Russia - Gov/local/judicial Flashcards
Gov structure
Alex 11
The nobility ceased to play a political role in the countryside (they no longer owned the peasants).
1864 the Zemstva regional councils made
74% of Zemstva members were nobles
However, peasants and less wealthy townspeople could send delegations to the Zemstva to argue
In 1870 an urban Zemstva was created and called the Duma. The urban proletariat were prohibited from sitting on the Duma.
The Zemstva were responsible for local education, the maintenance of roads and medical as assistance.
1913 Zemstva raised taxes by 290 million roubles
Alex 111
The Council of Ministers was chaired by the Tsar.
if laws need further discussion pass it on to the Committee of Ministers.
1882 - Alexander III dismisses the Council of Ministers
The Imperial Council of State advised on legal and financial matters. It was a job for old government servants and was ineffective.
The Senate had the role of a Supreme Court. - It was the final court of appeal on legal matters.
— Ultimately tsar has final say.
Nicholas 11
17 October 1905 - The October Manifesto stopped Russia being an autocracy and made it a constitutional monarchy
western style cabinet chaired by a Prime Minister.
Provides the State Council (House of Lords) and the Duma (House of Commons) material to debate.
The State Council = based on the House of Lords. Unelected members were nominated by the Tsar. They were also some elected members.
The Duma = the Parliament. There are meant to be elections every five years.
The fundamental laws
dismisses the duma in 1906, 1907 and 1917.
When the Duma is not sitting the Council of Ministers pass laws directly to the Tsar and he decides whether they become law or not.
Basically, Russia remains an autocracy.
The Fundamental Laws made the Duma a talking shop.
Nicholas shut down 4 Duma’s between 1906-1917.
After 1906 used repression to implement autocracy - 537 are executed in 1909.
Industrialization – Moscow/st Petersburg
Relaxed censorship – unpopular
The Russian provisional government (feb-oct 1917)
Formed in February 1917 after Nicholas II abdicated.
Largely made of the liberal elite. Most members had previously sat on the Duma.
Their main aim was to set up a Constituent Assembly (Parliament).
Shared power uneasily with the Petrograd Soviet who were the de-facto rulers of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg).
The Okhrana were abolished in 1917.
There was no secret police force.
The Counter Espionage Bureau of the Petrograd Military District was set up to arrest people undermining the war effort.
1917 election – social revolutionaries win – Bolshevik ignore popular vote, rule on behalf
Elections for All-Russian Congress of Soviets (like a Parliament).
The leadership of the Congress are called the Central Executive Committee.
Elections for the Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom). This is like a large Council of Ministers. Lenin chaired the Sovnarkom.
In theory the Sovnarkom was answerable to the Executive Committee. In reality the same people were in charge of both organizations
1924 constitution
USSR formally created - Has 3 main parts of central executive committee
The Politburo = small, elite group that formulated policy.
The Orgburo = ran the Bolshevik Party
The Ogburo = ran the Cheka.
The Cheka is a key part of the Soviet structure of government
1936 Constitution: aim to make the USSR not so Russia focused.
The Supreme Soviet of the USSR was created- This elected the Sovnarkom.
The Soviet of Union ( like a Parliament). Elections held every four years. Aimed to have a fair representation of all ethnic groups. No power.
Soviet of Nationalities = each union Republic had 25 members. Each autonomous republic had 11. Each autonomous region had 5
2) Local government
Pre 1861
The mir were unofficial village councils run by village elders. This was the system of government that ran the peasant’s day to day life.
3rd march 1861 emancipated 23 million serfs
Summer 1873-4 over 40000 ‘going to the people’
Fail to revolutionaries/ gain interest in democracy
1st jan 1864 zemstvo set up as regional governments
1970 rural school boards – 23000 by 1880
Alex 111
Land Captains Law (April 12, 1889)
Answer to minister of the interior
Mirs banned
Nicholas 11
More zemvsto
By 43 provinces with functioning zemstvos.
By 1917, around 2,000 zemstvo assemblies existed across Russia.
More equal reperesentation - 1913, it was reported that about 60% of zemstvo delegates were landowners, while peasants made up approximately 30%, and urban residents constituted about 10%.
1914, zemstvos had established over 5,000 schools, providing education to approximately 1 million children,
Local government - Lenin
Councils (Soviets) replaced the Zemstva.
The Selsoviet was an elected rural council.
The Gorsoviet was an urban council.
The Possoviet was a district council within a city
Districts (Raions): Below krais and oblasts, districts served as local administrative units responsible for implementing policies at a more localized level.
Local Soviets (Sovety)
Centralized Decision-Making: Major decisions were made at higher levels of government, with local Soviets e
Soviet Union comprised 15 republics, 6 krais, and numerous oblasts and autonomous regions
3) Judicial system
Alex 11
20th nov 1865 – juridical reforms
500 new courts and trial by jury
Alex 111 JG
May 1884, Laws limit student freedoom to vote
Special courts known as “extraordinary courts” - operated outside the regular judicial framework and were empowered to try cases involving political crimes
Nicholas 11 - jg
1895, Prison Administration under Affairs to the Ministry of Justice – more humane
March 22, 1903, Nicholas approved a new Criminal Code
Classification based on crime severity.
Recognition of age-related insanity and necessary defense.
Restrictions on applying death penalties for individuals under 21 or over 70 years old.
Lenin judicial system stats
Council of People’s Commissaries was to abolish all existing general legal institutions, including district courts, courts of appeal, and military and naval courts.
Nov 8th 1917 – decree on state undermines all democracy
December 1917, local courts were established as part of the new judicial framework.
Elimination of Investigating Magistrates and Prosecutors (February 1918)
In February 1918, Lenin’s government abolished investigating magistrates and procurators (prosecutors) - now local jusges have more power
Stalin judicial changes
Lack of jusicial system – nkdv have power to kill
Official figures indicate that there were 777,975 judicial executions for political charges from 1929 to 1953
Very few exceutions go through a justice system