*50.5 Civil Disturbance Flashcards
If a request for mutual aid is made by an allied agency for Mobile Field Force is made, what is the minimum number of uniformed personnel and general purpose patrol vehicles?
52 CHP uniformed personnel in 14 general
purpose patrol vehicles.
How often are all uniformed employees required to display
knowledge of all tactical formations?
Definition: Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance.
Passive Resistance Protester
Definition: Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer in a physical manner (eg bracing,tensing muscles, interlocking arms,running away).
Active Resistance Protester
Use of Force shall be documented on a _________.
CHP 216 / CHP 275 or 275C
If dealing with Passive Resistance Protesters, what posistion
should your Baton Posistion be?
Secured in ring or held in the low ready posistion.
How many Sergeant(s)/ Officers usually make up a squad?
1 Sergeant and 11 Officers
When nessasary how many officers shall be used to
carry an arrestee?
Three officers.
When is the use of a wooden dowel authorized?
- Only during unlawful demonstrations.
- Only by personnel who have received departmental training.
- Only when autorized by the incident commander.
What needs to be done before utilizing pain compliance through control holds to disentangle demonstrators?
A lawful order to disperse and a use of force warning shall be given prior to utilizing pain compliance through control holds to disentangle demonstrators.
According to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and
the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), a
request for mutual aid by an allied agency for Mobile Field Force is defined
as a minimum of ____CHP uniformed personnel, to be dispatched in ____
general purpose patrol vehicles, unless otherwise specified in writing by
the requesting agency.
52 / 14
A public gathering requiring law enforcement response and utilization of crowd management, intervention, and control strategies.
In addition to lawful assemblies, these crowd control incidents may include unlawful assemblies, riots, and other forms of civil disturbance.
Crowd control Incidents
Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful
order of a peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance
Passive Resistance Protesters
Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful
order of a peace officer in a physical manner (e.g., bracing, tensed muscles,
interlocked arms, running away)
Active Resistance Protesters
Aggressive or combative behavior which
attempts or threatens to assault an officer or another.
Assaultive Resistance Protesters
the CHP will normally respond to what types of civil unrest/disobedience incidents
Incident which affects state or co hwys where the Dept has primary invest authority
Incident which affects state prop where the Dept has primary invest authority
Official request for mutual aid assistance made by an allied agency
What are Passive Resistance Protesters
Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance
What are Active Resistance Protesters
Intentional and unlawful opposition to a lawful order of a peace officer in a physical manner (e.g., bracing, tensed muscles, interlocked arms, running away).
What are Assaultive Resistance Protesters
Aggressive or combative behavior which attempts or threatens to assault an officer or another
Name the basic element of a tactical unit, and composition.
Squad. Squad leader (preferably a Sgt), 11 Ofcrs, 4 cars
What is the purpose of the Arrest squad
Primary responsibility to make arrests and perform rescue tactics
When can the wooden dowel be used
When authorized by incident commander and only by personnel who have been trained in its use
What is the standard baton condition when deployed in a tactical formation?
The long extended position.
Uniformed employees are required to show knowledge of tactical formations how often
The Department will normally respond to what types of civil disturbances?
- If they affect state or county highways
- At the official request for mutual aid by an allied agency
Can Department personnel be under the command of another agency at a civil disturbance?
Can an allied agency determine use of force rules or rules of engagement at an incident if they are the IC?
NO. We always follow our own policies
How often are the policies of this HPM and chapter two, Operational Guidelines and Modes, to be reviewed by all uniformed employees?
Once a quarter
Who determines the “operational mode” of engagement?
Individual employees
Can the Incident Action Plan (IAP) exist only in the IC’s mind?
Yes (written, verbal, or mental)
A crowd control unit (should, shall) not move into an incident which it cannot_____.
- Should not
- control
What is the primary purpose of tactical units and formations?
To move or disperse crowds
What are the tactical units, largest to smallest?
- Battalion
- Company
- Platoon
- Squad
The basic element in a tactical unit is the _________.
What is the composition of a squad?
One sergeant and eleven (11) officers
What is a platoon comprised of?
Two (2) or three (3) squads.
Who is normally a platoon leader?
A lieutenant
What is a composition of a company?
A company is composed of a minimum of four squads working as a single unit. The company can be split into 2 platoons, each led by a lieutenant.
Who is normally a company commander?
A captain
Who does the company commander have to assist him?
Two executive officers (lieutenant)
How many companies are in a battalion?
Two (2) or more. Commander is an Assistant Chief or higher. Executive Officer is a Captain.
Who should be a battalion commander?
As assistant chief or higher
Squads, platoons, and companies SHOULD march in __________ to their assignments.
Column of files formation
What are the approved formations?
- Column of files
- Line Formation
- Encirclement
- Separation
- Crossbow
After giving the command for the formation (e.g. “skirmish line”) what command is given to accomplish the formation?
Vehicles traveling close together in a single line is called __________________?
“In Trail”
What is the formation called when there are two parallel lines of vehicles?
“Double stack”
What speed do you maintain prior to braking (mobile online, prior to bounding) when approaching a crowd?
35 MPH
Who can authorize the use of “rifle officers” and chemical agent officers?
Only the on-scene CHP IC
If it is necessary to lift or carry the arrestee how SHALL it be done?
With a minimum of three officers
Can multiple arrestees be linked together with a single flex-cuff?
Are the personnel assigned to the arrest squad responsible for all aspects of the arrest through booking?
What comprises an arrest squad?
An arrest squad consist of 1 squad leader and 11 officers, or can be modified depending on the size and nature of the group to be arrested.
Minors under _________ years old SHOULD not normally be arrested.
12 years old
Minors (should, shall) be separated from adults prior to transporting
When can a minor (under 18), who is not arrested, but are in the company of an adult who is arrested be released to a responsible adult?
- The minor is at least 12 years of age
- a uniformed SUPERVISOR authorizes it
- The parent or legal guardian gives WRITTEN consent
- documented in arrest reports
If the juvi cannot be released what happens?
they are taken to CPS
37mm NLW projectiles (should, shall) not be fired at an individual or group closer than ___________.
- SHALL not
- 30 feet
When fired, the 37mm projectiles are fired they (should, shall) be skipped off the ground approximately _______ in front of a specified or justified target.
- six (6) feet
The chemical protective mask SHALL be inspected how often?