Grammar + Haver de + infinitivo Flashcards
Eu + haver de + comer
(I shall eat)
Eu hei de comer
(I shall eat)
Tu + haver de + correr
(You shall run)
Tu hás de correr
(You shall run)
Ele/Ela/Voce + haver de + viver
(He/She shall live)
Ele/Ela/Voce há de viver
(He/She shall live)
Nós + haver de + estudar
(We shall study)
Nós havemos de estudar
(We shall study)
Eles/ElasVoces + haver de + aprender
(They shall learn)
Eles/Elas/Voces hão de aprender
(They shall learn)
Eu vou resolver esse problema.
I am going to solve this problem.
(Ir implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or a strong likelihood.)
Ela vai estudar mais tarde.
She is going to study later.
(Ir indicates a definite plan, whereas “haver de” conveys a more fated or eventual outcome.)
Nós vamos começar o projeto amanhã.
We are going to start the project tomorrow.
(Ir shows immediate future action, “haver de” emphasizes certainty and inevitability.)
Eles vão chegar cedo ao evento.
They are going to arrive early at the event.
(Ir specifies a future arrangement, “haver de” implies a strong prediction or certainty.)
Eu hei de resolver esse problema.
I shall solve this problem.
(Ir implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or a strong likelihood.)
Ela há de estudar mais tarde.
She shall study later.
(Ir indicates a definite plan, whereas “haver de” conveys a more fated or eventual outcome.)
Nós havemos de começar o projeto amanhã.
We shall start the project tomorrow.
(Ir shows immediate future action, “haver de” emphasizes certainty and inevitability.)
Eles hão de chegar cedo ao evento.
They shall arrive early at the event.
(Ir specifies a future arrangement, “haver de” implies a strong prediction or certainty.)
Tu vais resolver esse problema.
You are going to solve this problem.
(“Ir” implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or strong likelihood.)
Tu hás de resolver esse problema.
You will inevitably solve this problem.
(“Ir” implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or strong likelihood.)
Eu hei de comer
(I shall eat)
Eu + haver de + comer
(I shall eat)
Tu hás de correr
(You shall run)
Tu + haver de + correr
(You shall run)
Ele/Ela/Voce há de viver
(He/She shall live)
Ele/Ela/Voce + haver de + viver
(He/She shall live)
Nós havemos de estudar
(We shall study)
Nós + haver de + estudar
(We shall study)
Eles/Elas/Voces hão de aprender
(They shall learn)
Eles/ElasVoces + haver de + aprender
(They shall learn)
I am going to solve this problem.
(Ir implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or a strong likelihood.)
Eu vou resolver esse problema.
She is going to study later.
(Ir indicates a definite plan, whereas “haver de” conveys a more fated or eventual outcome.)
Ela vai estudar mais tarde.
We are going to start the project tomorrow.
(Ir shows immediate future action, “haver de” emphasizes certainty and inevitability.)
Nós vamos começar o projeto amanhã.
They are going to arrive early at the event.
(Ir specifies a future arrangement, “haver de” implies a strong prediction or certainty.)
Eles vão chegar cedo ao evento.
I shall solve this problem.
(Ir implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or a strong likelihood.)
Eu hei de resolver esse problema.
She shall study later.
(Ir indicates a definite plan, whereas “haver de” conveys a more fated or eventual outcome.)
Ela há de estudar mais tarde.
We shall start the project tomorrow.
(Ir shows immediate future action, “haver de” emphasizes certainty and inevitability.)
Nós havemos de começar o projeto amanhã.
They shall arrive early at the event.
(Ir specifies a future arrangement, “haver de” implies a strong prediction or certainty.)
Eles hão de chegar cedo ao evento.
You are going to solve this problem.
(“Ir” implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or strong likelihood.)
Tu vais resolver esse problema.
You will inevitably solve this problem.
(“Ir” implies a planned action, while “haver de” suggests an inevitability or strong likelihood.)
Tu hás de resolver esse problema.