the opening through which the esophagus passes becomes enlarged, and part of the stomach moves up into the lower portion of the thorax.
Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal Hernia occurs more often in
women than in men
two main types of hiatal hernia:
*sliding hernia
*paraesophageal hernia
other name for sliding hernia?
Type I hiatal hernia
occurs when the upper stomach and the gastroesophageal junction are displace upward and slide in and out of the thorax
Sliding or Type I Hiatal Hernia
Between 90% and 95% of patients with esophageal hiatal hernia have a
sliding hernia
occurs when all or part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm beside the esophagus
Paraesophageal hernia
has the greatest herniation
Type IV Hiatal Hernia
sliding hiatal hernias are commonly associated with
Hemorrhage, obstruction, and volvulus, and strangulation are common with
Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia
is the passage of a fiberoptic tube through the mouth and throat into the digestive tract for visualization
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
Management for hiatal hernia includes
frequent, small feedings that can pass easily through the esophagus.
the patient is advised not to recline for how many hours after eating
1 hour
Current guidelines for surgery of Hiatal hernia
Laparoscopic approach (Toupet or Nissen Fundoplication procedures)