2020 questions review. Flashcards
A MACTAC _________ is a general notification for area commands that are not affected. Patrol squads do not need to respond to their rally point but should orient themselves in the event they are placed on alert or are activated. In any confirmed MACTAC incident, the Communications Bureau should broadcast a valley-wide MACTAC Notification, is the definition of?
A report of a MACTAC incident occurring or potentially occurring. “In the Box” patrol squads may be placed on alert in preparation or as a reserve to Activated units. “In the Box” patrol squads placed on alert will respond to their rally point, prepare, and await further direction, is the definition of?
A confirmed MACTAC incident is occurring, and the affected area command will respond directly to the incident. The “In the Box” patrol squads who have been activated will respond to their rally point, receive the brief, gear up, and respond as directed (support team, assault team, security team, Rescue Task Force [RTF]). is the definition of?
MACTAC Activation
Compliant with National Incident Management System (NIMS), a strike team is comprised of 4-5 officers brought together as a tactical response team, is the definition of?
strike team
The _________ team will attempt to make sure all teams are not flanked or ambushed by any unforeseen threats as the support and assault teams attempt to neutralize the threat(s). is the definition of?
security team
In MACTAC If one of the first arriving officers has taken IC, determine if a transfer of command needs to occur from the officer to the sergeant. This will be based on_____________.
the size, type, and complexity of the incident.
Any use of force which results in injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain, or any use of force greater than low-level force , is the definition of?
reportable force
This is the level of resistance in which the subject demonstrates the intent to harm the officer, others or themselves.
Examples include:
a. A subject taking a fighting stance, punching, kicking, striking, or attacking with weapons
b. Other actions which present an imminent threat of physical harm
c. A subject fleeing while in control of weapon (e.g., firearm in a waistband) .

This is the level of control that balances against a subject who is assaultive and has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain ___________.
Intermediate Force

Duty to Intervine:
The officer will promptly report these observations and the efforts made to intervene to a supervisor. If the supervisor is using unjustified force, the officer will report it to the next level of supervision. If the observing officer is a supervisor, they will issue a ______ ______ to stop the violation.
direct order
Any officer present, regardless of rank, and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances ______, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force.
Reporting officer will document in writing no later than __ days after the occurrence:
Date, time, and location of the incident
Identity, if known, and description of the participants
Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation
________ (Level of resistance)– the subject demonstrates the intent to harm the officer, others or themselves.
Examples include:
A. a subject taking a fighting stance, punching, kicking, striking, or attacking with weapons
B. Other actions which present an imminent threat of physical harm
C. A subject fleeing while in control of weapon (e.g., firearm in a waistband)

_________ (Level of resistance)– the subject’s actions are likely to result in death or substantial bodily injury to the officer or others.
Examples include:
The imminent use of a firearm, blunt, or bladed weapon
Extreme physical force

___________ (Level of control)– a level of control that balances against a subject who is assaultive and has the potential to cause injury or substantial pain.
Intermediate Force

When are Officers legally authorized to use deadly force to effect an arrest when in compliance with Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) and the legal standards under Tennessee v. Garner (1985) to:
- Protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or substantial bodily injury.
- Prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life if escape should occur. (Also see NRS 171.1455.)
Officers will give a warning, if feasible, before the use of deadly force.
In a protest or demonstration situation, OC spray may only be used when authorized by an ______ _______ in response to imminent threat of harm.
incident commander
OC spray is not intended to force extraction from an _______area unless utilized in a detention facility.
reportable force is:
Any use of force which results in injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain, or any use of force greater than low-level force.
The ECD disaproved use:
The ECD will be handled in the same manner as a firearm and will be secured before entering any detention facility except Clark County Detention Center (CCDC).
The intentional use of more than one (1) ECD simultaneously on the same subject is prohibited.
The ECD will not be used:
On a handcuffed person.
When the officer knows a subject has come in contact with flammable liquids or substances.
On a fleeing subject (without other known factors). Mere flight from an officer cannot be the sole justification for use of the ECD.
On persons with known heart conditions.
________ – any contact with damage will be reported as a traffic incident on a Vehicle Incident Report (LVMPD 42). A Use of Force Report is not required.
