Bacteria included in the gram-negative coccobacilli classification:
- Haemophilus
- Bordetella
- Legionella
- Gardnerella
H. influenzae is also known as:
Pfeiffer’s bacillus
How many serological types does H. influenzae have that have polysaccharide capsules?
6 serological types (a, b, c, d, e, f)
Most common H. influenzae serological type that causes meningitis in infants under 2 years of age in the U.S
Type b
Type b causes:
- epiglotittis (“cherry red’ epiglotittis)
- pneumonia
- cellulitis
- otitis media
H. influenzae can produce IgA protease
True or False:
mnemonic: ‘SHiNeNe”
- S. pneumoniae
- H. influenzae
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Neisseria meningitidis
H. aegyptius (now part of Haemophilus) is also known as:
Koch-Weeks bacillus
H. aegyptius causes “_______” conjunctivitis
“pink eye” conjunctivitis
Haemphilus species that are considered normal flora in the upper respiratory tract:
- H. haemolyticus
- H. parahemolyticus
- H. parainfluenzae; others
Cause of ulcerative chancroid, an STD seen as a painful genital ulcer:
H. ducreyi
Cause of ulcerative chancre, an STD seen as a painless genital ulcer:
Primary syphilis
H. ducreyi in gram stain is described as “____________________” appearance
H. ducreyi in gram stain:
“school of fish” appearance
Colony appearance of Haemophilus influenzae:
Dew-drop colonies
Haemophilus species require ____ and/or _____ factors
X and/or V factors
Agar that supplies both X and V factors:
Chocolate agar