Emergency vehicles _______have absolute right of way and department members will operate police vehicles reasonably and always with due regard for the rights and safety of others at all times and regardless of circumstances. Police vehicle operation shall be within the law. Irresponsible, careless and reckless driving is prohibited.
do not
Any vehicle owned, leased, rented or borrowed by the department or its members for official use is the definition of ______________.
Department Vehicle
Seat belts must be worn! The only exemption to this rule is when the vehicle is traveling _____than 15 miles per hour and the driver or passenger(s) is expecting to exit the vehicle and take immediate police action once the vehicle has stopped.
Use of Cellular Phone Device– Texting, e-mailing, or use of a cellular phone device without a hands-free mechanism while driving is prohibited while a vehicle is in motion. This does not include use of the _____for police business purposes.
While engaged in a priority response or_________, department employees are prohibited from using cellular devices in any capacity.
vehicle pursuit
During both ______and Code 3 operations, officers shall come to a stop before entering an intersection against the traffic control device (red light, flashing red light, stop sign, etc.), as well as before entering any blind intersection, or any intersection where hazards are present and other drivers cannot see oncoming lanes of traffic.
Code 2
If entering an intersection with ________ way, officers will slow and ensure that the intersection is clear before proceeding.
right of
During both Code 2 and Code 3 operations, officers shall ______ and ensure that they safely pass a stopped bus unloading passengers.
EVOC is mandatory for POs with more than three years of service - Annual web-based EVOC and, for ________first-responding officers, biennial EVOC recertification.
Each sergeant will conduct an initial check ride and document the outcome of the check ride on all newly assigned officers who will be operating department vehicles, with an exception for new FTEP graduates, within the ______week of assignment.
Each sergeant will conduct annual ________emergency vehicle operations refresher training for all assigned officers who operate department vehicles, per the UMLV lesson plan created by the Training Section/EVOC.
All employees will attend EVOC under the following circumstances:
- VCB referral
- Supervisory intervention
- Self-registration
- Approved squad/specialty training.
Upon notification, the bureau/area commander will ensure that the officer who failed to attend EVOC immediately calls to reschedule and that the officer’s agency driving privileges are ________until the employee has successfully completed EVOC.
Note : second missed attendance SOC
A collision is: Any occurrence in which a driver of a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicycle, road debris, or another stationary object such as a tree, pole, or building, which _______in bodily injury, a complaint of bodily injury, death of any person, or results in the total damage to any vehicle or item of property to an apparent extent of $750 or more.
An incident is : Any occurrence in which a driver of a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicycle, road debris, or another stationary object such as a tree, pole, or building which ____result in bodily injury, complaint of bodily injury, death of any person, or results in the total damage to any vehicle or item of property to an apparent extent of less than $750.
does not