When multiple officers have deployed rifles, the supervisor will designate one (1) deploying officer to complete the Rifle Deployment Report, listing ______ who deployed a rifle.
all officers
A Use of Force Report is required by _______ officer who uses reportable force in an incident. A civilian employee who also uses force (empty hand, OC spray, or firearm) is required to complete a Use of Force Report.
blocking -The positioning of a police vehicle in the path of an occupied subject vehicle where contact between the vehicles is anticipated to be minimal, and the potential for injuries is low. The intent of blocking is to prevent an avenue of escape by the ____ ______ of a police vehicle. Blocking is not a use of force.
safe placement
Document the investigation in a Citizen Contact (CC) in Blue Team when alleged use of force is determined to be ________.
If the use of force is determined to not be appropriate, it will be sent through the chain of command to decide if a Statement of Complaint (SOC) is necessary
A concentration of alcohol which indicates a .__ percent or above, at the time of a BAC test, is per se impairment and may be grounds for discipline.
The pursuit will consist of the primary unit and, when possible, a secondary unit and third unit. The primary unit may request the field supervisor to _____________ to join the pursuit, if necessary.
authorize additional units
Supervisors will relinquish all position(s) to standard marked patrol unit(s) joining the pursuit to enable the supervisor to maintain _______and _______of continuing the pursuit or determining if it should be discontinued.
control and objectivity
If an officer is involved in a motor vehicle collision during an emergency response or a pursuit, the officer will immediately discontinue involvement and take proper action as is required unless (3):
- No unit is available to assume the pursuit or respond to the unit involved.
- Damage to the unit is minor, and it can still be operated without danger.
- There are no apparent injuries as a result of the accident.
A pursuit will be conducted only for a violent felony or if the suspect presents a clear and immediate danger to the public. A pursuit will not be engaged for?
a property crime
minor traffic infraction.
or stolen vehicle
Officers are prohibited from entering into pursuits that were initiated by another jurisdiction or law enforcement agency unless assigned to the pursuit by a supervisor. A supervisor may authorize officer(s) to drive in routine operation toward the area of the pursuit to be in a relatively good position to __________ and ________ once the pursuit vehicle is stopped.
render back up and other aid .
When a CIT officer has been dispatched to an event, the ______ officer on the scene has the authority to direct police activities during the event unless relieved by a field supervisor.
senior CIT
For CIT, the field supervisor will Ensure completion of, review, and approve the CIT After Action Report, LVMPD 367, by _______.
end of shift.
Persons who are clearly in an intoxicated condition and unable to exercise care for themselves or others should, if circumstances permit, be allowed to go home in a cab or be taken home by a relative or friend. Only as a last resort should these persons be detained for _______ custody.
Nevada law allows for a person to be placed in Civil Protective Custody if the person is in a public place unlawfully under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol and is unable to exercise care for his health or safety or the health or safety of ___________, per NRS 458.175 and NRS 458.270.
other persons.
If detention is necessary, these individuals may be delivered to Westcare - Civil Protective Custody and Detoxification Center,
Under no circumstances should an officer assume that a person is “______” because they are incoherent or unconscious. Neither should an officer assume the liability for someone with an obvious health problem.
“just drunk”
Department members must give thoughtful consideration to their actions to avoid damaging the ______ and ______ the department has with the community.
reputation and trust
Department members are free to express themselves as private citizens in matters of public concern to the degree that their speech does not:
- Impair working relationships of the department for which loyalty and confidentiality are important.
- Impede the performance of duties.
- Impair discipline and harmony among co-workers; or
- Negatively impact or tend to negatively impact the department’s ability to serve the public.
Supervisor Receiving or Initiating a Complaint will:
Interview the complainant to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged misconduct. If the complaint is not an allegation that involves a violation of department policy or violation of law, handle the matter as a ________ (CC) dispute. If it does involve a violation of LVMPD policy or law, an _____ will be opened.
- customer service
Supervisor Receiving or Initiating a Complaint will:
If the complainant insists on making a complaint that may not equal misconduct in the supervisor’s estimation, an _____ will be completed and forwarded to IAB for review and conclusion.
If the complaint only involves the complainant’s disagreement with an established and proper department policy, procedure, rule, regulation, law, or practice a supervisor conducting the inquiry will:
Document the discussion in Blue Team as a citizen contact (CC).
