IFR Cheat Sheet Flashcards
VMC conditions class G airspace ?
5km vis 8km vis if above 10,000ft 1500ft horizontally COC 1000ft vertically COC When below 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL can remain COC and insight of the surface or water
VMC conditions class D airspace ?
5km vis
600ft horizontally COC
1000ft above cloud
500ft below cloud
VMC conditions class C airspace ?
5km vis
8km when above 10,000ft
1500ft horizontally COC
1000ft vertically COC
What’s the acronym for suitable alternates ?
Alternates could very well prove life savers
Aid requirements for alternate ?
Must provide for alternate unless destination Aerodrome has two seperate Nav aids in which can be used, or 1 ground based Nav aid of which the aircraft has two receivers eg VOR1, VOR2
If the destination Aerodrome doesn’t have a navigation aid eg VOR/ILS/ADF in what WX conditions do we not need an alternate ?
Not more than SCT cloud below the final route segment LSALT +500ft and forecast visibility is greater than 8km
Cloud, Visibility and Wind alternate requirements ?
When ETA and up to 30mins prior the forecasted WX is below the following
More than SCT Cloud below the alternate minima
Visibility less than the alternate minima
wind greater than maximum for aircraft
Provisional or probability Alternate aerodromes ?
When an aerodrome forecast is provisional then a suitable alternate must be planned for. Also if there isa forecasted probability of conditions being below minima
Lighting when it comes to alternates ?
When aerodrome lighting is required and PAL is not being used. Arrangements must be made so that lighting is available on departure: 10mins prior to departure and at least 30mins after T/O Arrival: 30mins prior to ETA and up until the A/C has landed and taxing has been completed.
portable lighting when do you need an alternate ?
When a flight is planned to land at night at an aerodrome that has portable lighting unless arrangements are made for a responsible person to be in attendance, during the specified time period.
What if there is no standby power for the lights ?
Must hold an alternate unless arrangements mad for a responsible person to be in attendance with portable lighting.
Do we have to hold an alternate if the lighting is pilot activated ?
Yes unless arrangements made for responsible person to be in attendance to turn on the lights manually.
what types of lighting system must it be if RPT ?
lighting system which is not pilot activated or
PAL with someone present who can manually turn it on.
When thunderstorms or their associated severe turbulence is forecast at the destination aerodrome what must you do ?
Sufficient fuel to hold an alternate or to hold for 30 mins if its a INTER or 60mins if its a TEMPO
Altimeter checks prior to T/O ?
with accurate QNH set the altimeter should read nominated alt to within 60ft if in excess of +or - 75ft then the altimeter must be considered U/S
T/O minima for a qualifying multi-engine aeroplane ?
A ceiling of zero ft and visibility of 800m can be reduced to 550m under certain conditions.
Max airspeed hold ?
Above FL140 240kts
Below FL140 230kts
Timing for holds ?
Above FL140 1.5mins
Below FL140 1 min
Or specified on chart
When can we fly below the LSALT ?
Don’t vector in very close DME or GNSS arrival Vectors Instrument app or holding Visual Climb after T/O
Descent below straight in MDA ?
Visual reference can be maintained
Minima requirements are adhered to
Continuously in a position where a landing can be made with normal rates of descent and manoeuvres.
During circling, decent below circling MDA can only happen when ?
VMC day obstacle night MDA
Visibility along flight path not less than specified minima for circling
Maintain visual contact with the landing environment
Inside the circling area
By day not below the minimum obstacle clearance
By night not below MDA until a constant rate of decent can be made with normal rates and manoeuvres
Cat C circling distance and required obstacle clearance ?
4.2nm and 400ft
Initial and intermediate app speeds Cat B ?
Max speed for reversal procedure Cat B ?
Final App speeds Cat B ?
Max speeds for circling cat C?
Max speeds for missed App Cat C?
Instrument APP tolerances 2D App lateral path tracking ?
5 degrees of nominated track when using azimuth guidance
-/+ 1/2 scale deflection when using CDI indications
Within RNP value specified for the published minimum altitude
+/- 2nm of DME or GNSS arc
3D App lateral path tracking tolerances ?
