HPM 10.12 Equal Employment Opportunity Flashcards
All EEO counselors shall attend recertification training at least once every _________.
24 months.
What two types of Sexual Harassment have state and federal courts recognized?
- Quid pro quo
- Hostile work Enviorment
If a complainant believes they have been discriminated against, they may elect to
bypass the Department’s internal discrimination complaint process and file with an external agency. How many days to you have to file with each of these agencies?
A) Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
B) Federal Department of Labor.
C) California State Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
D) California State Department of Labor.
A) 300 days.
B) 180 days and 300 days relating to individuals covered under the Rehabilitation and Veterans’ Acts.
C) 365 days.
D) 180 days.
In accordance with CalHR policy, if a question of discrimination arises during a grievance review, the grievance process will ________ and the issues related to EEO will be referred to the discrimination complaint process.
The complainant has _______ from the last incident to contact an EEO counselor regarding discrimination-related issues.
3 years
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has implemented an Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) Program to ensure equal opportunity for applicants and
employees at all levels in testing, hiring, training, promotion, and other benefits
and privileges extended through employment.
This is accomplished in compliance
with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the California Fair Employment and
Housing Act, and other related state and federal civil rights laws
Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Verbal harassment, e.g., epithets or name calling, offensive jokes,
derogatory comments, or slurs.
(2) Physical harassment, e.g., physical assaults or threats, impeding or
blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or
movement, when directed at an individual.
(3) Visual forms of harassment, e.g., derogatory posters, cartoons, or
(4) Sexual favors, e.g., offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual
Action taken against an individual because the person opposed an alleged unlawful discriminatory practice, filed a complaint, acted as a witness in a complaint investigation, or assisted in the discrimination complaint process, regardless if the complaint is founded or unfounded.
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Must be filed within
______ days of the last incident or notification of the alleged discriminatory act(s).
The covered basis includes race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex
(includes sexual harassment), disability, equal pay/compensation, genetic
information, pregnancy, and/or retaliation.
California State Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Must be
filed within ______ days of the last incident or notification of alleged discriminatory
act(s). In termination cases, the date of harm is the actual date the
complainant is discharged, even if the complainant is notified earlier that
termination will occur at some later date. Therefore, the complainant has 365
days from the date of harm in termination cases to file a complaint with DFEH.
Quid pro quo harassment occurs when?
occurs when, “submission to or rejection of (unwelcome sexual) conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual,”
A hostile work environment claim occurs when?
Unwelcomed sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, even if it does not lead to tangible or economic consequences.
Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator. Title II of the ADA requires a public entity that employs __ or more persons shall designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and fulfill its responsibilities under Title II, including the investigation of complaints. The departmental ADA Coordinator is located in OEEO.
As part of the process of providing reasonable accommodation, it may become necessary for the requesting employee or applicant to submit medical information to substantiate and/or clarify the nature and extent of their disability and/or limitation(s). All relevant medical information requested by the responding commander shall be provided by the employee/applicant within __ calendar days of the request.
Reasonable Accommodation Requests. The original CHP 163 will be maintained in the employee’s medical file for a period of __ years from the date of the approved/disapproved request.
Reasonable Accommodation Requests. Office of Equal Employment Opportunity will retain the CHP 163 for ___ years.
What measurement is used to determine hostile, intimidating, or abusive?
The reasonable person standard.
Does sexual discrimination apply equally to men and women?
At what age do individuals receive protection from age discrimination?
How often are supervisors required to receive sexual harassment training?
Once every two years
When is the Department liable for sexual harassment misconduct?
When a SUPERVISOR or manager knows OR should have known of the harassment and fails to take timely and appropriate action.