HOS Tri II Test 3 Flashcards
A Jewish Day
Sundown to Sundown
Sabbath begins
sundown Friday
Preparation Day
Friday evening
rich, wealthy aristocrats, do not believe in afterlife
middle class, opposed Roman rule
‘Doctors of the Law’, part of Pharisees
strongly opposed Roman domination, presence and rule, militaristic
Monastic type of community, centered on work, and prayer, sought to remain pure
Supreme authority in Judaism under the High Priest
‘Joyful or Good News’
Main Faith event of NT
‘seen with the same eye’ (Matthew, Mark, Luke)
Infancy Narratives
refers to the stories recorded in the New Testament about the birth of Jesus
Matthew’s Infancy Narratives focus on
Luke’s Infancy Narratives focus on
Luke uses _______ in his infancy narrative
parallel structure between Jesus and John the Baptist
Zechariah and Elizabeth
Parents of John the Baptist
Zechariah and Elizabeth are the decendents of
Elizabeth is
‘go before him’ and ‘make ready for the Lord a people prepared’
the role of John shall be a prophet, references Deutero-Isaiah and Malachi
‘and behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things come to pass’
Zechariah is silenced until the birth of John for his unbelief
Feast of Annunciation date
March 25
When Elizabeth was six months pregnant
Gabriel told Mary she would be the mother of the Messiah
First stage to Jewish Marriage, like an engagement
Wedding Feast
second stage of Jewish Marriage, completes the marriage, couple live together
Mary will become pregnant during
the Betrothal period
Mary says ‘yes’ to Gabriel, she risked
her marriage to Joseph, her reputation, he life (stoned for adultery)
After Joseph found out about Mary’s pregnancy
he wants to quietly send her away
‘He will be great, and will be called Son of the most High…’
reference to Blessing of Judah, Nathan’s prophecy, Isaiah, etc…
‘I am the handmaid/servant of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word’
Mary’s Fiat, Mary says yes and sees her role as ‘servant’
The Visitation
Mary visits Elizabeth
the Hail Mary comes from
The Visitation
John means
‘God is gracious’
Zechariah is able to speak when
John the Baptist is born
Song of Zechariah
Benedictus (blessed be the Lord in Latin)
Zechariah’s first words are
to praise Yahweh, who has cared for his people and kept his promises
Role of John the Baptist
called a prophet of God the Most High, go before the Lord and prepare the people, fore-runner, reference to Deutero-Isaiah and Malachi
Jesus will be born in
a stable, humble and simple origins, not in a palace as a king
From birth, Jesus was
Luke recalls that there was
‘no place in the inn’ for Jesus’ birth
Luke uses the image of
the shepherd
Shepherd’s class in society
lowest class, just above slaves, outcastes (Luke’s theme)
Shepherd’s were the first
to receive the Good News and to worship the Messiah
Feast of the Presentation date
February 2
The Feast of Presentation gives
A name and circumcised the Messiah
Jesus was offered
A pair of turtle doves or two pigeons; poor man’s offering
Song of Simeon
Praises the Lord for fulfilling God’s promise (promise that he would see the Messiah
Prophetess in the temple, represented all in Israel who were expecting a Messiah
Luke’s Audience
Stresses that Good News is for the Gentiles, not just the Jew’s
“A sword will pierce your heart” foreshadows
Jesus’ death and Mary’s sorrow
Jesus is in the temple for
Jesus at the temple demonstrates
Wisdom and intelligence, he is questioning and correcting the teachers
Mary “kept
All these things in her heart” (Jesus at the Temple)
Matthew’s Infancy Narrative begins with
A genealogy of Jesus, references Ruth and Bathsheba, Matthew’s audience
Three reactions of Jesus’ birth
Herod: rejection hate
Wise men: acceptance, adoration
Chief Priests/ Scribes: indifferent
Gold represents
Messiah/King (ruler of his people)
Frankincense represents
Messiah/priest (go between God and Man)
Myrrh represents
Messiah/die to save, foreshadowing death and burial
who announces Jesus’ birth in Matthew’s Gospel
Who announces Jesus’ birth in Luke’s Gospel
Luke’s Gospel notes Jesus was born in
a Manger, which could be a stable but is where animals eat, could foreshadow Eucharist
Holy Innocents (Massacre of the __)
killing of children 2 years and younger
Mark’s gospel starts
with John the Baptist and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry (no infancy narratives)
John preaches on
the banks of the Jordan River
John’s approach
condemnation for sin (justice)
Jesus’ approach
‘a voice of one crying in the wilderness; prepare the way of the Lord,…’ references
Deutero Isaiah
Images of John the Baptist (Preaching)
- Leveling rough to smooth, mountains to valleys
- Son’s of Abraham
- Ax to root of trees
Ax to root of trees means
God will cut out all the deadwood, sinners must repent, condemnation and judgement
Humilty of John
Not even worthy to undo the sandals of the Messiah
What do John and Jesus baptize with
water & fire/Holy Spirit respectively
The baptism of Jesus is a
trinity moment, Father: “Behold my son”, Son: Jesus, Holy Spirit: Dove
Jesus’ baptism confirms
John’s validity and ministry, confirms the importance of baptism
Jesus’ baptism commissions
Jesus to begin his ministry
Jesus’ Retreat
goes into the desert/wilderness for 40 days
Devil tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread
Jesus replies “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word of God”
Devil tempts Jesus to gain kingdoms
“Worship God alone” Jesus replies
Devil tempts Jesus to jump to test the Angels and God
Jesus replies “Do not tempt God”
John starts his Gospel with
Jesus’ divine origins “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
Images of John’s Gospel
Word (Logos): Jesus
Light: Jesus
“And the Word became flesh”
Sea of Galelie
fishing spot
Dead sea
too salty to fish in
Jordan River
connects Dead Sea and Mediterranean Sea
Caesar Augustus
emperor at the time of Jesus’ birth
emperor at the time of Jesus’ death
Pontius Pilate
Roman leader who will put Jesus to his death
Why are Ruth and Bathsheba included in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus
they were non gentiles, showing Jesus is for everyone
lover of God
Luke uses parallel structure between Jesus and John but also uses and ABC format, meaning
announcement, birth, and conseccration
Another book Luke has written is the
Axe of the Apostles
Another book John has written is the
Book of Revelation
John recived
the Nazarite Vow
John leaping
during the Visitation, John jumps out pointing at Jesus
Revolutions in Mary’s Magnificat
moral, social, and economic revolutions