HOS Tri II Test I Flashcards
Solomon’s son and succeeds him as king
Son of Nebat, political activist
Rehoboam’s elders suggest
He lighten up
Rehoboam’s peers suggest
He not back down (listens to peers)
North Kingdom facts
10 tribes, king Jeroboam, Political capital Samaria, Religious capital, Dan and Bethel
South Kingdom Facts
Tribes ofJudah & Benjamin, king Rehoboam, Capital of Jerusalem
Political reasons for split
Taxes, forced Labor, Rehoboam’s refusal to negotiate, Historical division of the tribes
Religious reasons for split
Travel, legitimacy, power, taxes
Jeroboam replaces Ark of Covenant with
A golden calf
Sin of Jeroboam
Idolatry, will need prophets to bring the people back to Yahweh
Success Jeroboam as King of the North
Son of Omri
Marries Ahab, insists on worshiping Baal, kills priests of Yahweh
Prophet from Tishbe, escapes Jezebel, controls the rain.
Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
Elijah promises the flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil, Elijah then restores life to her son
Mount Carmel
Prophet hang out, place of contest
Contest at Carmel
Elijah vs Prophets of Baal, Elijah wins proving Yahweh is THE only god (monotheism)
Ploughing with twelve yoke of Oxen, gives the meat away, great sacrifice
Sign of Elisha’s calling
Elijah places mantel on Elisha’s shoulders
Owns vineyard next to palace of King Ahab
Elijah predicts
Jezebel and Ahab’s death correctly after Jezebel has Naboth killed
When Elijah parts the Jordan River with his mantel
Elisha tells Elijah he will not leave him, similar to Ruth
After the crossing of the Jordan, Elijah asks Elisha for whatever he wants
Elisha wants a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, similar to Solomon
Elisha, like Elijah
Can restore life
Prophet who travels to the North to preach
Amos’ themes
Social Justice, Minor themes are Materialism, self complacency, warning of threat from north, and Messianism
Amos’ symbol
Minor writing prophet, preaches in the north and used real life experience for his preaching
Gomer, despite being married to Hosea, goes after other men
Hosea still wants to take Gomer back
Israel, despite being covenanted to God, goes after other Gods
God still wants to take Israel back
Hosea’s themes
Monotheism, minor themes being love and marriage, forgiveness, warning of threat from north (like amos), and messianism (like Amos)
Hosea’s image
Marriage and fidelity
Second to last king of Israel
Last king of Israel
Hoshea and Israel form an alliance with
Egypt against Assyria, for making them a vassal
Israel stops paying tribute to Assyria
Assyria destroys them and Egypt does not show up to help
As a result of Israel being destroyed by Assyria
10/12 tribes are gone, 1/2 of the P.L. Is gone, and people start to question Covenant status
1/2 Jewish, 1/2, Assyrian, caused by Assyria method of conquest
Political reasons for fall of Israel
Political instability, failure to pay tribute to Assyria, failed Aliance with Egypt
Religious Reasons of the Fall of Israel
Loss of faith, people didn’t listen to prophets, idolatry and formalism
First of 4 major prophets, called to preach in South
Isiah Themes
Messianism, Faith and Trust in God
Isiah’s images
Vineyard, Prophetic Call, Virgin with Child (Messianism)
Isiah Vineyard
God is a vine owner, and Israel are the sour grapes, God will allow the animals to destroy the vineyard
Isiah’s Prophetic Call
angels take the coals from the alter to the prophet’s lips
minor prophet
Micah’s themes
Messianism, Minor themes: Discipleship (Act Justly, Love Tenderly, walk humbly with God
Why is a Messiah needed
Loss of Faith, Loss of Land, Loss of CP, needed a savior
king during Fall of Israel
good king
King of Assyria, Goes to attack South after Assyria conquered the North, en route to conquer Egyptian Empire
Isaiah tells Hezekiah to trust in the Lord, and he listens
Lord inflicts disease and death on Assyrian troops
good king, did what was right, abolishes idolatry
spoke to Yahwah through a prophet, doom for Judah due to ancestors
Josiah dies
goes to defend Judah and is killed by Neco at the battle of Megiddo
Egyptian King who makes Judah a vassal of Babylon
Babylonian method of Conquer
take out critical leaders, leave the masses alive, cut off the head and leave the body practice
stops paying tribute to Babylon, gets invaded with Egypt not in sight
Fall of Judah
destruction of Judah, Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Ark of the Covenant