EIIP thresholds are adjusted annually by the EIIP _______, if needed. Thresholds are based on data in IAPro and Blue Team. Changes to the EIIP thresholds are approved by the Internal Affairs Bureau Commander.
(EIIP ) First Line Supervisor will:
If no pattern or concern exists after face to face meeting, complete EIIP Alert in Blue Team and forward Alert to _______________ for approval within 14 calendar days of the chain receiving an EIIP Alert email notification.
second line supervisor
First line supervisors will review their employees’ Blue Team dashboard on a monthly basis and respond to EIIP Alerts in Blue Team within ___ calendar days of the chain receiving an EIIP Alert email notification.
14 calendar days
The EIIP ______ will establish the Significant Event Reporting (SER) threshold and adjust it as needed on a yearly basis.
Any supervisor, or person acting in a supervisor capacity, being notified of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct by an LVMPD employee shall immediately notify the ________ and __________ Section of the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB).
watch commander (WC) and the Criminal Investigations (CIS)
If an LVMPD employee is a victim of a felony crime or other crime of violence (e.g., domestic violence) notify, the __________ and _____________ supervisor.
watch commander(WC) and the Criminal Investigations Section(CIS) supervisor.
421 Calls.
If the injured person is suffering from a potential life threatening injury or substantial head trauma, an __________________and __________will be taken to document the details of the event.
Incident Crime Report (sick or injured person) and photographs
Only the firearm used in an incident (suicide, accidental shooting, etc.) will be impounded as evidence by a __________. All other firearms will be the responsibility of the _____________or _____________.
crime scene analyst
Deputy Coroner investigator or Public Administrator
Patrol officers may impound other firearms for safekeeping when a ________ or safety exists. The justification will be documented and articulated in the narrative portion of the, Property Report.
threat to life
COP/SARA method
Officers in patrol, Traffic and Detectives: Coordinate with the appropriate ____________to analyze problems and to determine responses.
COP officers
A team tactic deployment utilizing multiple officers is the preferred method: ideally (4 memebers include):
- a sergeant,
- one officer with the catchpole,
- one officer on a less lethal option, and
- one on lethal coverage.
Officers will remain mindful that disengagement and/or tactical retreat are also options. Under no circumstances will a catchpole be used on a human being.
As a Sgt. Responding to STAR protocol, what steps do I need to take (9):
- Acknowledge STAR protocol
- Respond to the call
- Ask for another Sgt. or Lt. if I’m unable to respond
- Be responsible for the tactics and supervision of the call
- Determine use of: Arrest team, LL, Shot gun, rifle, (Shield, Air unit, K9, and SWAT)
- Rifle deployment if allowed per policy
- Call or direct an officer to contact Analytical Section (ANSEC) to get a complete work up
- Maintain the STAR Protocol, unless the first arriving unit confirmed the incident no longer meets the criteria.
- If protocol no longer met, the Supervisors will ensure units advise Communications of the reasoning and that Communications update event.
Suzanne’s Law, entry into NCIC will be made under the following circumstances:
- All juveniles, 17 years old and younger, will be entered into NCIC within ____ hours of receiving the required minimum data elements.
- Missing persons 18 through 20 years old (even though legally considered adults) will also be immediately entered into NCIC in accordance with the federally mandated Suzanne’s Law within ___ hours of receiving the required minimum data elements.
two hours
Adults may go missing for a variety of reasons. However, adults can only be entered into NCIC if they have (5 reasons):
- a disability,
- are in physical danger,
- involuntary circumstances,
- victim of a catastrophe, or
- other suspicious circumstances.
For missing persons, All juvenile reports will contain the ___ number from NCIC.
For missing person, After initial entry with the minimum data elements, a report must be completed and any additional information obtained must be added to the _______ NCIC record in a timely manner.
For missing persons, If the juvenile is located, the report must still be completed and the NCIC record must be cancelled by contacting ______.
Copies of all reports are available to the Office of the _____ ______, who acts as the Nevada State Clearinghouse for missing children. However, at their direction, LVMPD reports will only be sent to the Office of the Attorney General when requested.
Attorney General
If the missing person is located, advise the reporting party to cancel the report by contacting the Missing Persons Detail during normal business hours. After hours, cancellations will be made through the ________.