Same as 2D for the lateral App tracking being used.
3D App vertical App path tolerances ?
1/2 Scale deflection or +/- 75ft for RNP baro VNAV procedures
Minimum altitudes for instrument Approaches tolerances ?
+100ft and -0ft of published MDA
Missed App not initiated below the published DA
Instrument App tolerances ILS ?
Flown to half scale deflection to maintain obstacle clearance
If at any time past the FAP you get full scale deflection then a missed app should be commenced.
Visual Approaches can be issued by ATC when (Day) ?
Within 30nm
Can maintain visual reference with the ground or water
Greater than 5km visibility
ATC can issue a visual app at night when ?
Within 30nm
Visual reference with ground or water
>5km visibility
Receiving an ATS surveillance assigned MVA and HDG or track instructions to intercept final or to position in the circling area
For a visual App, you must maintain your track until when Day and night ?
(Day) within 5nm (Night) Within the circling area or 5Nm established on the PAPis or 7NM on PAPI thats equiped with ILS or 10NM established on the Glide slope or 14NM RWY 16/34L Sydney.
For a visual App you can descend as necessary to what height day and night ?
Day- Not below 500ft above the LL of the CTA, Operate not below CAR 157
Night- Not less than the LSALT/MSA, DGA step or 500ft above the LL of the CTA or if receiving ATS Surveillance not below the last assigned alt until within circling area, 5nm on PAPIs, 7nm on PAPIs ILS RWY, 10nm on glide slope.
When can we conduct a visual app as pilot by day ?
Within 30nm
>5km vis or Aerodrome insight
Clear of cloud and insight of the ground or water
Not less than minimum for VFR until within the circling area
When can we conduct a visual app as pilot by night ?
Clear of cloud insight of the surface
5km visibility
Within the circling area or
5nm on PAPIs,7nm on PAPIs ILS RWY, 10nm on glide slope or 14nm at Sydney
When to conduct a missed App IFR ?
So Not Visual ROFL ?
Straight in landing cannot be effected unless a circling app can be conducted and weather is above specified minimum
Not visual when you reach DA/RA height or MAP
RAIM warning or loss of RAIM past the IAF
Outside tolerances for the final segment
Failure of the aid and below MSA
Lost visual reference when circling
How to cancel a distress signal ?
Indications by aircraft of communications failure in flight ?
Rocking your wings during the day
Flashing your landing light or switching off and on twice your navigation lights
What do you do if you have a comms failure in controlled airspace ?
Maintain terrain clearance at all times
Squawk 7600
Listen out on the ATIS or Verbal NavAids
Transmit blind intentions
If in VMC stay in VMC and land at suitable aerodrome
If IMC or VMC but unsure of maintaining VMC
If no clearance limit has been given proceed as cleared
If received a cleared altitude limit climb to limit or MSA if limit below MSA then maintain for 3 mins then proceed as cleared.
If received a hold then maintain for 3 mins and proceed as cleared.
If radar vectors maintain last assigned heading for 2mins then proceed as cleared
If in a hold then complete one more complete lap then proceed as per flight plan.
Speechless technique when replying to transmissions ?
1 transmission is affirmative
2 transmission is negative
3 is say again
5 is further emergency has occured
Continuous pilot intends to abandon aircraft
Hold for two seconds if request has been completed.
Bank angle for IFR approaches ?
25degrees or rate one whichever is less
25 and 10nm Sector altitudes give you how much terrain clearance ?
When sequencing onto an app how much of a turn can we make ?
30 degrees if it’s not a GNSS app
Within the capture region of GNSS
Assumed missed app bank angle ?
15 degrees
What must a pilot ensure when using take off minima ?
That if a return to land at the departure aerodrome would be required following an engine failure that the Wx must be suitable for an app
If an engine failure is to occur at V1 then terrain clearance is assured until LSALT or MSA
And if a return to the departure aerodrome is not possible then the aircrafts performance and fuel is such that it can divert to a suitable alternate