5/213.02_445 and 425 devices Flashcards
Emergency Operations Bureau, All Hazard Multi-Agency Operations and Response acronym is:
ARMOR will investigate all 1. bomb threats and 2. extortions with the use of bombs, as well as all 3. found or
- suspected devices.
Explosive Detector Dogs (EDD) are trained to find the presence of:
explosive substances to include firearms and ammunition
The EDD can be used to search: 1. offices, 2. casinos, 3. vehicles, 4. parking lots, 5. aircraft, 6. luggage, 7. packages, 8. schools and and…
- locker rooms.
FBI Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card. Mandatory Evac. 70 110 150 320 400 640 860 1570
- 70 pipe
- 110 405 person
- 150 briefcase
- 320 Car
- 400 SUV
- 640 Small truck
- 860 container truck
- 1570 semi
445 Suspicious Item in summary means?
Summary: Any package/bag/item that due to a proper THREAT ASSESSMENT is a possible danger to the people or property in the area.
- Upon arrival officers should do a visual search of 25-ft. around their initial arrival location;
- After the initial 25-ft. search a 100-ft. search should be conducted;
- If a new location is established for a Command Post the 25- and 100-ft. search shall be conducted_______.
The use of an EDD should be utilized if available. These searches should be conducted from low-to-high in a 360-degree manner around the “Safe Area.”
445 All decisions regarding compliance with extortion demands will be made by the representative of the establishment, T/F?
For a 445 device or suspected, the PO will: 1. Perform a threat assessment 2. Respond, establish contact with a senior rep. they must make the decisions, not LVMPD of searching w/ their own people or Evacuations. 3. Make update without radio and…
- Ensure ICR is completed maybe OR
445 Threats against vehicles: A visual inspection of the inside and underside of the vehicle will be conducted ______opening doors, trunk, or hood. A booby-trapped vehicle could mean serious injury or death to the officer and bystanders.
Threats against HQ: Headquarters operations will not be disrupted and personnel will ___be evacuated without justification as determined by officers on scene.
** People and Property are the most valued targets by terrorists ** T/F?
445- 5-Line Report:
- Specific location of the suspect item-
- Unit number/ Cell number of Officer on Scene
- Detailed description of item/ and placement method
- what resources, persons or critical infrastructure is threatened- and…
- Protective measures taken-
Department personnel will not in any way handle, touch, or move an explosive device, either suspected or known, T/F?
When the incident commander or on-scene supervisor determines a __________ object is a suspected explosive device, ARMOR will be called to coordinate the appropriate resources.
For a suspicious object or device the PO response includes:
- Respond and conduct prelim investigation
- Do 25 and 100 ft search around arrival area, including the CP and staging area
- Establish perimeter with FBI card
- Search the CP area for secondary device and…
- Gather and control witnesses and get voluntaries
445 Sgt. Response, I will:
- Respond, assume command and control.
- Have ARMOR supervisor briefed or do it myself
- Establish CP as per ICS. And after event do AAR
- If I request ARMOR-advice the establishment of potential explosion.
- Initiate Evacuations (Refusal is violation of NRS)
- If person is within mandatory evacuation zone. They will be assisted to leave.
- Get a PO to assist me with communications and…
- remain on scene to help ARMOR and prevent access to the location of the device
445 when a device (Bomb) or suspected device is located, Two command and control locations will be established, they are:
- Tactical Operations Center (TOC) in the vicinity of the device determined suitable by ARMOR supervisor.
- field command post (CP) staging area established as for any unusual occurrence by LVMPD. Investigators report here or staging area.
When there has been a detonation: The ____ should be used to clear the crime scene prior to personnel entering and conducting investigations.
When responding to a detonated divice, POs, Establish, at a minimum, _____-foot perimeter from any item that they can visually identify as evidence.
For a detonated device as the Sgt. I will:
- Adjust perimeter as needed per ARMOR
- Determine how much more help I need to secure scene. and…
- Determine If I want an EDD to look for secondary device.
445 detonated device:
Homicide assume command of the death investigation if death has occurred,
______ will maintain control of the post blast investigation.
In the event that the LVMPD receives initial information of a bomb threat /extortion against any person or establishment, the target individual or establishment will be notified as soon as possible by _________ unless urgent or emergency circumstances dictate otherwise
All decisions regarding compliance w_ith extortion_ demands will be made by the ___________of the establishment.
Threats against Vehicles
A visual inspection of the
inside and underside of the vehicle will be conducted without opening
- doors,
- trunk, or
A booby-trapped vehicle could mean serious injury or death to the officer and bystanders.
- hood.
In the event a bomb threat is called in against LVMPD Headquarters, ______ silence will be maintained
For threats against HQ the WC will:
Send an e-mail detailing the incident to the
- deputy chiefs of the Patrol Division and Homeland Security Division,
- division director of the Support Division,
- lieutenant of ARMOR Section,
- SNCTC Bureau Commander,
- Communications Bureau Commander, and the
- Office of the Sheriff Executive lieutenant.
Ensure an entry is not made in the Watch Commander _____.
When the incident commander or on-scene supervisor determines a suspicious object is a suspected explosive device, ________ will be called to coordinate the appropriate resources (ie bomb squad etc) to render safe
For a detonation, Officers on the perimeter of the crime scene will conduct 25-foot and 100-foot searches around the __________ of the crime scene
ARMOR has the responsibility and authority to conduct the post-blast crime scene investigation whether it occurs within the city limits or in the _______