Gorbachevs reforms Flashcards
Alchol sales
Ban buying after midnight
loose 1/3 of income
20 million a year
Glasnost date
March 11, 1985, when Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Article 6 repealed
March 15th 1990
Economic resturcuting
Leads them to have 66 million external debt and 2 billion declining stock
Inflation 2400 by 1991 and 840 by 1992
Glasnost impact
- people learn of soviet elite
-learn of how 35000 forced to flee due to chernobyl, costing 17 billion
-learn how 50 billion annually in afghanistan is not towards schools
Brezhnev doctrine repealed
July 25, 1989.
On this day, Mikhail Gorbachev made a significant speech during his visit to Poland, where he explicitly stated that the Soviet Union would no longer use military force to maintain control over Eastern Europe.
Glasnost reforms
1986: The Soviet media began publishing more openly about government policies and failures.
1987: Soviet leaders began speaking about reforming the political system more freely.
Political prisoners began being released (e.g., in 1987, Andrei Sakharov was allowed to return to Moscow).
1987: The Law on State Enterprises was passed, allowing for greater autonomy for state-run businesses.
1988: The Soviet Union’s first semi-free elections were held for the Congress of People’s Deputies.
Cause of Oligarchs
The voucher privatization system (1992-1994) allowed ordinary citizens to buy shares in state-owned companies, but many of the most valuable assets were quickly bought up by a small group of well-connected individuals.
Loans for shares program (1995): In this system, the government auctioned off state-owned assets (such as major oil, gas, and metal companies) to raise funds.
By the late 1990s, it is estimated that around 20-30 individuals controlled the majority of Russia’s wealth