HOS Tri 1 Flashcards
The supreme Being who made us, keeps us in existence, and who has revealed Himselfto us as Trinity, Father Son Holy Spirit
The inspired books of the Bible that contain God’s message for our salvation
The Greek word for “books”. Our English word “Bible” comes from it
The final list of the (73) inspired books in the Bible
From the Greek word meaning either last will or an agreement
Old Testament
(Hewbrew Scriptures) The religious history of the Jews that preparesthem and us for the coming of the Messiah
New Testament
(Christian Scriptures) Books written after the Ascension of Jesus Christ which faithfully hand on what Jesus did and taught for our salvation
A binding pact, contract or agreement
God working through humans to convey his message in such a way that the human retains the freedom to select how that message will be conveyed
The gradual process by which God teaches us thrths about Himself that we could never learn on our own and by which HE shows us His plan to save is from the consequences of sin
There is no error in the religious message of the Bible (Formal error), There are errors in grammar, spelling, history, geography, etc. (material error)
Refers to the work of 70 scholars who, around 200 B.C., translated the books of the Old Testament from Hebrew and Aramaic into Greek.
Refers to the work of St. Jerome who, around 300 A.D., translated the books of the Old and New Testaments from Greek into Latin.
(The Law) Hebrew word for the first five books of the Bible – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
The Greek word for the first five books of the Bible.
Biblical languages
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek are the original languages in which the Bible was written.
The name Abraham called God.
The name God told Moses was His. It means “I AM WHO AM” and is written YHWH
The Hebrew word meaning “Lord”. It was used as a substitute for the divine name.
The representation of God in human traits.
A person skilled in interpreting the Scripture.
Literally the “First Good News”. It refers to God’s promise that one of Eve’s descendants would destroy evil. See Genesis 3:15.
A person who understands or interprets the Bible word for word. A literalist.
A person who understands or interprets the Bible by not only reading the words but also taking into account the type of literature that a particular passage represents as well as the history and culture of the inspired writer.
A person who believes there is no god.
A person who believes that there are many gods.
A person who is loyal to his God but believes that other gods do exist.
A person who believes in only one God.
The second creation account stresses 3 kinds of relationships
Man-God, Man- Nature, Man-Man
In the second creation accound, nakedness is originally a sign of
“man’ in Hewbrew
“mother of living” in Hebrew
Evil comes from
Free will, Man’s desire to exceed his limits, rejection of God’s will, Man’s desire to be God
Two trees in Adam and eve
Knowledge of Good and Evil, Treeoflife
Consequences of sin
suffering, broken relationships, death, pain, work and labor, confusion of instincts, denial of sin
Even though we reject God, h
he still loves and cares for us
Cain and Abel is a
Sin story
Cain is
the elder brother of Abel, a farmer, part of Pagan Canaanites
Abel is
the younger brother to Cain, shepherd, part of the Chosen People
Despite Cain killing his brother, God
puts a mark on Cain to protect him
Cain says
“Am I my brother’s keeper”
Noah’s story is based on
Fact and Myth
Son’s of Noah
Shem, Ham, Japheth
Noah signs the covenant with God, with God agreeing to
“never again shall a flood destroy the earth
Sign of Noah’s covenant with God
a rainbow to connect heaven to earth (God to man)
God flooded earth because
the people fell into the common sin of idolatry, (saw earth was corrupt and filled with violence)
Sin in Tower of Babel
The tower was supposed to connect man to heaven and give them God’s powers
How did God punish the people of the Tower of Babel
he split them into different languages that way they could not speak to each other
Tower of Babel is based on a
Tower of Babel shows any work done in defiance of God
is doomed to failure
First patriarch
Abraham’s wife
Sarai (Sarah)
Abraham left home
because he received a calling from my God
With Abraham’s call to faith came
a name change (to abram), trust in God, change to henotheism, and promise
sign of Abraham’s covenant
the Eucharist
Sarai’s slave girl who she gives to Abraham since she is barren
Hagar’s son
Isaac =
“he laughs”
Issac’s birth
proves nothing is impossible with God as Sarai was barren
messengers of God
Sodom and Gomorrah couldn’t find
10 good men
Lot’s wife
turned to salt
Issac’s wife
Issac’s sons
Esau and JAcob
Issacs favorite, eldest son, ‘hairy hunter’, sold birthright to Jacob for Soup, Ancestor of the Edomites
Rbekah’s favorite, youngest, ‘shepherd’, recivied birthright, ancestor of the Isrealites
Jacob tricked Issac into
giving him the blessing (even though he didn’t have to because he had Esau’s birthright
Jacob’s Deception shows
God’s ways are not mans ways, God favors the younger over the older, God can create goodness out of sin
Jacob’s dream is also known as
Jacob’s ladder
house of God
In Bethal, Jacob
renews the covenant made with Abraham and Issac
Jacob’s dream shows there is no seperation
between God/Heaven and man/earth
‘Dull eyes’
Beautiful eyes
Laban tricks
Jacob by switching Leah in for Rachel
Jacob had to work ___ for Leah and ____ for Rachel
7 years
Rachel dies giving birth to
Jacob’s new name is
Isreal’s favorite child
Joseph’s brothers plot to kill him because
he was the favorite, jealousy
Joseph’s brother who tells his other brother’s not to kill him
Pharoah’s dreams
7 healthy cows, 7 ugly, weak cows, 7 healthy corn, 7 egly corn
Joseph has the special ability of
being able to interpret dreams
Joseph is made the _____ of Egypt
Joseph’s two sons
Manasseh (He who makes one forget) and Ephrain (Fertility)
When Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt
