HOS Tri II Test II Flashcards
Jeremiah’s call
He does not accept call, contrast to Isaiah.
Book of Lamentations
Could be written by Jeremiah, hope for forgiveness during the exile, image of greatness to lowliness (reversals)
Psalm 137 (Ballad of the Exiles)
Expression of sorrow, loss, expression of remembrance
Pre- exilic Good Shepherd
Leads the sheep back, Messiah (Jesus)
Pre-exilic Bad Shepherd
Led the flock astray, or let them go astray (idolatry), Priests, Kings, etc…
Jeremiah stresses
Heart, personal relationship, one can have faith/religion outside of Jerusalem
Major Exilic Shift
Focus of religion, exterior to interior
One of four major prophets, Pre exilic, preistly class
Ezekiel image
Dry Bones
Images of Dry Bones
Very Dry: hopeless, only hope of the CP
one of four major prophets, Pre-Exilic and Exilic, tries to dissuade Zedekiah from making alliance with Egypt
One of four major prophets, exiled to Babylon
Themes for Daniel
Hope for Exiles, Man of Faith can resist temptation, Messianism
Three Parts of Daniel’s themes
Visions, Stories, Wisdom
Daniel’s Visions
Vision of the statue (idolatry) -> Messianism (Son of Man)
Fiery Furnace
Worship statue or be thrown into fire, saved by one man (Messianism)
Lion’s Den
Not allowed to pray except to pagan god, Daniel saved by angel
resists being unfaithful, falsely accused and destined to die, saved by Daniel
Daniels stories all have
all threee major themes
Daniel’s Wisdom
‘Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake: some to everlasting life, others to reproach and everlasting disgrace’
Deutero Isaiah
second Isaiah (different person)
Deutero Isaiah themes
Messianism, Fore-runner (John the Baptist), Hope of return from Exile
Deutero Isaiah Image
Suffering servant (Messiah), Four Hymns to the servant
Hymn 1 (Presentation of the Servant)
‘Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased’ References the Baptism of the Lord
Hymn 2 (Calling of the Servant)
‘Before birth the Lord called me, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name,…,He said to me, You are my servant.’ The Messiah is given a name and a mission
Hymn 3 (Suffering Servant Hymn)
‘I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who tore out my beard. My face I did not hide from insults and spitting.’ Refrences Jesus’ Passion and Death
Hymn 4 (Salvation by the Suffering of the Servant)
‘See my servant shall proper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted’ Refrence Jesus on the Cross
King Zerubbabel
From the tribe of Judah, leads CP back from exile
Book of Ezra
Describes rebuilding of Judah
New Temple
Temple of Zerubbabel or Second Temples
Four reforms of book of Nehemiah
No marriages to foreigners, no work on Sabbath, sanctuary tax, give back to God 10% of earnings
Post Exilic Prophet, calls the Messiah the ‘Branch’ (hope)
Zechariah theme
Zechariah image
Riding donkey into Jerusalem (Jesus Palm Sunday)
Post Exilic Prophet, means ‘my messenger ’, (hope)
Malachi theme
Messianism (fore-runner)
Malachi images
John the Baptist, Purification of faith, Return of Elijah
Post Exilic prophet (hope)
Joel Theme
Messianism (Messianic Age)
Joel Image
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Joel quote
‘I will pour out my spirt upon all flesh,…, in those days I will pour out my spirit.’ (Fufilled on Pentecost
Jonah’s calling
resists call, tries to run away to Joppa to Tarshish
Jonah is swallowed by a
large fish (whale), and spit out on the shores of Nineveh to preach
Jonah is annoyed by
Nineveh’s trust in God
Jonah’s images
Sign of conversion, sign or resurrection
‘blessed man’ represents CP
Satan in Book of Job
‘tempter’, ‘accuser’, or ‘adversary’
Job’s response to suffering
‘naked i came forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.’
Job’s Friend’s response to suffuring
it is the result of sin
Job’s wife’s response to suffering
Reject the unjust God; curse him and get on w/ life
Job’smain message
remain faithful and trust in od through it all and you will be rewarded
Wisdom Literature was recorded mainly during
Solomon and during Babylonian captivity
Book of Proverbs
short sayings, cookbook of life with recipies for successful living
Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
during Hellenistic Age, Ecclesiasticus means laws of the ecclesia (community or church)
Book of Ecclesiastes
refers to Preacher or Hoheleth, ‘vanity = empty’
Book of Song of Songs
exalts human love, human love represents God’s love for us
Old Testament Suffering
result of curses, result of sin, a test
New Testament Suffering
not all suffering is a result of sin, God allows it but does not send it, God can intervene (miracles), Suffering is not permanent
Book of Wisdom
answers the question of the righteous who remain faithful, die, and are not rewarded in this life