End of cold war Flashcards
December 8-10th 1987
Washington confrence
December 7 th 1989
Gorbachevs speech undermines Marxist Leninism’s
Article 6 repealed
15th march 1990
December 9th 1990
Lech walesa made leader
October 3rd 1989
Close borders to czehcslovakia
October 6th 1989
Gorbachev calls for reforms
October 9th 1989
70000 protests
October 16th 1989
12000000 protest
November 9th 1989
Berlin Wall comes down
12th September 1990
2+4 treaty - west/east renounce power
3rd October 1990
GDR absorbs FRG
29th december 1989
Vaclev havel president czechsolvakia
January 1st 1993
Velvet divorce
21st decmber 1989
Causecau aims to flee after 100 killed in riots
25th december 1989
Causceua killed. May 1990 elections Nsf win
May 4th 1980
Tito dies
February 21st 1974
Titos power sharing constitution was made. Serbia want 130 amendments
April 8th 1989
19 killed georgia
January 1991
Ussr invade baltics - 13 killed
August 19th 1991
Coup. 3 killed
August 20th 1991
Date new union treaty planned to past
November 6th 1991
communist party banned
december 9th 1991
ukriane leaves usrr. Drunk agreement.
December 31st 1991
end of Ussr
April 1st 1992
Bush and Kohl aid Russia with 24billion financial support package