PO should adhere to this procedures in order to maximize the reliability of :
- identifications,
- minimize unjust accusations of innocent persons and
- to establish evidence that is reliable and in conformance with established legal procedure
Mug books generated by officers will not be shown to witnesses for identification purposes, unless specifically requested by the District Attorney’s Office, T/F?
Independent Administrator in a photo line-up is also known as the:
“Double Blind” method
Photo line-ups can be both hard copy or by digital image, T/F?
What is a Sequential photo line-up?
Photos presented one at a time to an eyewitness for identification purposes
What is a show -up?
A one on one
What is a Simultaneous photo line-up?
A six pack
Photo line-ups are an investigative tool and will not be the sole basis of an arrest unless authorized by a lieutenant and approval of the District Attorney’s Office, T/F?
Sources for a lineup may include photos from the LVMPD mug shot system, yearbook photographs, Department of Motor Vehicles photographs or other sources providing photographs, T/F?
As the Sgt. Im responsible for:
- Make sure lead Det. Identifies what method will be used for the line-up.
- Ensure the photos show individuals who look alike
- Photograph positions change for simultaneous line-up
- Review and make sure all forms are completed
officers should consider audio recording the entire interaction of the Photo Line-up and preserving the recording with the case file, T/F?
All photo line-ups presented to eyewitnesses regardless of the outcome will become part of the investigative case file, T/F?
When conducting a sequential photo line-up, The officer will show the eyewitness all of the photographs in the line-up, even if the eyewitness makes identification early in the procedure, T/F?
Live Line-ups will be conducted in the:
DSD Central Booking Bureau “Line-up Room” preferably Monday through Friday, 0900-1030 hours
For live line-ups PO requesting a line-up will contact the booking lieutenant’s office prior to 1200 hours the day before the scheduled line-up, T/F?
If only one eyewitness is viewing the line-up, the suspect and his attorney will be allowed to place the participants in the order in which they wish them to appear in the line-up, T/F?
A show-up may be used when an eyewitness can possibly identify a person involved in a crime or may be used when a photo line-up is inappropriate or impractical, T/F?
The show-up should be done within a relative timeframe of ______hours following the incident.
A show-up should be conducted at the location where the suspect is detained, within sixty (60) minutes of detainment, if not under arrest.