Global Studies - India and China Flashcards
seasonal wind patterns in southern Asia that blow southwest during the summer
Harappan Civilization used lots of agriculture and
The two main Indus Vally sites were
harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Indus Valley Civilzations date back to
over 9000 years
Harappan used ___ to guarantee fertile soil and harvest
animal sacrifices
Population of Harappan Civilzation
Collapse of Indus Valley Civilization
remains a mystery today, one theory is that invading Aryans destroyed the civilzation, another theory points to natural causes
Who were the Aryans
Indo-European speaking peoples from the steppes around the Black and Caspian Seas
branch of Indo-European language family
The Aryans invented
horse drawn chariots and stirrups
chieftain of Aryan tribes, claimed to be representatives of the gods
“great rajas”
set of lawas outlining behavioral standards for all individuals and classes in Indian society
Alexander The Great
arrives in Indus River Vally
Chadragupta Maurya
founded new state of Indoa and forced out Greek administrators
Mauryan government was
highly contralized (dictator)
Empire was divided by ___ and ruled by goveners (maurya)
happiness of the king lies in the happieness of his people
indian classes
warrior class
majority of indian population, peasents
Not considered fully human
Law of Manu
Describes duties of India’s social classes
No ______ outside your class
a system of extended families
four benefits of Jati system
indentity, placement, welfare, stability
______ possesses legal authority over entire family unit
OLdest male
ritual encouraging wife to throw herseld onto her dead husbands funeral pyre
a monothistic religion with a single force and a single heaven.
another name for Brahman
four colllections oif hyms & religious ceremonies
set of commentaries on the Vedas, in which Brahman began to emergeas an important element of religious belief
the individual self, has a duty of understanding Brahman
______ is a key m3eans of communicating with celestial forces
subjectging oneself to pain to communicate with the gods
idea that rebirth is the next life is determined by you actions in this life
“Perserver” in Brahmanism
“Dystroyer” in Brahmanism
Siddhartha Guatama
founder of Buddhism
metaphysical reality invilving an extition of selfhood and a final reunion with the Great World Soul, present in Buddhism and Brahmanism
Buddhism denies the idea of
atman, or individual soul
Buddha’s four noble truths
Life is suffering, siffering is caused by desire, the way to end suffereing was to end desire,the way to end desire is to avoid the extremes of a life of vulgar materialism and a life of self tourture, and to follow
Buddhism aceppts
reincarnation and karma
hold relics of Budda
more extreme version of Buddhism, had no possesions and relied on begging for survival
grandson of Chandragupat Maurya, widley considered to be the greatest rule in Indian history
India failed to remained unified because
decline in regional trade and Clanloyalties.
Language of Vedas
Sand Skrit
Three sovereigns
Founded China
Fu Xi
Ox tamer, domesticated animals, three sovereigns
Huang Di
The Yellow Emperor, created Chinese system of writing, sovereign who founded China
Shen Nong
The divine factor, taught the people, sovereign who founded China
Xia Dynasty
Beginning of Chinese civilization
Yu, founder of Xia Dynasty is credited with
Introducing irrigation to the North China Plain
Shang Dynasty
Replaces Xia Dynasty
The Shang Dynasty used
Oracle bones, ox and chicken bones or turtle she,La for divination
Dynasty that created sophisticated writing system that evolves into the writtings used by China today
Shang Dynasty
Chinese scholars believe Chinese civilization is sui genesis, meaning
Unaffected by events taking place around the world
In the Shang Dynasty, it was ruled by ____ and assisted by ____
A king, a bureaucracy
Chieftains in Shang Dynasty
Governed sections of China, appointed and disposed by king, focused on way & controlling metals and salt
Supreme sky god, found in Shang Dynasty
Urnatiation of ancestors
Burning replicas of physical objects to accompany the departed on their journey to the next world, found in Shang Dynasty
Neolithic family villages were organized by
Clans, all residents took the common clan name of the entire village
Shang Dynasty social classes
Aristocrats, Merchants and artisans, peasants, Shmes
Primary land owners: made war, served as officials
Criminals or prisoners of war
Did not own land, worked on the land of the chieftain and other elite families
Zhou Dynasty
Longest lived dynasty 800years, after Shang Dynasty
First Capital of Zhou Dynasty
Near the present day city of Xian
Second Capital of Zhou Dynasty
Modern Day Luoyang
Eastern & western capitals in Zhou Dynasty
Based on defensive or climate needs - that would endure in China for nearly 2,000 years
Zhou Political Structure
King at top, bureaucracy included ministries for rites, education, law, and public works, continued practice of dividing kingdom into territories
Mandate of Heaven
Idea that heaven maintained order in the universe through the Zhou King
Well field system
Each peasant family filled an outer plot for it own use, and joined with other families to work the inner plot for the hereditary landlord, found in Zhou Dynasty
One of the most important trade items in the Zhou Dynasty was
Early Zhou Dynasty was considered
A golden age
Period of Warring States
After Zhou Dynasty, China breaks up into many state’s fighting for control
Universe is diveded into two primary forces of
Good and evil
The sun and moon are represented by
Yin and Yanng
Assist emperor in policy decisions
Heaven - the symbol of universal order
concept of duty and human heartiness. This philosophy believed individuals have to work hard for a prosperous life
argued human beings were evil by nature, people will only follow law if there are harsh punishments for doing otherwise
Like Confucianism in many ways, but has a positive outlook on nature
Period of Warring States
civil war between Chinese states
Idealogy in Qin Dynasty
Shi Haungdi
First Emperor of Qin
Shi Huangdi’s Reforms
- Unified system of weight and masses
- Standardized monetary system
- Standardized written characters
- Construction of Road system
- divided landlords’ estates
- managed commerce and manufacturing
nomadic peoples to the north, possibly related to the Huns
The Great Wall
Built in response to the Xiongnu threat
Fall of the Qin
tensions within imperial court and outer bureaucratic officials
Class of eunuchs
castrated males, served and advised the royal family
Terra-cotta army
recreation of Qin Shi Huangdi’s imperial guard
Han Dynasty
dynasty that occurs after the collapse of the Qin
Liu Bang
initially a peasant, becomes founder of the Han Dynasty
Han Dynasty’s ideology
state Confucianism
State Confucienism
the integration of Confucian doctrine with Legalist institutions
Organization of Han
Divided into 3 branches, civilism authority, millitary authority, and censority
- Similar to Qin in centralized gov.
- introduced civil service examinations and academy to train candidates for bureaucracy
In the Qin, merchants were
heavly taxed, disqualified from seeking office, restricted in where they could live, and seen as parasites.
China imports
grapes, precious metals, glass objects, and horses
China’s main export
The Silk Road
overland pathway used to export silk to Europe and Rome. Buddhism was brought to China.
The Han invented
paper, and made big progress in Textile manufacturing, water mills, and Ironcasting
Han Wudi
Martial Emperor of Han, expanded borders beyond the Yangzi
Wang Mang
an official who seized power from the Han court and founded the Xin Dynasty.
Xin Dynasty
Short lived Dynasty, tried to abolish slavery
Later Han Dynasty
Period after Wang Mang revolt, reduced land taxes
Cao Cao
general who ended the Han Dynasty
Filial piety
called on all members of the family to place the needs and desires of the patriarchal head of the family above their own
The five relationships
Son < Father Wife < Husband Younger brother < Older brother All < the ruler Friend = Friend
Under Zhou, loyalty to ____ was more important than loyalty to the ____
family, state or community
Qin attempt to destroy clan system and focus on the state because
it presented threat to centralized monarch
Bao-jia system
organizing family units into groups of five and ten families that would exercise mutual control and serveillance