Elizabeth puritans Flashcards
1563 convocation
January 22, 1563
parliament attempt to remove catholic idelas, oppose 49 articles eg] article 27 allows signs of cross in baptism, parker prevents it
1566 – Vestments controversy
Anthony Sampson opposes surplice, over 31 preists follow 1571 – bishop of lincon calls them rags of the antichrist
Limited -Bullinger preassures them to accept via media/ stop being petty.
Grindal becomes archbishop on Parkers death —- clear appeasement due to avoid opposition from puritans
26th July 1575
6000 word letter defending prophesying’s -put under 6 months house arrest from whigift, has no power
3 articles
February 25, 1583
3 articles must Follow prayer book, elizabeths authority, and settlement – over 400 clergy sacked
Strickland’s bill
May 24, 1571
Strickland’s bill – wants to reform prayer and remove wedding rings
Copes bill
1586 – Anthony cope aims to introduce Genevan prayer book, supported by 4 others
Raleighs bill
1593 - bill aiming to treat Catholics and Puritans harsher was resisted. The Catholic part was passed, but MPs (Walter Rayleigh) opposed harsher laws on Puritans
Plumbers hall congregation
Admonition to parliment
July 10, 1572
Field and wilcox relase the admonition to the parliament, want an calivinst model, new prayer book and no heriechay, young influential puritans —— sent to a year in newdiagate prison
– Brown and Harrison set up chruchs in Norwich
marpelate tracts publsihed
Oct 1588 – September 1589
barron and greenwood set up churches in London
Whigift passes act against seditious secretaries
May 24, 1593