History of Salvation - Test 3 Flashcards
During time of Issac, Jacob, and Esau blessing were very important. They believed that once a blessing way given
it could not be taken back
Seen in Jacob’s story, God will sometimes let ______carry out his plans
After fleeing home, Jacob wanted to marry ______, but was tricked into marrying _____, who had ______
Rachel, Leah, Weak Eyes
Rachel dies giving birth to _____
Jacob had a dream at
In Jacobs dream, angels were present climbing a ladder, acting as ______.
Bethel means
House of GOd
The oldest son of Jacob’s favorite wife is ______, who is also Jacob’s favorite.
Jacob proves Joseph is his favorite son by giving him
a multicolored robe
Jacob as another two dreams about his brother, the brothers are seen as
stars and wheat
Because of his ability to interpret ____ and being his fathers favorite, Josephs brothers are very _____ of him and decide to ______
Dreams, jealous, sell him into slavery
Whilesome of Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill him, _____ convinced them to put him in a well. His brothers dipped the coat in blood to make it look like he was eaten by an animal
Joseph was sold as a slave to ____
Potiphar, the head of Pharoah’s gaurd
Joseph is thrown in jail. He interprets the ____’s dream in which there are grapes and wine. He then interprets the _____’s dream in which there are cakes
Bulter, Baker
Joseph sees that the Pharoah dreams of ____ and ____. In both dreams the weaker eats the stronger
cows and corn
Joseph becomes the _____ of Egypt
His _____come to visit Joseph in request of food, but do not ______ him
brothers, regonize
Joseph demands that the brothers bring back _____, and Joseph has his servant put a ________ in _____’s bag
Benjamin, silver cup
_____ steps foward to replaceBenjamin when Joseph wants to treat him like a slave. For this reason the Tribe of ____ is blessed and the ____ will come from this tribe
Judah, Judah, Messaih
Joseph’s two sons are ____ and ___. He will relocate his whole family to the fertile land of ____
Menasseh, Ephraim, Goshin
The book of Genesis ends with the death of
Jacob and Joseph
Jacob blesses Josephs sons but mixes up the blessing. He gives ______ the older son, the blessing with his left hand (the ____ blessing)
Manasseh, minor
The second book of the Bible ____, is both an ____ and a ____
Exodus,event, book
God leads the Chosen People (CP) out of _____, led by a man named ____, from the trible of ____-
Egypt, Moses, Levi
Moses flees from Egypt to ____ and marries one of his ___ daughters
While tending Jethro’s flock, Moses sees a _______ and is instructed to ____ because he is standing on ______
Burning bush, remove his sandels, holy ground
God identifies himself to Moses as _____, meaning _____
Yaweh, I am Who am
At first ____ is scared to answer God’s call because of his speaking ability, but instructs him to have his brother ____ be his spokesperson
Moses, AAron
_____ and _____ approach the Pharoah requesting the release of the CP. This Pharoh was known for his persecution of the Hewbrews was likely ______
Moses and Aaron, Ramses II
Moses calls upon God to unleash a series of ____ upon Egypt. They are miraculos for their ____ and ____
PLagues, timing, effect
The Last plauge calls for the Death of the _____ of the Egyptians, including the ____ family. The Hewbews are protected by spreading the _____ on their doorposts so the Angel of Death will “____” the house
Firstborns, Pharoahs, Blood of a Lamb, Passover
The Hebrews celebratethe event of their escape with a feast called _____. The elements of the Old Testamint ______ are ____,_____, and _______
Passover, Passover, Lamb, Blood, Unleavened Bread
Lamb, Blood, and Unleavenedd Bread correspond with the New Testaments ____, ____, and ____
Eucharist, Paschal Lamb, and the Wine
The Hewbrews escape Egypt by crossing over the _____
Red Sea or Sea of Reeds
They follow God through the Desert for ____ and see him a __________ during the day and a ________ during the night. This leads to the Promise Land known as ____
40 Years, Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire, Palestine
The symbol of MOses’power is his ___. After crossing out of Egpyt, Moses sings a song of _____ and ____. Along the way God talks with God because he is a Man of ___.
staff, Thanksiving, Praise, Faith
At Rephidim, the Hebrews battle against the _____. On the groud _____ leds the forces into battle. _____ is on top of the mountain holding _____ symbolizing prayer and Petition. He is assisted by ___ and ___
Amalekites, Joshua, Moses, his arms up, Aaron, Hur
Many times throughout the journey the Nebrews complain and lack of faith. In one instance they complain about a lack of food and God sends down _____ or ____ from heaven
Manna , bread
In anther instance the Hewbrews complain about lack of water so God tells Moses to strike a ____ at ____ and ____.
Rock, Massah, Meribah
“How awesome this place is!This is nothing else but the house of God, the gateway to Heaven”
The Story of Jacob, Jacob arrives in Bethel
“The scepter shall never depart fromJudah, or the mace from between his feet.
The Story of Joseph; Jacbob’s blessing upon one of his sons
“You shall no longer give the people straw to make bricks…. let themgo and gather straw themselves”
Pharaoh’s reaction to Moses