Records Bureau
Entry by invitation by a person with standing, is the definition of __________.
consensual entry
Agreement, approval, or permission to act. A person giving ______ must do so freely and voluntarily. A person consenting must be (4):
(1) informed (tell the subject what is being searched for);
(2) not be coerced;
(3) have actual authority or apparent authority (“standing”); and
(4) have the ability to revoke consent at any time during the search.
An exception to the search warrant requirement that must satisfy these conditions: (1) the officer must be in a position in which he has a legal right to be;
(2) the items must be immediately recognizable as contraband or evidence; and
(3) the seizure must be made without substantial addition intrusion. (Not to be confused with open view.)
plain view
The three levels of police interaction for the purpose of criminal investigations are?
(1) consensual encounter, which is completely voluntary and for which a police officer needs no justification;
(2) the investigative detention or Terry stop, which is a seizure of no more than 60 minutes (NRS 171.123), with limited scope and purpose for conducting an investigation and for which a police officer must have reasonable suspicion the person being detained is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a crime, and;
(3) the arrest for which a police officer must have probable cause.

Consent may be revoked at any time by the consenting party. (An officer must be within a reasonable distance so consent may be verbally revoked.) If anyone who is present and has standing objects to a search, a _________ must be obtained.
search warrant
If the consent to search is in written form, it will be documented on the Consent to Search, (LVMPD 79 or 79a - ). The original form shall be scanned into _____.
For STRUCTURES/RESIDENCES, What are the exceptions to the Search Warrant Requirement ?
- Consent Searches
- Frisk for Weapons
- Protective Sweep
- Exigent Circumstances
The supervisor will notify the __________of the request for a religious accommodation by a member in a timely manner to begin the formal interactive process.
EDS director
Patrol Investigations (PD) will be notified on all crimes involving:
- ________and _________-related crimes at a felony level
- Suspicious _______
- Any of the above-listed crimes which require _________ follow-up and the need for a ___________.
- Property-related and Person-related crimes at a felony level to include
- Suspicious deaths
- Any of the above-listed crimes which require investigative follow-up and the need for a search warrant.
PD notifications for property related crimes include (5):
- Auto thefts requiring immediate follow-up
- Residential/commercial burglaries over $50,000
- Grand larceny over $75,000
- Residential/commercial/vehicle burglaries as part of an identified series
Firearm-related crimes to include:
- Prohibited person in possession of a firearm
- Possession of a stolen firearm or obliterated serial number
PD notifications for Person related crimes include (2):
- Assault, battery, mayhem, attempt murder, robberies, and larceny from persons
Domestic related crimes at a felony level to include:
- Assault
- Battery
- Strangulation
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Violation of protective orders
PD receives notifications for Suspicious deaths, but If (CSI), the coroner’s investigator, or (PD) assessed the scene and observed something suspicious, who should be notified?
Retail Apprehension Prevention Partnership (RAPP) Detail/Task Force will be notified, and will take primary responsibility for crimes when:
- The object of a theft calls for national or international resources outside of normal tourist-related investigations
- Theft is over $250,000 in value of a retail product(s)
- Theft involves high profile/celebrated victims (not to include a standard residential burglary)
- Theft with international nexus
- Theft involves national or international treasures
- Theft of a single type of retail item that would exceed normal personal use and likely to be resold
- Theft involving a suspect in-custody with information on a fencing operation
- Theft involving a suspect in-custody in possession of professional booster tools (e.g., Faraday bags or preprinted barcode stickers)
- A series of three (3) or more events involving the same suspect(s), same or similar modus operandi involving thefts to commercial retailers during business hours that have an identifiable nexus to organized retail theft groups
First arriving officers will protect the inner and outer perimeter of the crime scene with ________ crime scene tape.
At all crime scenes that are a result of an OIS, in-custody death, or a use of deadly force incident, ______ crime scene tape will also be used to protect the inner perimeter. After the YELLOW crime scene tape has been placed around the scene, the responding _____ supervisor or designee will place RED tape around the inner scene.
Rifle Deployment:
Senior supervisor on-scene will:
Ensure officer(s) who deployed a rifle complete a Rifle Deployment Report via Blue Team. For multiple officers during a single incident, designate one (1) deploying officer to complete the report . List all officers who deployed a rifle as “involved officers” in the report.
