Gr.10 religion unit 2 test review Flashcards
Define Faith and explain what it means to Catholics (3)
-faith is believing in things you can not see.
-Catholics have faith in god and can make a personal connection with him
-trust in god and living by his teachings
Why can’t we prove God’s existence scientifically? (3 points)
-nature of God is beyond science
-Exist out of time; in future and present
-involved in all life
What are 3 ways we can come to know God?
-stories of those who knew Him from the bible
-personal encounter: eucharist, through worship, loving one another
-relationship developed through prayer
Name four characteristics of faith.
-grows (inside us as we pray more)
-foretaste (of what is to be experiences in heaven)
-gift of god (to help us through good and bad times)
-absolutely certain because of jesus (scripture gives us examples of jesus showing faith
What is the Holy Trinity? What is monotheism?
-holy trinity: belief in one god who reveals himself in 3 ways (father, son, holy spirit)
-monotheism is the belief of one God
How do The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit each reveal themselves to us?
-the father: the creator
-the son: the saviour
-the holy spirit: the life giver
What are the different symbols of the Trinity? 3
Triangle, interlocking circles, shamrock
Why is God called “The Father”? 3
-he created all
-jesus taught us to call Him that
-God loves us like His children
What is Incarnation?
God coming in flesh as a person.
What are the different names given to Jesus?
- son of god
- savior
- messiah
- lamb of god
- new adam
- christ
What happened to the apostles at Pentecost?
There was a loud noise like rushing wind, and tongues of fire appeared above the heads of the apostles. The holy spirit enables them to speak different languages, allowing them to preach the Gospel. It is significant because it brought people from different countries to learn jesus’ teachings in their language. It also demonstrates the power of God and the holy spirit.
What is a covenant
-agreement between ruler and people
-relationship between God and chosen people. God agrees to love us in return you must be committed to Him
What are the 4 characteristics of a covenant?
-like a treaty or alliance
-have conditions
-sealed with ceremony
-celebrated with both parties
Why was a new covenant needed?
-original covenants were all broken because of the lack of trust given to God, so Jesus was sent to repair it.
-more intimate and personal through jesus to humanity
What are the different names and titles given to Jesus?
-son of god
-lamb of god
-good shepherd
What is the meaning behind these names?
-son of god:
-son of david:
-christ: anointed one
-messiah: anointed one
-son of god: jesus as the divine son of God the father
-lord: the one above
-son of david: the royal origin
Review the Jesus Human and Divine Handout
Define God’s Grace. What does it mean to us as Catholics? (4)
-supernatural gift of god necessary for our salvation
-signal of gods love
-helps us to respond to his call and live by his teachings
-leads to good
What is a Creed?
a summary of principal articles of faith professed by a church or community of believers. It outlines the statements of faith of a particular religion or group.
-statement or summary of our faith, beliefs, and teachings of a religion or group of people
What are the two types of Creeds and what are they structured around?
apostle’s creed and nicene creed. They were structured around the importance of the trinity.
In the Creeds, what 4 things do Catholics profess?CHAO
catholic, holy, apostolic, one
What is the source of holiness in the church and how does it arrive to us?
it is agape love or charity that arrives through waters of baptism and is nourished by the eucharist
What does Apostolic mean?
the church is founded on the apostles and their mission
Why are there two different Creeds and when are they used?
- Apostles creed: the profession of faith written by apostles inspired by holy spirt
-Nicene creed: preserve the apostles’ creed and profession of god and further reinforce the trinity.
nicene creed is used to clarify the older creed
How is Mary Jesus’ first and greatest disciple?
by saying yes to the angel to conceive jesus by the power of the holy spirit
How did Mary show her faith to God?
by saying yes to him and being the mother of god, even though she didn’t know what she would face
Mary was a perpetual virgin. Explain what that means.
Mary remained a virgin throughout her entire life, before, during, and after the birth of christ.
How was Mary preserved from Original Sin?
by saying yes to god- immaculate conception
There are 4 dogmas that the church maintains about Mary. What are they and explain what they mean.
immaculate conception: kept free from original sin
perpetual virginity: remained a virgin before, after, and during christs conception and birth
mary’s divine motherhood: virgin mary is the mother of god
assumption of god: at the moment of her death she was taken to heaven in body and soul
What is the Holy Spirit and what is it associated with?
The holy spirit associated with guidance, comfort, and empowerment in the lives of believers. It is the third person in the holy trinity in christian belief.
What are some of the ways that the Holy Spirit is described in the bible?
-distinct, but not separate from god himself
-gift of prophecy
-mighty wind
-breath or spirit of god
-helper, guide, avocate, and comforter
How is the Holy Spirit connected with the birth of Jesus?
How is the Holy Spirit connected with the written word of God?
The holy spirit is the reason why and how Mary was able to get pregnant while being a virgin.
All scripture is inspired by the holy spirit
Who are the 12 Apostles?
-Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);
-james son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder);
-James son of Alphaeus
-Simon the Zealot
-Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
When does Pentecost take place?
50 days after Passover on Mount Sanai.
Describe what happened at Pentecost. Why is Pentecost so significant to Catholics?
There was a loud noise like rushing wind, and tongues of fire appeared above the heads of the apostles. The holy spirit enables them to speak different languages, allowing them to preach the Gospel. It is significant because it brought people from different countries to learn jesus’ teachings in their language. It also demonstrates the power of God and the holy spirit.
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? Explain what they mean.
capacity to view the world from God’s point of view.
understand scriptures, their significance, and the message they hold.
judge from good and evil and act accordingly.
emotional and mental strength given to us by the holy spirit to face obstacles in life.
helps us worship God and honor Him.
helps us decide if we have our spiritual facts in order.
Fear of God
afraid to sin and understand how sin separates us from the lord.
During which Sacrament do Catholics receive these gifts?
What are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit? Explain what they mean
What are some of the differences between the first and second creation story?
first story: preisty-god is seperate, humans last
second story: yahwist-god is closes and intamate. shorter time. humans first
How does the book of Genesis define Humanity? Name and explain the 4 ways.
-creation of god
-mixture of earth and divine breath
-intrinsically good
-both male and female
How does Jesus teach us to be fully alive? 6DACCWG
-Depend on God.
-Accept who we are becoming.
-Create an inclusive community.
-Care for others
-Work for justice.
-Grow in relationship with God
What are the 7 traits of human beings? Summarize and explain their meaning. CCRMHBC
1.created in the image and likeness of God
2. called to happiness and holiness
3. rational and free
4. moral beings
5. have passions or feelings
6. blessed with a conscience
7. can sin
What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church tell us about what it means to be human?
-dignity made from image of god
-dignity allows us to share in God’s happiness
-god created good in all of us we can choose to wish it
-grow in virtue and try to avoid sin
Who is Dr. Andrew Simone and what is he known for? (6 points)
-he is a physician, dermatologist, founder of the Canadian Food For Children which collects foods and funds for children across the world
-raised in etobicoke
-graduated from Queens as doctor of medicine and became a dermatologist from harvard
-married to joan, 13 children
-founded CFC after meeting mother teresa
-made a member of the order of canada in the 2000