Global Studies - Rise & Fall Islam Flashcards
Muhammad’s birth
Muhammad’s revelations
meets the angel Gabriel, believed Allah had been partially revealed through Moses and Jesus, but that final revelations were now being given to him
holy scriptures of Islam, Muhammad’s revelations
submission to the will of Allah
flight of Muhammad and his supporters from Mecca to Medina (first date on Islamic calendar)
first Muslim community of supporters
sacred shrine of Islam (black box)
Five Pillars of Islam
similar to Christianity’s Ten Commandments
Muslim code of law
rules of Shari’a
no gambling, no drinking, to eating pork, marriages arranged by parents, limited to four wives
‘successsor’ of Muhammad and leader of Islamic community
religious leader
First Caliph (Abu Bakr)
Muhammad’s father in law and early supporter
raid to defeat enemies
striving in the way of the Lord, or holy war - to expand Islamic authority
becomes caliph, assassinated after 5 years
a caliph who makes leadership hereditary in the Umayyad family
First Pillar of Islam
Believe in Allah and in Muhammad as he is prophet
Second Pillar of Islam
Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, + public prayer on Fridays
Third Pillar of Islam
Fast during the holy month of Ramadan
Fourth Pillar of Islam
Make a hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life
Fifth Pillar of Islam
Giving zakat - alms to the poor
Arabia Pre Islam
- Bedouns
- Sheikh
- sheep herds
- camels and caravans for trades
- polytheistic but Allah is main god
Nomadic peoples (Arabia pre Islam)
Tribal leaders (Arabia Pre Islam)
Islam impact on Arabia
- polytheistic to monotheistic
- Ka’aba already sacred shrine to THE sacred shrine
Strengths of Arab Empire
- Powerful Bedouin cavalry (camels)
- Skilled generals and motivated army
- ongoing conflicts weakening
Battle of Tours
Charles Martel’s French Army stop Muslim advancement in Europe
Siege of Constantinople
Byzantine Empire defend their capital using Greek Fire to destroy Muslim defeat
Battle of Manzikart
Byz. defeat Gods(?) to call for crusades
Causes of Shi’ite Revolt
- Son of Ali, Hussein disputes the Umayyads’ legitimacy
- Favoritism towards Arab vs. non- Arab Muslims
Shi’ites mean
‘Partisans of Ali’
Effects of Shi’ite Revolt
- Schism between Shi’ite and Arab Muslims
- Schism lasting to modern day
Abbasid Dynasty
Established when Abu al-Abbas overthrows the Umayyads
Abbasid changes to Sunni Law
- All Muslims permitted to hold civil and military offices
- intermarriage between Arabs and non- Arabs
- Capital moved from Damascus to Baghdad
- ideal citizens: judges, merchants, government officials
Advisory council (Abbasid Dynasty)
prime minister (Abbasid Dynasty)
Decline of Abbasid Government
- Caliphs become more autocratic
- no spiritual authority
- disputes between sons of caliphs
- shortage of talented people
- lives of luxury
Seljuk Turks
- Descendants of Xiongnu
- Began as military mercenaries
- conquer Baghdad
Women required to ‘guard their modesty’
covered face and body when appearing in society
Slavery in Islam
Muslims could not be enslaved, slaves can from non Muslim Africans or Asians
Baghdad’s ‘House of Wisdom’
Stored works by Greek philosophers
First ‘book culture’
Addasid society, cheap paper, block printing, and libraries
Ibn Sina / Avicenna
Physician and philosopher, developed medical encyclopedia
Change of ___ system
Number system, creation of algebra
Feeling of their creator through dancing (whirling Derushes
Pre-Islamic Africa
- Pantheism
- lineage groups -> clans made to keep their ancestor’s legacy
Islamic Impact on Africa
- Shift to monothiesm
- greater social organizations as they are unified by one religion, Arabic writing system, Islamic Law
- Africanized Islam
Empire of Mali
wealth derived from salt + gold
local chieftans and religious leaders (Empire of Mali)
- Most famous Mali city
- Founded as seasonal camp for traders
- becomes major cultural center of West Africa under Mansa Musa
Kushan Kingdom (after Mauryans)
- controls northern India
- Benefitted from trade along the Silk Road
- Many Buddhist missionaries
Gupta Empire
- after Kushan Kingdom
- unifies most of India for a short-lived golden age
Developments in Buddhism
- Nirvana -> more concrete heavenly salvation
- Siddhartha the man -> the being
- Equal classes -> some are closer to Nirvana than before
(T vs M) Viewpoints of Buddhism
Thervada - original teachings
Mahayana - Buddhism is a religion & Buddha is a divine figure
(T vs M) Behavior
Thervada - strict personal behavior
Mahayana - believers can reach Nirvana through devotion
(T vs M) bodhisattava
Theravada - Siddhartha Gautama is the only bodhisattva
Mahayana - Salvation could come from intercession of a bodhisattva
(T vs M) How they view each other
Theravada - Mahayana ideas are “teachings of demons”
Mahayana - Theravada is too strict
People with so much ‘bodhi’ that after death they choose to remain on earth as spirits to help others
Mahayana today
Replaced by Hinduism and Islam, still exists in China, Korea, and Japan
Theravada today
Only on Sri Lanka and in Southeast Asia
Buddhism Pre- Islam
- declined in popularity
- upper class follows Theravada
- lower class follows Mahayana
Islam impact on Buddhism
- Fights between Muslims and Buddhists
- taxes on religion
- mixing of beliefs / cultures
Brahmanism developed int o
Devotion and rituals as means to improve one’s karma (Hinduism)
Personal worship (Hinduism), more accessible to all people
Empire of Ghazni
Located after Kushan Kingdom, founded by Turkic- speaking slaves
Mahmoud Ghazni
wealth and culture rivialed the Abbasid Dynasty, introduced and spread Islam into India
Genghis Khan
Leader of Mongols, conquer ____ and destroy Abbasid caliphate
Hinduism Pre- Islam
- Karma/Dharma
- polytheistic
- goal to unite with Brahman
- strict social class
Islam impact on Hinduism
- Fighting
- Hindu’s can keep religion but must pay tribute
- Hindu’s adapt purdah
- use horses >elephants
- no social classes
Keep women in seclusion (Islam/Hinduism)
- Combines beliefs of Hinduism + Islam
- brings people closer together
Founder of Sikhism
Ruling Muslim classes turn into ___ Indian social class
Brahmins and Kshatriyas
Indians who convert to Islam
Form Muslim castes, but at lower level