In the event multiple suspects are detained at that same time, a show-up will only be conducted with one suspect at a time. The show-up should be done within a relative timeframe of ____ hours following the incident.
A show-up should be conducted at the location where the suspect is detained, within sixty (60) minutes of detainment, if not under arrest. See NRS 171.123.
The Show-Up Witness Instruction form will be completed on all show-up’s involving ________ crimes regardless of identification oiutcome. The administrator will also seek and document a statement of confidence in the eyewitness’s own words.
The Commissioned Supervisor will:
Ensure that a Check Ride Report, LVMPD 461, is completed on the involved member, and forward a copy to ____ and _____ for entry in the member’s UMLV training record.
Supervisor’s Report of Department Vehicle Incident LVMPD 393, Investigator/Criteria are?

Department Vehicle Incident Report LVMPD PD42 or PDO Investigator/Criteria are?

State of Nevada Traffic Collision Report PDO/NHP 5 Investigator/Criteria are?

FIT personnel will be responsible for collecting and securing the BWC from all involved and witness officers upon arrival at the scene. ____ or ____ is responsible for upload of video into Evidence.com.
Field supervisors are permitted to utilize the self-dispatch feature under what circumstances?
To close out pending non-response required calls without using the radio (i.e., a sergeant calls a person reporting (PR) and determines a 416B subject is gone. The sergeant can self-dispatch to update and close the call).
After contacting the PR and deeming the call can be canceled, or if the sergeant resolves the call.
the supervisor is required to send an administrative message (preferred method) to the dispatcher or advise over the radio which event they have _________ to in addition to updating the call with the appropriate disposition and details.
Is the supervisor’s physical presence required to exercise control over afoot pursuit and the supporting resources? (e.g., K-9, Air Support, or additional officers).
The supervisor’s physical presence is not required to exercise control over the foot pursuit
A supervisor will respond to a foot pursuit when the following occur (4).
- Injury to an officer, citizen, or suspect;
- Any entry into a residence or similar structure, regardless if it is occupied or not;
- Any reportable force; or
- Any other unusual occurrence that warrants supervisory oversight.
Note: Upon apprehension of the suspect, the supervisor should promptly respond to the termination point
For non-emergency calls for service (CFS):
The Communications Bureau will dispatch shift units to routine calls (including report calls) up to __ minutes before the conclusion of their shift.
Note: Report calls will not be held for a cadet or patrol services representative unit when area units are clear and not responding to higher priority calls.
When a call is canceled or held by direction of the area sergeant, the area sergeant will contact the PR and advise of the reason for _______or _______ and update the event accordingly via telephone call or radio broadcast.
cancellation or time delay
Area sergeants will make calls to PRs to advise of delays or cancellations unless they are unavailable to do so due to:
- being assigned to an event,
- checked out for administrative duties, or
- when they do not have access to an MDT.
Note: In these instances, the dispatcher will make the call at the sergeant’s request.
This department maintains Explosive Detector Dogs (EDD) which aretrained to find the presence of explosive substances to include firearms and ammunition. The EDD can be used to search what places or things?(9)
- offices,
- casinos,
- vehicles,
- parking lots,
- aircraft,
- luggage,
- packages,
- schools and
- locker rooms
When responding to a bomb threat, unattended item, or suspicious item officers should conduct 25- and 100-ft. searches.
- Upon arrival officers should do a visual search of 25-ft. around _______________ location;
- After the initial 25-ft. search a 100-ft. search should be conducted;
- If a new location is established for a Command Post the 25- and 100-ft. search shall be conducted again. The use of an ____ should be utilized if available.
their initial arrival
When the incident commander (IC) or on-scene supervisor determines a suspicious object is a suspected explosive device, ______ will be called to coordinate the appropriate resources (Las Vegas Fire and Rescue Bomb Squad, Nellis AFB Explosive Ordinance Disposal team, etc.)
Can EDD be use to sniff a suspected explosive device once a suspicious device was determined to be an explosive device?
the EDD should be called to search the area for a second device. If a second device is located, ______ will coordinate the “render safe” operation of the second device with the appropriate resource. The EDD will then continue to search until no further devices are located.