they meet Joseph, but do not recognize him and Joseph accused them as spies
Joseph tells his brothers in Egypt
bring back Benjamin, as he is the last remembrance of Rachel
replaces Benjamin
Joseph’s silver cup is placed in
Benjamin’s sack
refers to a book and an event
Ramses II
major Pharaoh of persecution of Hebrews
Moses is from
tribe of Levi
Burning Bush Scene was
God calling Moses
In Burning Bush Scene God tells Moses to take off
his sandals
Moses was hesitant to accept his calling because
of his speech defect
Aaron will be
Moses’ spokesperson
God tells Moses his name is
Moses’ staff is his
source of power
When Moses and Aaron tell Pharaoh to free the Chosen People, Pharaoh says
Plagues are miraculous for their
timing and effect
The last plague killed
all the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, i
Passover means
The Tenth plague caused the death of
Pharaohs’ first born
God will lead Chosen people to the Pillars of
Cloud (Day) and Fire (night)
Moses lifts his staff when about to cross the Red Sea and
parts the water, the winds stop
The crossing of the Red Sea shows God’s
intervention and trusting in him will lead him to provide
Song of Moses as the expression of
Recount and Rejoice
Chosen people complained about lack of food, so God sent down
Manna bread
Chosen People complained about lack of water so Moses
struck the rock twice
Moses strikes the rock a second time
God punishes him by not allowing him to go to the PL
Moses puts his hands up signaling
victory over the Amalekites in the battle of Rephidim
Joshua’s role in Battle of Rephidim
lead armed forces and ‘mowed down Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword’
God’s covenant at Mt. Sinai
promises to stick with the CP, special relationship
CP say to Aaron
“Up, make us a god” that we can see, that can lead us
God expresses anger with Moses over CP’s idolatry, Moses recalls
covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, recalls upon the good people,
Moses throws down the tablets signaling
the breaking of the Covenant
Book of Numbers
continuation of Exodus
Ark of the Covenant
visible sign of the presence of the invisible God, reminder of God’s covenant
Son of Nun
Son of Jephunneh, spy that encouraged CP to seize t)he land
After the spy reports, the CP wanted to
wanted to appoint a leader and return to Egypt
After the CP wanted to go back to Egypt, God
took all the CP 20+ years old to wander and die in the desert, including Moses and Aaron (except Joshua and Celeb)
Moses’ bronze serpent foreshadows
Jesus on the cross
Moses dies
on M. Nebo for striking rock twice, Joshua will lead CP into the PL, end of Pentateuch
charismatic military leader, 12 of them
Main message of Period of Judges
IF you sin against Yahweh, you will be punished
Judge who puts God to the fleece test
Gideon’s 300
whoever is fearful and trembling, let them return home (32,000 –> 10,000) and whoever kneels to drink the water (10,000 –> 300)
Samson’s birth
Angel tells Samson’s mother she will concive and bear a son, despite her being barren (like Sarah, Rebecca, etc…)
Nazirite Vow
Taken by Samson, no strong drinks, to razor to cut hair, source of great strength
Philistine Women who tricked Samson to revealing the secret source of strength, Philistines cut his hair
stays to take care of her mother in law and convets to God
Ruth, Obed,…, ….
Jesse, David
Ark of God is captured
lost to the Philistines, Eli dies when hearing about it
Why do Israelites ask Samuel to appoint a king
loss of faith (loss of the Ark), loss to the Philistines, other countries have a king, wanted a physical king
When the Isrealites ask for a king, Samuel
says no and tells people to have faith in God, God tells Samuel to appoint a king, they are rejecting God, not Samuel
First Isrealite king
Saul, chosen by lot, from tribe of Benjamin,
Saul is finally accepted as king after
a military crisis and victory
Saul and Samuel
did not get along, Saul banished Samul but did not kill him as Saul knows he is a man of God
Saul puts David in the front line
slews Goliath
Saul’s jealousy
tries to kill David, twice,
‘the Lord less you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! Lord look upon you, and be gracious to you! The lord look upon kindly and give you peace’
Pristly blessing
‘Hear O Isreal! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and your whole being, and with your whole strength’
The Shema
‘Now, then, be careful to drink no wine or beer and to eat nothing unclean,… No razor shall touch his head’
Nazarite Vow
‘Wherever you go, I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God’
Ruth’s pledge to Naomi
‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening’
Samuel’s response to his calling
‘God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The Lord looks into the heart.’
Selection of David
‘Do not fear. Can I take the place of God? Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good.’
Joseph to his brothers
‘The Lord will make a house for you,…,I will raise up your offspring,…, ad I will establish his kingdom.’
God’s messianic promise to David
‘Give your servant, therefore, a listening heart to judge your people and to distinguish between good and evil’
Solomon’s response to God
‘Your wisdom and prosperity surpass the report I heard’
Queen of Shebato Solomon
Saul dies
falls on his own sword (suicide)
David’s Capital
David brings the
Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem
touched the Ark of the Covenant and was struck to death
David’s prophet
God’s Covenant with david
David’s son will build temple for God
David commits adultry with
man who tried to cover up David and Bathsheba’s affairs
Nathan reprimands David by
telling David about David, David’s son dies
kill David’s other son, banished by David, starts a Civil war against David, David told his followers to kill him
David calls for _____
Zadok, priest and religious rep., Nathan prophet and spiritual rep., and Benaiah, elder and social rep.
Solomon asks God for
Solomon becomes corrupted by
his wives