ICS 100 Flashcards
National Incident Management system was created in March 2004.
one of the key features is ICS
ICS as a component of _____ has become the standard for emergency management across the country.
What is ICS designed to do?
- meet the needs of any incident, kind or size
- allow agencies to meld rapidly into one management structure
- provide logistical and administrative support
- is cost effective
ICS features include
- common terminology
- modular organizational structure
- management by objectives
- reliance on IAPs
- manageable span of control
- predesignated locations facilities
ICS structure develops from the top down in a modular fashion based on:
Size and complexity of the incident
Management by objectives is an aproach used to communicate Functional actions. It can be done by using the IAP, T/F?
A oral or written IAP must be done for every incident, except for a _______ incident which requires a written IAP
All IAPs must have what four elements:
- what do we want to do?
- who is responsable for doing it?
- how to communicate with each other?
what to do if someone is injured.
Effective span of control may vary from 3 to 7.
A ratio of 1 supervisor to __ reporting elements is recommended. outside of those ranges the expansion or contraction of the organization may be necessary.
5 reporting elemnts
Every incident must have some form of ICP which may be a vehicle, trailer, tent or building. Must be ouside the hazard sone but close enough to maintain_______.
Staging areas are temporary locations where resourses are ALWAYS kept in _________ status
A base is a location from which
- primary logistics and
- administratibve function are cordinated
The base may be ________ with the incident command post.
Only one base per incident and is managed by the logistics section
Camps are temporary locations for resources which are staffed with food, water, sanitary areas and sleeping areas. There may be _______ camps
A helibase is the location from which helicopter- _______ air operations are conducted. Generally use for long term basis. they include fueling and maintenance,
a helispot is a ________ location at the incident to land and takeoff
What are the two categories of ICS?
Tactical resources = personnel and major equipment
Support resources = suplies (food, water, tents)
Tactical resouses are always classified as:
- Assigned
- available or
- out of service
Effective ICS communications include this 3 elements
- Modes = hardware
- Planning = use of all available resources
- networks = procedures to transfer infor internally and externally
Every individual is accountable to only one supervisor at the scene of an incident, is the definition of?
Unity of command
Command can be carried in two ways:
- single command = IC has complete responsability
- unified command = agencies and jurisdictions share the incident _________
Transfer of command ALWAYS includes a _______ which may be oral, written, or combination of both
The five major management function are?
- IC
- operations section
- planning section
- logistics section
- finance section
IC sets the
- objectives
- strategies
and has overall responsability of the incident or event
Operations: conducts the ______ opeartions to carry out the plan.
Planning section: prepares the ____ and mantains records.
Logistics section: provides support, resouces and ______
Finance section: monitors the _____
Incident commander is the only position that is ________ staffed in ICS applications.
Using specific titles serves three important purposes, they are:
- Provides common standard for all users
- It allows to fill positions with the most qualified people not the most senior
- Titles are useful when requesting qualified ____________
The suport position to the Incident Commander is the
The position title for Command staff is an Officer. The support position tittle is ________
The position title for Genneral staff (section) is a Chief. The support position tittle is ________
The position title for Branch is a Director. The support position tittle is ________
The position title for Division/Group is a Supervisor. The support position tittle is ________
The position title for Unit is a Leader. The support position tittle is ________
The position title for strike team/task force is a Leader. The support position tittle is ________
single resource Boss
The Incident commander may appoint one or more deputies. the deputy incident commander must be as ________ as the IC.
The command staff is made of what three officer positions?
- safety and
- Liason officers.
The general staff is made up of what four sections?
- operations
- planning
- logistics
- finance
The person in charge of each of the four sections is known as the ________
NOTE: Each section chief may have deputies
The operations section is where most of the tactical field work is done. Therefore it is the section with the most resources assigned, T/F
Divisions are used to devide an incident __________
Groups are used to describe ________ areas of operation
Branches are used when the number of divisions or groups exceeds the span of control and can be either geographical or _______
The person in charge of each division is the ________
Division and groups can be used together on an incident and are at a equal level. One does not supervise the other, T/F?
if the number of divisons or groups exceeds the span of control it may be necesary to add another level known as Branches. The person in charge of a branch is know as a _______
The operations section usually develops from the bottom up, t/f?
Strike teams are a set number of resources of the same kind and type with common communications operating under the supervision of a Team _____
The planning section is further subdivided into units. Which have leaders in charge. The units are:
- Resources
- situation
- documentation
- demobilisation
Logistics section has two branches with three units each (6 total) which are:
- Service branch (Director)
- Communication unit
- Medical unit
- Food unit
- Support branch (Director)
- Supply unit
- Facilities unit
- Ground _____
ground support
Finance section has four units and they are:
- Procurement unit
- Time unit
- Cost unit
- compensatory/_____ unit