When the ranking field supervisor requests ARMOR, a responsible person from the establishment will be advised, by the field supervisor, of the potential for explosion and an evacuation of the premises will be initiated. At least ___ floors above and below the device should be evacuated in a high-rise building:
Two command and control locations will be established when a device or suspected device is located. They are called?
- The Tactical Operations Center (TOC) placed in the vicinity of the device determined suitable by ARMOR supervisor
- The field command post (CP). operated and staffed, and a staging area established as for any unusual occurrence, by LVMPD personnel, who will be in charge of all field operations
In any case where an explosion has occurred, there is always the chance for the presence of unexploded bombs or a second device left by the suspect. The ____ should be used to clear the crime scene prior to personnel entering and conducting investigations.
Items of a documentary nature (e.g., forged or stolen checks, altered titles, or counterfeited papers) recovered by ______ _______ Bureau personnel, and video/audio recordings recovered by the _______ _________ Bureau, may be retained and secured in approved storage areas past the end of shift for examination/processing.
- Theft Crimes
- Digital Investigations
The standard tool used for command, control, response coordination, and overall management of complex incidents, planned events, or emergencies. This system permits a clear point of command and can be expanded or contracted with ease, is the definition of?
Incident Command System (ICS)
Regardless of size or type of incident, the top three (3) priorities for establishing incident objectives are:
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property preservation
In a confirmed hostage situation, the SWAT commander or designee will be immediately notified by __________.
Once the SWAT commander and team arrive at the scene, the SWAT commander (captain) or the SWAT tactical commander (SWAT lieutenant) will assume command of all tactical operations, _____ _______ control, and will coordinate all contact with the hostage taker through the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT).
inner perimeter
The patrol supervisor will also retain command of the incident command post (ICP), staging area, __________ perimeter, and other police operations.
Note: The mere presence of senior officers will not imply the assumption of command.
Who notifies the following, for a confirmed hostage incident and advise the field supervisor when notifications have been made:
SWAT tactical commander
Other agencies, as applicable
What are the supervisor’s responsbility for a hostage situation? (11 steps)
samer as barricade steps.
- Upon arrival, assess the situation and take command by prioritizing and communicating objectives.
- Reinforce the inner perimeter and establish a secondary perimeter based on the nature of the incident.
- Direct units to stop any inbound foot or vehicle traffic.
- Assign officers as an immediate-action team (designating roles such as verbal communication, low lethality options, hands on, etc.) to control the subject should the subject surrender, release the hostage, or exit the structure.
- Evacuate or shelter-in-place bystanders and injured persons from the vicinity around the suspect’s location.
- Designate an officer with strong verbal skills to make contact with the hostage taker to determine their intent and solicit information on the well-being of hostages. If contact is made with the subject, ensure officers remain in a tactically sound position, using effective cover and concealment. Efforts should be made to persuade the suspect to voluntarily surrender.
- Prior to the arrival of SWAT/CNT, there will be no negotiations for the supply of weapons, ammunition, drugs, alcohol, or exchange of hostages.
- Request a dedicated radio channel with a dispatcher, if required.
- Communicate with and direct subsequent arriving supervisors to perform other tasks that require handling.
- Any subsequent arriving supervisor will assess and determine where they are needed and establish communication with the first arriving supervisor to provide support. All supervisors on-scene have a responsibility in the command and control process.
- Designate an officer to record names and addresses of persons and residences evacuated.
As a supervisor for a CBRNE event i will? (6 steps)
- Establish a command post (at a safe distance upwind from the scene).
- Assign second or third unit arriving at the command post to check the immediate area for possible secondary devices. The officer(s) conducting the check should not touch suspicious objects. The locations that have been thoroughly checked should be marked so the explosive detector dogs or Bomb Squad can eliminate those not marked as threats.
- Review established security perimeter and ensure that no personnel are deployed in a designated contaminated area without proper protective equipment.
- Determine the need for an outer perimeter depending upon the circumstances of the incident.
- Coordinate the evacuation of the area downwind of the spillage or suspected spillage, with the ARMOR section or fire department, in accordance with the Table of Isolation and Evacuation Distances found in the Hazardous Materials Guidebook. Department members will NOT conduct rescues without utilizing the proper protective equipment and being trained in its use.
- Request Communications Bureau to make notifications.
