
What are the Articles under Freedom of Religion.
- Free practice
- Manage religious affairs
- Free from tax promotions of a religion
- No need to attend religious instruction
Ambedkar said Article no. ___ is the soul of the constitution.
- Right to Constitutional Remedies
Latin term meaning ‘to have the body of’
Habeas Corpus
What does Mandamus mean?
‘We command’
- court to public official to perform duties
What does Centiorari mean?
‘To be certified/informed’
Ambedkar described ____ as a novel feature of the constitution.
Directive Principles of state policy
The directive principles embody the concept of a ____.
Welfare state
3 categories of directive principles
What are the socialistic principles?
- promote welfare of people
- equal justice
- equal pay, healthy devlp of children
- right to work
- humane work conditions
- decent wage
- worker participation in management
- improve public health
What are the Gandhian principles?
- organize village panchayats
- promote cottage industries
- education of SCs & STs
- no alcohol/drugs
- no cow slaughter
What are the liberal-intellectual principles?
- uniform civil code
- childhood care and education
- organize agriculture
- protect environment
- protect monuments
- judiciary separate from executive
- promote world peace
____ committee published a report to bring in learning the fundamental right into academic curriculum.
Justice Verma Committee
- implemented in 2003
The fundamental duties were added in the ______ act.
42nd Constitutional Amendment Act
Candidate for President should have completed ____ years of age.
The president is elected by:
Members of electoral college
- legislative assembly of states & UTs
Oath of president is administered by ____.
Chief Justice of India
Youngest India President
Sanjeeva Reddy [64 years]
President with longest tenure
Rajendra Prasad [12 years]
President with shortest tenure
Zakir Hussain
- first Muslim President & first to die in office
First acting president
VV Giri
First Sikh president
Giani Singh
Oldest president
Venkataraman [77 y/o]
First Dalit President
Term of Indian president
5 years
Only person to perform function of president twice in two diff capacities
President appoints ____ members in Rajya Sabha and _____ member from Anglo-Indian community for Lok Sabha
12, 2
_____ is the supreme commander of the defence forces of India.
____ is also known as President’s Rule.
Constitutional Emergency
First emergency was declared in ____.
- Chinese aggression
Real executive head of the Parliament
PM & CoM
When was CAA announced?
12 Dec 2019
- reduced time from 11 to 5 years