Indian Economy 2 Flashcards
What is imperative planning?
- Central planning authority decides every aspect and targets must be reached
- Mainly practiced in socialist economies
In whose book was the idea of economic planning in India?
M. Vishveshwaraiya - Planned Economy for India [1936]
What is indicative planning?
- State sets broad targets to be achieved
- State does not micro-manage
What is perspective planning?
- Long term planning to broadly define the direction to take the economy
- Done through 5-year and annual plans
What is rolling plans?
- Plan for 1 year
- Plan for 5-6 years, while reviewing each year
- Plan for 10-12 years
What is a core plan?
- States submit their estimated revenue output and based on that the state suggest annual budget expenditure
What is the aim of the Nehru-Mahalanobis Model?
- Enlargement of opportunity for less privileged in society
- Growth with social justice
When was the Nehru-Mahalanobis Model first adopted?
Formation of the second five-year plan [1955]
What is the aim of the Gandhian Model of Growth?
- To raise the material as well as cultural level of Indian masses
- Focusses on improving economic condition of villages through scientific development of agriculture and cottage industries (spinning and weaving)
Who brought out the Gandhian Model of Growth?
Acharya S.N. Agarwala in 1944
What is the aim of the LPG Model of Development?
- Liberalisation, Privatisation & Globalisation
- Emphasised bigger role for the private sector
- FDI to supplement growth process
- Reduces role of the state; more market driven pattern of economy
Who and when was the LPG Model of Development introduced?
Manmohan Singh in 1991
Who created the PURA Model of Development?
APJ Abdul Kalam
What does PURA stand for?
Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas
What is the aim of PURA?
Rural regeneration through the adoption of modern technologies and amenities in villages
Which strategy was the first five-year plan based on?
Harrod-Domar strategy
- Keynesian model
- to explain an economy’s growth rate in terms of the level of saving and capital
- there is no natural reason for an economy to have balanced growth
According to the ASER Report of 2020, what was the percentage of girls that enrolled in government schools?
73% (from 70%)
According to the ASER Report of 2020, what was the percentage of boys that enrolled in government schools?
66.4% (from 62.8%)
Which year is considered to be the Year of the Great Divide in India?
What is the current population of India?
139 crore
- 1,380,004,385 people