Head and Neck Flashcards
What nerve provides taste to the 2/3rd anterior of the tongue and what is it a branch off?
Chorda tympani - Facial (Crn VII)
What nerves are involved in the gag reflex?
Afferent - glossopharngeal
efferent - Vagus
What is the important ganglion involved in the facial nerve which can be a site of Varcilla zoster reactivation?
Geniculate ganglion
Where are the lingual tonsils found?
Base of tongue just behind the vallecula
Name the tonsils and location:
Palatine: between the palaglossal fold and Palapharngeal fold
Lingual: behind Vallecula
Tubal: opening of auidotry tube to nasalpharnyx
adennoids: just above the tubal tonsil in nasalpharnyx
Through which spinal cord area to vibration sensation from the lower limb transmit?
Gracile fasciculus in the dorsal fasciculus
What specific parts of the brain does the tentorium cerebeli separate?
Occipital lobe and cerebellum
Where is the middle meningeal artery found in relations to the meninges?
In the dura, between the inner layer of dura and the periostal layer.
If there is an infection in a eyelash, what lymph nodes may become enlarged and why is this?
Parotid lymph nodes
Because these lymph nodes drain the eye area - which then drain into the deep cervical
What lymph node receives a lot of lymph from the lingual tonsils?
What lymph nodes drain the posterior triangle?
Superficial cervical lymph nodes
Which muscle can retract the jaw?
What nerve supplies the lower part of the orbicularis oculi?
Zygomatic branch for facial
What two nerves run OVER the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the posterior triangle? in order from superior to inferior
Great auricular Nerve
Transverse cervical Nerve
When operating on the posterior triangle of the neck, what two arteries to anaesthetists try hard to avoid?
Transverse cervical artery
Suprascapular artery
At which point does the mouth become the oralpharynx?
After the palataglossal fold
What muscle elevates and retracts the tongue?
What muscle protrudes and depresses the tongue?
What muscle predominately depresses the tongue?
What is the vein that bridges the subcutaneous tissue of the scalp to the superior sagittal sinus?
Emissary veins
What epithelium lines the larnyx?
Ciliated columnar epithelium
EXCEPT the vocal cords
At what level does the larynx sit?
C3, C4, C5, C6
What trachael rings does the thyroid sit between?
What is the innervation to the diagastric and mylohyoid muscles?
Trigeminal V3 - infra- aveolar nerve.
What is the function of the supra-hyoid muscles?
to elevate the hyoid bone
What is the function of the infra-hyoid muscles?
Depress the hyoid during swallowing
What innervates the thyrohyoid muscle?
What veins create the retromandibular vein? and where does it drain?
Superficial temporal and maxillary vein
External jugular
Where does the facial vein drain?
Internal jugular
Where does the innervation of the parotid shealth come from?
How many permanent teeth are there?
Whats the borders of the posterior triangle?
Anterior: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Posterior: Trapezius
Inferior: Middle 1/3 of clavicle
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
Superior: Mandible
Lateral: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Medial: midline of neck
What is found in the carotid shealth?
Common carotid (which bifurcates within the shealth)
Internal jugular
Deep cervical lymph nodes
Vagus nerve
Where does the inferior thyroid artery branch from?
Thryo-cervical trunk off the subclavian
During a tracheostomy what is the major vein at risk of being damaged?
Inferior thyroid vein
What structure must be cut through during a tracheostomy?
Thyroid gland - through the isthumus
What layer of the scalp if injured will require stitching as opposed to just gluing?
What area of the scalp contains large amounts of blood vessels and lymphatics and what is the risk with this?
Dense connective tissue - 2nd layer
vessels struggle to close due to the pull of the frontalis muscle and the dense connective tissue prevents vasoconstriciton
What is Sellick’s maneuver?
compressing the cricoid cartilage which presses on the oesophagus, preventing vomit from coming up.
What arch do the facial muscles derive from?
2nd pharyngeal arch
What nerves provide somatosensory innervation to the nasal cavity?
V1, V2 of trigeminal
What is the stellate ganglion and where it is located?
A large sympathetic ganglion which is the fusion of T1 and inferior cerivical ganglion.
Located at C7 level - anteriorly
At the route of the neck, what are the major nerve roots that pass over the 1st rib, and what vessels do they pass with?
C8 and T1
subclavian artery and Vein
What do the salivary ducts secrete and reabsorb ?
Secrete HCO3- and K+.
bring in Na2+
Where does the sympathetic supply to the face derive from?
Stellate ganglion, Inferior cervical and T1
What is unique about about C1, C2?
lack of vertebral body
What level does the thyroid gland sit?
C5 - T1
What sits along the Parotid duct and where does the parotid duct open into?
Accessory parotid
2nd upper molar
If there is an infection in the upper molar teeth, how can it spread to the cavernosa sinus?
Via the Sphenoidal Emissary veins
What does the superior sagital sinus attach too?
Crista Galli
Where does the straight sinus sit?
In the junction of the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli
What is the name of structure that provides the vocal cords and what is it made up of?
Conus Elasticus
Lateral crico-thyroid ligament and vocal cords
What holds the epiglottis in place to the thyroid cartilage?
Thyro-epiglotic ligament
What does the coronal sutures separate?
Fronto from parietal
What does the Sagittal sutures separate?
Parietal bones
What does the lamboid suture separate?
Parietal from occipatal
What does the Squamosal suture seperate?
Temproal and parietal
During a thyroidectomy, what nerves must be carefully avoided and what is the consequence of their damage?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve. associated with inferior thyroid artery. Damage causes hoarseness of voice
External superior laryngeal branch. Associated with superior thyroid artery. Damage causes paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle causing phonation and pitch problems.
What nerve supplies the cricothyroid muscle?
External laryngeal nerve / superior laryngeal nerve
Which muscle raises eyebrows?
What muscle is most active for smiling?
zygomaticus major