When a suspect is being arrested and there is an indication that the suspect has a previous conviction for domestic violence and is in possession of a firearm and/or ammunition the officer:
- Verify the suspect has a prior conviction for domestic violence (to include offense and conviction, date, court, or event number).
- Interview the suspect/witness to determine whether the relationship in the suspect’s prior conviction meets the federal definition in 18 USC 921(a)(33) (see Criminal Offense Handbook) to make an arrest.
- If there is no probable cause for the additional charge of a prohibited person in possession of a firearm under the federal definition, the firearm may be impounded for safekeeping.
- If an arrest is made for a prohibited person in possession of a firearm, the officer will:
- Complete a Firearms Notification (LVMPD 181), and fax it to the local office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and LVMPD CCW Dispositions Detail.
- Impound the firearm and/or ammunition as evidence, and write on the impound form, “Evidence - Prohibited Person.” Write in the circumstances section of the impound form, “firearms impounded, prohibited person,” and explain the reason they are prohibited (i.e., “Previous conviction for domestic violence”).
If there are firearms present and an involved party has control over those firearms, an officer may impound the firearms for safekeeping if the officer has an articulable reason that a danger exists, and _____________or ____________.
the involved party agrees or gives consent.
For BDV events as a supervisor my responsabilities are?
- In cases of mutual arrest, ensure that every attempt has been made to try and determine a primary physical aggressor and that probable cause exists for both arrests prior to giving approval for any mutual arrest.
- In cases meeting the Family Justice Center (FJC) call-out criteria, immediately notify FJC detectives. Current criteria can be obtained through the Dispatch supervisor.
- If parties involved are believed to be a pimp and prostitute, immediately notify the Vice Section.
- In cases when a law enforcement employee of any agency is involved as a suspect or victim of domestic violence, immediately notify the watch commander (if unavailable, contact the Criminal Investigations Section supervisor) and the area lieutenant to respond.
- Review all reports for accuracy and consistency, including jurisdiction, elements of the crime, and probable cause.
Code 3 driving is a police tactic used in responding to an emergency. Good __________,__________ and ___________are important elements of a code 3 response that ensure officers are maximizing safety while minimizing risks.
- judgment,
- communication,
- coordination
As a supervisor my job is to monitor respective radio channels to ensure strict adherence to this policy and will ______or _____ code 3 responses, as warranted.
cancel or direct
Releasing Property of an Arrestee to a Third Party:
If the arrested person requests that all or part of their personal property be released to a third party and the officer can safely accommodate the arrestee:
- All property will be documented on a Property Report (LVMPD 67A) and the report will be completed and signed by the third party as directed.
- The officer will request the presence of a supervisor for cash being released valuing over $100 or for non-cash property being released valuing over $250 (see LVMPD 5/210.01, Body Worn Cameras, “Activation”).
- The supervisor will sign the Property Report prior to the arrestee being transported to the appropriate correctional facility.
Employee’s Immediate Supervisor will Address the employee’s behavior through:
- Discipline; and/or
- Counseling, training, or care programs.
If the arrest does not meet all the necessary requirements, the charge(s) can be released by filing for NCF. Arrests will not be routinely NCF’d from the Las Vegas City Detention Center. NCF must be done within _____ hours of the time of arrest in the field (prior to the submission of the arrest information to the DA)
Note: otherwise the release must be coordinated directly with the DA (Screening Office 702-455-4721), as the authority to release is out of the control of LVMPD.
Vehicles Without Prisoner Screens:
A police officer, in a standard sedan without a prisoner screen, transporting an individual prisoner will place the prisoner in the front passenger seat. In a two-officer unit, the prisoner will be placed in the rear seat behind the passenger’s position and the second officer behind the driver. A second prisoner would be placed in the _____seat.
Note: Individual officers will not transport more than one prisoner, nor a two-officer unit more than two prisoners without supervisory approval.
When two prisoners are combative, officers may, at their discretion, _________the prisoners or ______them separately.
- hobble
- transport
In the event of a prisoner escape, the transporting officer will notify _________\_and attempt to ________\_ the prisoner. The officer may request additional units to establish a perimeter and/or conduct a search, taking into consideration the original charge for which the prisoner was in custody and the level of threat to citizens in the area.
Communications and attempt to recapture