Hard And Soft Palate Anatomy Flashcards
What is the aponeurotic plate
Where the posterior of the hard palate connects to the soft palate which is purely muscular structure bound by a thick tendinous aponeurosis of the tensor veli palatini muscles on both sides
Where is the palatine raphe
Begins just posterior to the incisive papilla and continues posteriorly along the midline
What are the ‘folds’ on the palate called
Transverse rugae
What is the hard palate comprised of
What is the soft palate composed of
Muscle fibres covered by a mucous membrane
What happens to the soft palate during swallowing
It can be elevated to close the pharyngeal isthmus preventing the food bolus from entering the nasopharynx
What are the 3 types of oral mucosa
Specialised mucosa
What is the masticatory oral mucosa
Mucosa of the gingiva and palate the bulk of which is firmly bound down directly and tightly to underlying bone (mucoperiosteum) expect for the region at the side of the palate where a submucosa is present
What type of lining does the superior aspect of the palate (nasal cavity) consist of
Respiratory ciliated columnar epithelium
What type of lining does the inferior aspect of the palate (oral cavity) consist of
Oral mucosa of keratinised stratified squamous epithelium populated by secretory salivary glands
What are the 3 main foramina in the hard palate
Incisive foramen
Greater palatine foramen
Lesser palatine foramina
What does the incisive foramen transmit
The nasopalatine nerve
Sphenopalatine arteries and veins
What does the greater palatine foramen transmit
The anterior (greater) palatine nerve and vessels
What does the lesser palatine foramina transmit
The middle and posterior (lesser) palatine nerve and vessels
What is the function of the hard palate
In both feeding and speech
Creates a vacuum that forces liquid into the mouth
Tongue essential for creating certain phonetic sounds
What is the sensory innervation of the hard palate
Derived from the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2)
What does the greater palatine nerve innervate
Most of the glandular structure of the hard palate
What does the nasopalatine nerve innervate
The mucous membrane of the anterior hard palate
What does the lesser palatine nerve innervate
The soft palate
Where is the hard palates arterial supply
Primarily from the greater palatine arteries which run anteriorly form the greater palatine foramen
Where is venous drainage of the hard palate
Into the pterygoid venous plexus
What provides the collateral supply to the palate
The anastomosis between the lesser palatine artery and ascending palatine artery
What is the anterior hard palate mucosal lining composed of
Incisive papilla
What is the posterior hard palate mucosal lining composed of
Minor salivary glands
What is the soft palate mucosal lining composed of
Minor salivary glands
Skeletal muscle
What is the soft palate comprised of
Muscle fibres covered by a mucous membrane
What is the fauces
An area connecting the oral cavity and the pharynx formed by the soft palate
What are the 2 arches binding the tongue and pharynx
The palatoglossal arches anteriorly
Palatopharyngeal arches posteriorly
What lies between the two arches of the soft palate
The palatine tonsils which reside in the tonsillar fossae of the oropharynx either side of the palatopharyngeal wall
What happens during speech
Soft palate tenses and elevates back of the tongue presses against the soft palate to produce the velar sound (k,g,n)
Closes the communication with the nasal cavity as air escapes the oral cavity
What happens during breathing with the soft palate
Depresses touching the root of tongue making sure food doesn’t pass to the oropharynx and gets in the way of exhaled air
At happens to the soft palate during swallowing
Palate tenses and helps push food down the digestive tract
Palate elevates and closes the way to the nasal cavity
What are 4 of the muscles of the soft palate innervated by
The pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X)
What is the tensor veli palatini innervated by
The medial pterygoid nerve (a branch of the CN V3)
What are the 5 muscles of the soft palate
Tensor veli palatine
Levator veli palatine
Musculus uvulae
Which 3 muscles aid in swallowing
Tensor veli palatine
Levator veli palatine
Which muscle helps in breathing
Which muscle aids in moving the uvula
Musculus uvulae
What is the anterior soft palate sensory innervated by
The lesser palatine nerve a branch of the axillary division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2)
What is the posterior sensory part of the soft palate innervated by
The pharyngeal branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) and by the plexus around the pharyngeal tonsils formed by the branches of the pharyngeal and lesser palatine nerves
What is the motor innervation for the muscles of the soft palate
Pharyngeal plexus derived from the vagus nerve (CN X)
What is the innervation of the tensor veli palatini muscle
The medial pterygoid nerve a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
Hat are taste buds innervated by
The greater petrosal nerve a branch of the facial nerve (CN VII)
What are mucous glands parasympathetically innervated by
The postganglionic fibres from the otic ganglion which each the soft palate via the lesser petrosal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
Where does the blood supply for ht soft palate come from
Ascending palatine artery a branch of facial artery
What is the Velopharyngeal apparatus
A muscular valve which extends from the posterior surface of hard palate to posterior pharyngeal wall incl the velum (soft palate), lateral pharyngeal walls and the posterior pharyngeal wall
What is the function of the velopharyngeal
Create a tight seal between the velum and pharyngeal walls - separate the oral and nasal cavities