Grammar - Futuro do Conjuntivo Practica Flashcards
Quando fores ao Brasil, procura visitar o Rio de Janeiro.
When you go to Brazil, try to visit Rio de Janeiro. (Indicates a future action contingent on another future action happening.)
Assim que souberes o resultado, vais informar-nos.
As soon as you know the result, you will inform us. (Demands quick sharing of information once it is known.)
Assim que terminarem o exame, podemos ir almoçar.
As soon as they finish the exam, we can go for lunch. (Plans lunch contingent on the completion of an exam.)
Assim que terminares o trabalho, vamos relaxar.
As soon as you finish the work, we will relax. (Expresses immediacy following the completion of an action.)
Enquanto ele não decidir, vamos estar em espera.
While he doesn’t decide, we will be waiting. (Indicates a continuous state that depends on a future decision.)
Enquanto não chegarmos a um acordo, vamos continuar a negociar.
While we don’t reach an agreement, we will continue negotiating. (Sets a condition for continued negotiations.)
Enquanto não confirmarem a reserva, não vamos anunciar nada.
While they don’t confirm the reservation, we won’t announce anything. (Withholding announcement until confirmation is received.)
Enquanto não resolvermos este problema, vamos estar em alerta.
While we don’t solve this problem, we will be on alert. (Continued alertness until a problem is resolved.)
Logo que acabares a apresentação, vamos discutir.
As soon as you finish the presentation, we will discuss. (Links the discussion directly to the end of a presentation.)
Logo que me ligarem, vou informar-te.
As soon as they call me, I will inform you. (Commitment to relay information following a received call.)
Logo que recebermos a confirmação, vamos enviar os ingressos.
As soon as we receive the confirmation, we will send the tickets. (Specifies an action immediately following another action.)
Logo que souberes a data, vai marcá-la no teu calendário.
As soon as you know the date, you will mark it on your calendar. (Future action of marking a date upon knowing it.)
Quando receberes o relatório, vai analisá-lo cuidadosamente.
When you receive the report, you will analyze it carefully. (Future action of analysis once a report is received.)
Quando souberes a verdade, vais compreender a situação.
When you know the truth, you are going to understand the situation. (Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.)
Quando tiveres tempo, vamos falar sobre o projeto.
When you have time, we will talk about the project. (Indicates a future discussion dependent on the availability of time.)
Se aprenderes a tocar guitarra, vais poder juntar-te à banda.
If you learn to play the guitar, you will be able to join the band. (Sets a future possibility of joining a band contingent on learning a skill.)
Se choveres amanhã, vamos cancelar o piquenique.
If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic. (Specifies an action dependent on a future weather condition.)
Se fizeres o bolo, traz um pouco para mim.
If you make the cake, bring some for me. (Expresses a condition in the future that might trigger another action.)
Se lhe oferecerem o emprego, ela vai aceitar.
If they offer her the job, she will accept. (Future acceptance dependent on receiving a job offer.)
When you go to Brazil, try to visit Rio de Janeiro. (Indicates a future action contingent on another future action happening.)
Quando fores ao Brasil, procura visitar o Rio de Janeiro.
As soon as you know the result, you will inform us. (Demands quick sharing of information once it is known.)
Assim que souberes o resultado, vais informar-nos.
As soon as they finish the exam, we can go for lunch. (Plans lunch contingent on the completion of an exam.)
Assim que terminarem o exame, podemos ir almoçar.
As soon as you finish the work, we will relax. (Expresses immediacy following the completion of an action.)
Assim que terminares o trabalho, vamos relaxar.
While he doesn’t decide, we will be waiting. (Indicates a continuous state that depends on a future decision.)
Enquanto ele não decidir, vamos estar em espera.
While we don’t reach an agreement, we will continue negotiating. (Sets a condition for continued negotiations.)
Enquanto não chegarmos a um acordo, vamos continuar a negociar.
While they don’t confirm the reservation, we won’t announce anything. (Withholding announcement until confirmation is received.)
Enquanto não confirmarem a reserva, não vamos anunciar nada.
While we don’t solve this problem, we will be on alert. (Continued alertness until a problem is resolved.)
Enquanto não resolvermos este problema, vamos estar em alerta.
As soon as you finish the presentation, we will discuss. (Links the discussion directly to the end of a presentation.)
Logo que acabares a apresentação, vamos discutir.
As soon as they call me, I will inform you. (Commitment to relay information following a received call.)
Logo que me ligarem, vou informar-te.
As soon as we receive the confirmation, we will send the tickets. (Specifies an action immediately following another action.)
Logo que recebermos a confirmação, vamos enviar os ingressos.
As soon as you know the date, you will mark it on your calendar. (Future action of marking a date upon knowing it.)
Logo que souberes a data, vai marcá-la no teu calendário.
When you receive the report, you will analyze it carefully. (Future action of analysis once a report is received.)
Quando receberes o relatório, vai analisá-lo cuidadosamente.
When you know the truth, you are going to understand the situation. (Anticipates a future event or condition that is likely to occur.)
Quando souberes a verdade, vais compreender a situação.
When you have time, we will talk about the project. (Indicates a future discussion dependent on the availability of time.)
Quando tiveres tempo, vamos falar sobre o projeto.
If you learn to play the guitar, you will be able to join the band. (Sets a future possibility of joining a band contingent on learning a skill.)
Se aprenderes a tocar guitarra, vais poder juntar-te à banda.
If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic. (Specifies an action dependent on a future weather condition.)
Se choveres amanhã, vamos cancelar o piquenique.
If you make the cake, bring some for me. (Expresses a condition in the future that might trigger another action.)
Se fizeres o bolo, traz um pouco para mim.
If they offer her the job, she will accept. (Future acceptance dependent on receiving a job offer.)
Se lhe oferecerem o emprego, ela vai aceitar.