Hepatology Flashcards
Pre-Hepatic Jaundice
Too much bilirubin made
Causes= haemolytic anaemia
Bilirubin unconjugated so bound to albumin
Get yellow eyes and skin
Hepatic Jaundice
Too few hepatocytes
Causes= acute injury, late liver disease
Conjugated bilirubin
Yellow eyes and dark urine
Post-Hepatic Jaundice
Bile duct obstruction
Causes= stone, stricture, tumour
Conjugated bilirubin
Yellow eyes, dark urine and pale stools
Jaundice Pathology
Bile+ copper in liver
Portal tract bigger
More ducts
Viral Hepatitis
Causes= Hep ABCDE, CMV, HSV
Acute or Chronic
Hep A
Faecal-oral transmission
Get jaundice
Only acute
Hep B
Parenteral transmission
Get jaundice
Some goes chronic
Treatment= IFN+ lamivudine
Hep C
Parenteral transmission
Most goes chronic
Treated with IFN+ ribavarin
Paracetamol Toxicity
Get necrosis due to NAPQI
Treated with N-acetyl cysteine or glutathione
Acute Hepatitis
Severity depends on amount of damaged hepatocytes and liver regeneration
Causes= viral, drugs, AI, alcohol
Get inflam and necrosis
Chronic Hepatitis
Causes= viral, AI, drugs, fatty liver disease, alcohol, alpha 1 antitrypsin, copper overload (Wilson’s), clotting probs
Scar tissues link and form nodules
Alcoholic Liver Disease
Get steatosis, inflam, fibrosed portal tracts and big hepatocytes
Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Get steatosis, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis
Associated with obesity, DM, drugs, hyperlipidaemia
Venous blood bypasses sinusoids
Symps= oedema, bruising, muscle wasting, ascites, jaundice
Portal hypertension can cause varices, splenomegaly and piles
Causes= alcohol, steatohepatitis, Hep B/C, AI, metabolic
Can cause cancer
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
RF= cirrhosis, obesity, alcohol, viral Hep
Raised alpho-feto protein
Expansile, green, soft nodules
Cancer cells make bile